Hunting with Percision

The morning air was crisp as Haruto crouched low in the dense undergrowth of the Forest of Death. The sun had barely risen, casting a pale glow through the towering trees, and the forest was alive with the sounds of creatures waking. Haruto remained motionless, his eyes fixed on a small doe grazing just a few meters ahead. His target.

But today wasn't just about hunting for food. Haruto had a specific goal in mind—testing the precision of his Chakra Scalpel on more than just animals. He wanted to see if he could use it to skin and butcher the deer with the same level of control that medical ninjutsu demanded. Hunting had always been practical for him, a way to supplement his food supply and improve his stealth, but now it served as a training ground for his expanding skillset.

The doe, unaware of his presence, nibbled at the grass, completely at ease. Haruto's hand hovered near his side, already glowing faintly with chakra. He had activated the Chakra Scalpel, his fingers sharpened by the precise, glowing edge of chakra designed to slice through flesh and tendons. In his practice, he had learned to control the scalpel's reach and intensity, but today would test his control on a larger scale.

The goal was simple: a single strike to the neck, a clean kill with minimal suffering. He had practiced for this moment—moving silently, honing his focus, and waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike.

With one swift, silent motion, Haruto surged forward, closing the distance between him and the doe in a heartbeat. His chakra-infused hand struck the doe's neck with the precision of a surgeon. The blade of chakra sliced cleanly through the vital arteries, severing them instantly. The doe collapsed, lifeless, the soft thud of its body hitting the forest floor the only sound that broke the silence.

Haruto stood over the fallen animal, deactivating the scalpel with a deep breath. The strike had been perfect—clean, precise, and merciful. He knelt beside the doe, placing a hand on its side for a moment of quiet respect before he began his next task.

But this wasn't the end. It was time to test the Chakra Scalpel on a new level—to skin and butcher the deer with the same tool he had used to kill it.

Haruto summoned the scalpel again, the faint glow of chakra enveloping his hand. He took his time, carefully adjusting the intensity of the scalpel so that it wouldn't cut too deeply. The Chakra Scalpel, typically used in medical procedures for delicate incisions, was perfect for this task if handled correctly. It was sharp enough to slice through the skin and muscle without damaging the meat, and Haruto was determined to use it to its fullest potential.

He made the first incision along the doe's belly, his hand steady as the chakra-infused blade cut through the hide. The scalpel worked flawlessly, the skin peeling away cleanly from the underlying muscle. Haruto worked methodically, removing the hide in long, fluid motions, his chakra control keeping the blade sharp but precise.

The entire process was almost meditative. As he skinned the doe, Haruto focused on controlling his chakra flow, adjusting it with each movement to ensure the cuts were clean and exact. There was no waste, no slip of the hand—just a steady rhythm of precision as he moved from one part of the deer to the next.

Once the skin had been fully removed, Haruto began to butcher the deer. He worked quickly but carefully, using the Chakra Scalpel to make precise cuts through muscle and bone. The blade of chakra allowed him to slice cleanly through joints, separating the limbs with ease. Haruto could feel the weight of the task lightening as he progressed, his movements growing more confident with each successful cut.

The scalpel wasn't just a tool for surgery; it was becoming an extension of his abilities. The more he used it, the more control he gained over its power. He could adjust its sharpness, its reach, and its intensity, depending on what he needed at any given moment. It wasn't just about cutting—it was about mastering the technique in a way that made it adaptable to any situation.

Within an hour, the deer had been fully skinned and butchered, the meat neatly packed into cloth bags that Haruto had brought with him. He surveyed his work, feeling a sense of quiet accomplishment. The Chakra Scalpel had proven to be more than just a medical tool—it was a versatile weapon, one that could be used in both combat and survival.

As Haruto slung the bags over his shoulder, he began the walk back toward the village. The Forest of Death was quiet again, the morning light filtering through the trees as he made his way out. The hunt had served its purpose, providing him not only with food but with valuable practice. His skill with the Chakra Scalpel was growing, and he could see how it could be incorporated into his broader combat strategy.

He thought about how he could refine the technique further, perhaps even using it in taijutsu battles to disable opponents without killing them. The precision of the scalpel allowed him to target vital points, muscles, and tendons in a way that few other jutsu could. With enough practice, Haruto was certain he could turn it into a key component of his fighting style.

As the village gates came into view, Haruto smiled to himself. The training, the hunts, the long hours of practice—it was all paying off. He was getting stronger, more skilled, and more in control of his abilities. There was still much to learn, but for now, he was satisfied with his progress.

Tomorrow, there would be more training, more challenges. But today, Haruto had proven to himself that the path he was on was the right one.