The Foundation of Medical Ninjutsu

Haruto's days at the hospital had become routine, yet he never treated them as monotonous. Every task, no matter how minor or tedious, was an opportunity to learn. Whether it was organizing medical supplies or cleaning equipment, Haruto approached each assignment with quiet diligence. But it wasn't just about the work—it was about observing. He absorbed everything, from how the nurses used chakra to soothe patients, to the intricate techniques the doctors employed during surgeries.

Despite the grunt work, Haruto had gained a foundational understanding of medical ninjutsu. He could now perform the Basic Healing Jutsu (Shōsen Jutsu) with decent proficiency, closing small wounds and stopping minor bleeding. While far from mastering it, he found satisfaction in seeing tangible results from his training. Yet, Haruto knew that healing scratches and bruises was only the beginning.

There was one medical jutsu that captivated him more than any other: Chakra Scalpel (Chakra no Mesu).

From the first time he had witnessed a doctor use the chakra scalpel during a procedure, Haruto had been fascinated. Unlike the other medical ninjutsu, which focused on external healing, the chakra scalpel required precision, control, and an intense focus on chakra manipulation. It wasn't just about patching someone up—it was about precision at a deeper level. A few wrong moves with the scalpel could cause irreparable damage.

For weeks, Haruto had practiced summoning the chakra scalpel in the few moments he had between his hospital duties and personal training. At first, the blade of chakra was faint and weak, barely enough to cut through cloth. But over time, he had refined the technique, managing to focus his chakra into a sharp, precise blade that could cut through solid objects like paper or small branches.

It was difficult—far more difficult than the healing jutsu. But Haruto loved it. The control required, the intensity of focus—it was like nothing else he had experienced. In many ways, it reminded him of the discipline he had honed in his martial arts training from his past life.

But Haruto wasn't just learning the scalpel for medical purposes. He had bigger plans for it.

Late one evening, after finishing a long shift at the hospital, Haruto returned to his apartment. His body ached from the day's training, but his mind was alive with new ideas. He stood in front of the small, shabby mirror in his room, the reflection of his parents' photograph just visible at the corner of the frame. He flexed his hands, focusing chakra into them as he visualized the chakra scalpel forming along his fingertips.

A soft glow appeared, faint but visible. It wasn't much yet, but it was progress. He clenched his fists, dispersing the chakra, and allowed himself a small smile.

Incorporating the chakra scalpel into his taijutsu—that was the plan. He had thought about it many times during his training. The idea of using the scalpel not just to heal, but to strike—to cut through muscle, tendons, and even bones in a precise and controlled way—excited him. It was a technique that could turn the tide in hand-to-hand combat, allowing him to disable an opponent with a single touch.

But that was still a long way off. For now, he needed to perfect the technique itself.

At the hospital, Shizune had begun to take note of Haruto's growing interest in medical ninjutsu. Though he was still doing menial tasks, she could tell that his eyes were always watching, always learning. He was no longer just a boy doing grunt work—he was a student absorbing knowledge like a sponge.

One afternoon, as Shizune passed by one of the supply rooms, she saw Haruto practicing his chakra control, quietly working on summoning the scalpel. He wasn't using it for anything significant, just forming the chakra and focusing on maintaining its shape. She paused for a moment, watching him through the open door.

The boy had potential—more than she had initially thought.

Back in his apartment that night, Haruto opened a scroll he had borrowed from the library earlier that week. It detailed the diagnostic jutsu used by medical ninjas to scan for internal injuries. It was a simple technique, but one that required a deep understanding of chakra flow and an ability to sense irregularities within the body.

Haruto ran his fingers over the diagrams in the scroll, committing the process to memory. He had begun experimenting with it in the hospital, using the jutsu to scan patients for minor injuries under the supervision of the medical staff. His results had been mixed—sometimes he could sense disruptions in chakra flow, and other times it felt like he was just guessing. Still, it was progress.

He put the scroll down and sighed. Fūinjutsu had been his focus for months, but now that he had become more comfortable with the basics of medical ninjutsu, his mind was racing with possibilities. Could he combine fūinjutsu with medical techniques? Perhaps create seals that would allow him to store healing chakra for later use, or seals that could regulate chakra flow in critical moments?

The ideas were endless, but Haruto knew he needed more information, more knowledge, more time. His Tier 2 Cognitive Ability was a massive advantage, allowing him to retain information with clarity and detail, but even with that, he was limited by the resources available to him at the academy and hospital.

As Haruto lay in bed, his mind still buzzing with possibilities, he thought about the chakra scalpel again. If he could refine it—if he could control it well enough to use it in combat—it would be a game-changer. He could use it in ways that no one else in his class could even imagine.

His eyes narrowed in the dim light of his room as he stared at the ceiling.

He still had so much to learn, but the path was clear. Fūinjutsu and medical ninjutsu would become his weapons. He would master them both and create something truly unique. Something powerful.

And as he drifted off to sleep, Haruto couldn't help but smile.

One step at a time.