A New Training Partner

A New Training Partner

It was early Monday morning, and Haruto was already out, heading toward the training grounds for his usual pre-academy workout. The sun was barely peeking over the horizon, casting long shadows across the quiet village streets. The village was still waking up, and Haruto enjoyed this peaceful time. His body felt the strain of the weighted seal he had activated, set to three times resistance, making every step heavier, every movement a deliberate push against gravity. This extra resistance had become a crucial part of his training, constantly pushing his limits.

Today, he was ready for an intense workout—one that would challenge his endurance, strength, and focus before the academy day began.

As Haruto rounded a corner, passing by the area reserved for future and current ninjas living in Konoha's orphan quarters, he spotted a familiar face standing near a shop, adjusting his ninja gear.

Daichi Uzumaki, the new transfer student, was getting ready for what looked like a training session of his own. Haruto hadn't spoken much to Daichi since his arrival at the academy. The Uzumaki boy, much like Haruto, mostly kept to himself, though Haruto had noticed his impressive chakra reserves in class. Despite his naturally strong chakra, Daichi struggled with chakra control—a common trait among those with high reserves.

As Haruto walked by, Daichi noticed him and jogged over with a casual wave.

"Haruto, right?" Daichi called out, his voice breaking the morning silence. "Where are you heading this early?"

Haruto stopped, turning to face the Uzumaki boy. "Training," he answered simply.

Daichi looked him over, curiosity in his eyes. "Training? Like, real training before academy hours?"

Haruto gave a slight nod. "Yeah, I do it every morning before class."

Daichi hesitated for a second, then asked, "Mind if I join you? I've been trying to push myself lately, and… well, training alone isn't as fun."

Haruto thought about it for a moment. He hadn't really trained with anyone else outside of the academy, and for the most part, he preferred working alone. Training with someone else could slow him down, or worse, expose more of his abilities than he wanted. But Daichi wasn't a bad guy, and since Haruto had decided to stop holding back so much, maybe a training partner wouldn't be the worst idea.

After weighing the pros and cons, Haruto shrugged. "Sure. Just keep up."

Daichi's face lit up with excitement. "Thanks, man! Let's do this."

The training grounds were still empty when Haruto and Daichi arrived. The quiet air was soon filled with the sound of their footsteps as they both started their routines. Haruto moved with precise, focused movements, working through his body-weight exercises—push-ups, squats, and endurance drills—all while under the strain of his weighted seal.

Daichi followed suit, trying his best to keep pace, but it was clear early on that Haruto had a different level of conditioning. The Uzumaki boy was strong—naturally strong, thanks to his clan's robust chakra—but his endurance and control didn't match Haruto's. Still, Daichi was competitive in a good way, pushing himself harder as the session continued.

Haruto noticed the difference almost immediately. Having a training partner added a new dynamic to his workout. Every time he completed a set, Daichi would try to match or exceed him, even when it was clear the strain was getting to him. It pushed Haruto, too—there was something about having someone next to him, pushing for the same goal, that made him push harder as well.

But there was no question that without the weight seal, Haruto would have been leagues ahead of Daichi. The seal was leveling the playing field for now, giving Haruto an extra challenge while allowing Daichi to keep up.

After a grueling series of exercises, they both paused for a moment, catching their breath. Daichi, covered in sweat but grinning, looked over at Haruto. "Man, you're tough. I can't believe you do this every morning."

Haruto smirked, wiping his brow. "It gets easier after a while."

"Maybe for you," Daichi muttered, shaking his head. "But thanks for letting me join. I think I needed this."

Haruto gave a nod of acknowledgment. It was nice to have someone pushing him, too.

After the physical training, they moved on to ninjutsu practice. This was where the difference in their abilities became more apparent. Daichi's chakra reserves were undeniably vast, a clear Uzumaki trait, but his control was lacking. Haruto watched as Daichi struggled to maintain precision with even basic techniques, his chakra fluctuating wildly.

"You're using too much chakra," Haruto pointed out after Daichi's clone dissipated in a puff of smoke. "You're forcing it, instead of letting it flow."

Daichi frowned. "I know, but it's hard. My chakra just kind of… explodes. How am I supposed to control that?"

Haruto thought for a moment. "You ever try the leaf exercise?"

"The what?" Daichi asked, clearly unfamiliar.

Haruto knelt down, picking a small leaf off a nearby tree. "You place a leaf on your forehead, and you try to hold it in place using only your chakra. It's all about fine control. Start small, then build up."

Daichi looked skeptical. "And that'll help me control these chakra reserves?"

Haruto raised an eyebrow. "Can you hold a leaf for an hour? Two?"

Daichi scratched the back of his head. "Uh… no."

"Then start there. It's harder than it sounds," Haruto said, handing him the leaf.

Daichi hesitated, but he placed the leaf on his forehead and focused, trying to balance the right amount of chakra to keep it in place. Within a few moments, the leaf fluttered to the ground, and Daichi grunted in frustration.

"See?" Haruto said. "It's all about control. Keep practicing that, and your ninjutsu will improve."

Daichi nodded, clearly determined to master the exercise, even if it would take time. "I'm definitely doing this. Thanks, Haruto."

By the end of the training session, both boys were drenched in sweat but feeling accomplished. Haruto felt something new—the benefit of having a training partner. Daichi's competitive spirit pushed him to go harder, and even though Haruto still held back a bit, the experience was rewarding. It was a good reminder that while training alone had its advantages, there was something to be said for having someone alongside you, sharing the effort.

As they headed back toward the academy, Daichi turned to Haruto, grinning. "So, same time tomorrow?"

Haruto gave him a small smile. "Yeah, same time."

Daichi laughed, clapping him on the shoulder. "Awesome. I'll work on that leaf exercise, too."

As they approached the academy gates, Haruto felt something shift. Maybe having a training partner wasn't such a bad idea after all.