Ninjutsu Training

The classroom was buzzing with excitement as the students prepared for another session of ninjutsu training. Today's lesson, like many before, focused on mastering the Clone Jutsu, a technique that had given many of his classmates trouble. Haruto sat quietly at the back, watching as his peers fidgeted with anticipation. While the others struggled with the technique, it had become almost second nature to him.

Ever since his golden reward on his sixth birthday, ninjutsu had come easily. The system had sharpened his instincts, making jutsu like the Clone Jutsu feel intuitive. Yet, despite his progress, Haruto always made sure to hold back. He could easily create perfect clones with little effort, but he purposefully allowed them to appear slightly flawed, blending in with the rest of the students.

He had a good reason for keeping his true potential hidden. Haruto's knowledge of this world didn't just come from experience—it came from his memories of the Naruto anime. He knew exactly what kind of dangers lurked in the shadows of Konoha, especially for an orphan like him. One name in particular weighed heavily on his mind: Danzo Shimura.

Danzo and his secretive Root organization were always on the lookout for talented orphans, kids who could be shaped into loyal weapons for Konoha. Haruto knew that standing out too much could put him on Danzo's radar. And once you were in Root, there was no coming back. He wasn't about to become one of Danzo's emotionless tools.

Effort and Control

Rika-sensei's voice snapped Haruto back to the present. "The Clone Jutsu is essential for learning how to control your chakra. Mastering it will give you the foundation you need for more advanced techniques."

Haruto listened quietly, his mind already running through the technique. He had mastered the basics of chakra control far earlier than his classmates, thanks to the system. But he couldn't afford to show that mastery openly. His chakra reserves weren't vast, and unlike Naruto, he couldn't simply overwhelm his opponents with raw power. He needed precision, control, and, above all, caution.

When it was his turn to practice, Haruto formed the hand seals with ease, his chakra flowing smoothly as he created a single clone. It was stable and nearly perfect, but he allowed it to waver slightly—just enough to seem like he was still working on it. To anyone watching, it looked like solid progress, but nothing extraordinary.

He saw Rika-sensei's approving nod as she moved on. "Good job, Haruto. Keep refining it."

"Thank you, Sensei," he replied politely, his expression neutral. Internally, though, he was relieved that his performance hadn't drawn any suspicion. He had been careful to show just enough progress to avoid standing out.

The Clone Jutsu's Importance

The Academy placed heavy emphasis on the Clone Jutsu, and Haruto understood why. While it wasn't a powerful technique, it taught valuable lessons in chakra control. Being able to balance just the right amount of chakra was crucial for any shinobi, and the Clone Jutsu tested that balance in a way few other techniques could.

But for Haruto, the Clone Jutsu was more than just a test of skill—it was a reminder of why he needed to be careful. As an orphan, he knew he was more vulnerable than most. There were no family ties to protect him, no clan to watch his back. He was alone, and that made him a potential target for someone like Danzo.

In the anime, Danzo had always kept an eye on talented individuals, especially those without attachments. Haruto knew that if he showed too much potential, he could easily find himself recruited into Root, where shinobi were trained to be emotionless, loyal tools for the village's darker operations. It wasn't a life he wanted.

Staying Hidden

As Haruto continued practicing, he let his clone flicker and disappear after a few moments. Around him, his classmates were still struggling to form even one stable clone. Guy was giving it his all, his clone solid but imperfect, while Obito continued to have trouble maintaining his for more than a second.

Haruto knew he could outshine them, but he didn't. His decision to hold back was deliberate. He wasn't just avoiding attention from his classmates—he was avoiding the kind of attention that could change his life forever. He had seen firsthand, through the anime, how someone like Danzo operated. The Root organization existed in the shadows, far removed from the ideals of the village. Its members were trained to be ruthless, emotionless, and utterly loyal to Danzo's twisted vision of Konoha's future.

Haruto had no intention of ending up in that world.

A Strategic Choice

When the lesson ended, Haruto lingered for a moment, watching as his clone dissolved into smoke. He could feel the potential coursing through him, the strength he was capable of if he pushed himself. But for now, he would keep it hidden.

He had learned early on that sometimes survival meant staying in the shadows. Drawing too much attention, especially as an orphan, could lead to consequences far worse than being overlooked. He had seen how Danzo used people, how Root operated in the anime, and he knew that if he caught Danzo's eye, his freedom could be lost forever.

So, Haruto chose to blend in. He progressed steadily but never too fast, keeping his true potential under wraps. The day would come when he would need to reveal his abilities, but that day wasn't today. Until then, he would continue to play the part of the average student, while secretly preparing for the challenges he knew were on the horizon.

As Haruto left the training area, he couldn't help but feel a quiet sense of satisfaction. He had chosen his path, and for now, it was the right one. Danzo wouldn't notice him. Not yet.

For now, he would remain hidden. And when the time came to rise, he would do so on his own terms, not as someone else's pawn.