The Last Day of the First Year

Chapter 43: The Last Day of the First Year

The classroom buzzed with excitement and nervous energy as the students waited for their teacher to finish the final lesson of the year. The Academy's first year had come to an end, and though most of the students were eager for the break, a few, including Haruto, remained focused, absorbing every last bit of information. For Haruto, this wasn't just about completing a year—it was about progress.

Haruto sat in his usual spot, quietly observing the room. His gaze flickered to the front where their teacher, Rika-sensei, was delivering the final lecture, one last lesson on the Will of Fire before the class would break for the month. It was the same rhetoric they'd heard many times—about how the village was built on the sacrifices of those who came before, about how their generation was expected to carry on the legacy of Konoha.

But Haruto's thoughts were elsewhere. His mind raced through everything he'd focused on during the year—the training, the strategy, and the adjustments he'd made to refine his skills. The year had flown by, but Haruto had used every moment to hone himself, and he could feel the progress.

Incorporating Shuriken Throwing

After the sparring session with Kakashi, Haruto had made a conscious decision to incorporate shuriken throwing into his daily routine. At first, it had been just a matter of improving his accuracy, but soon, he'd started to see solid gains. With his system's enhancements helping him refine his coordination, his accuracy had improved drastically. His throws were more controlled, his aim sharper.

Haruto wasn't arrogant, but he was confident. If he wasn't holding back, he had no doubt he'd be near the top of the class in shuriken throwing, if not at the very top. Still, it was a delicate balance—he didn't want to draw too much attention to himself, and his strategic mind reminded him that staying slightly under the radar was the smartest move for now.

Taijutsu and Tier 2 Stamina

Haruto's taijutsu had also improved considerably. His body, already honed from his previous life's martial arts training, had adapted even more thanks to his Tier 2 stamina. His endurance was remarkable, and he found himself able to push further in combat without needing long breaks. While his classmates would need rest after intense sessions, Haruto felt like he could keep going indefinitely.

But the increased stamina came at a cost. Food. Haruto found himself needing more of it, and though he had been frugal with his savings from his parents' inheritance, he could see that those funds were starting to dwindle faster than he'd expected. Fishing had helped supplement his diet, but even that wouldn't be enough as his training intensified. He would need to consider hunting, something he hadn't done yet but was already thinking about as a potential solution. It wasn't just about training now—it was about sustenance.

Ninjutsu Mastery

If there was one area where Haruto was genuinely proud, it was his ninjutsu. His progress had been amazing. A few months ago, Haruto had successfully mastered water walking, something that was typically difficult for students at their level. It had taken focus and control, but with his enhanced abilities, Haruto had made the exercise feel natural.

The Clone Jutsu, which many of his classmates still struggled with, had long since been mastered. Haruto could produce solid clones with ease, and he had begun experimenting with ways to use them tactically in sparring and combat situations. His progress with the Substitution Jutsu was equally impressive—he could now substitute almost instinctively, swapping places with objects in his environment before his opponents could even blink.

Haruto couldn't help but feel a quiet pride in how far he had come, but he was careful not to show it. While others in the class celebrated their small victories, Haruto kept his focus. He knew there was always more to learn, more to master.

Kakashi's Graduation

Rika-sensei continued to speak, but the students weren't just focused on the lesson. The big news that day had spread like wildfire throughout the Academy: Kakashi Hatake had applied for early graduation and had been accepted. After only one year in the Academy, Kakashi had taken the top spot and was moving on to bigger things.

It wasn't surprising, at least not to Haruto. Kakashi had been a prodigy from day one, far outpacing anyone else in their year. But while others idolized him or envied his skill, Haruto saw Kakashi's departure as something else—a reminder. There were students who were naturally gifted, and then there were those who had to build their abilities piece by piece. Haruto knew which category he fell into, and he wasn't discouraged by it.

Instead, Kakashi's early graduation only strengthened Haruto's resolve. He would continue to train, continue to push his limits. He didn't need to be a prodigy. He just needed to be prepared.

The Final Lesson: The Will of Fire

Rika-sensei's voice pulled Haruto from his thoughts. "As we finish this year," she said, "remember that when you return for your second year, you will be tested. Your skills, your discipline, and your understanding of the Will of Fire will be evaluated."

There it was again—the Will of Fire. The Academy had spent a lot of time ingraining that philosophy into the students. Haruto understood its importance in the village's culture, but he wasn't fully convinced. While it was effective in creating a sense of unity, Haruto had always viewed it as a bit too idealistic. He knew the reality of the shinobi world wasn't so simple.

Still, Haruto kept his thoughts to himself as the rest of the class listened attentively to Rika-sensei's final speech. The students were eager for the break, but Haruto could see a few who shared his mindset—those who knew the month off wasn't just for relaxation. It was time to train harder, to prepare for what came next.

Looking Ahead

As the final bell rang and the students began filing out of the classroom, Haruto lingered for a moment, watching the others leave. He had made great progress this year—better than he had expected—but there was still so much more to do. His mind shifted from the immediate concerns of food and savings to the more significant goals he had set for himself.

The next year would bring new challenges. And while Kakashi's departure would leave a gap at the top, Haruto knew that the real challenge wasn't about beating others—it was about mastering himself.

He glanced down at his hands, feeling the weight of the shuriken in his pocket and the quiet strength in his body. He had come far, but this was only the beginning. When they returned from the break, the real tests would begin.

And Haruto would be ready.