
The journey back to Konoha was long but steady. Haruto, Daichi, and Shisui kept pace behind their Jonin leader, Sakumo, as they crossed the familiar gates of the village. The weight of the recent missions still clung to them—three separate bandit groups, all neutralized in isolated operations over the last few days. Exhaustion pulled at Haruto's limbs, but the knowledge of returning home gave him a sense of relief.

As they entered Konoha, the bustling streets and familiar faces greeted them, none aware of the dangers the team had just faced on the outskirts of the Land of Fire. Sakumo led them toward the mission office, a building situated near the Hokage's tower, where shinobi reported in after completing missions and finalized any remaining tasks.

Inside, the office buzzed with activity. Shinobi of all ranks moved about, checking assignments, submitting mission reports, and discussing future tasks. Haruto followed Sakumo to the counter, where a Chunin clerk stood ready, clipboard in hand.

"Jonin Sakumo Hatake," the Chunin greeted with a nod. "Reporting in?"

Sakumo handed over the mission scrolls. "Three C-rank missions. Bandit extermination. All targets neutralized. No casualties."

The Chunin flipped through the scrolls, nodding as he logged the details. Haruto, standing beside Daichi and Shisui, could feel the weight of the past few days settling in. The missions had been intense, but they had come out on top, and now it was time to deal with the rewards.

"And the recovered assets?" the Chunin asked, flipping to a fresh page in his ledger.

Sakumo gestured for Haruto, Daichi, and Shisui to place the valuables they had collected during the missions on the counter. The team pulled out the stolen goods—jewelry, money, and other items the bandits had taken in their raids. Haruto watched as the Chunin carefully inspected the items, noting each one with meticulous detail.

"The village will calculate the total value of the assets," Sakumo said, noticing Haruto's curiosity. "Once they're done, they'll tell us what the team's share will be."

Haruto nodded, absorbing the information. This was his first time seeing the process in action.

The Chunin finished his calculations and turned back to Sakumo. "The total value of the recovered assets is 6,000 ryō."

Haruto exchanged a glance with Daichi. The amount seemed substantial for what they had gone through, though they had worked hard for it.

"As per standard procedure, 50% of the recovered assets—3,000 ryō—will go to the village treasury," the Chunin continued. "The remaining 3,000 ryō will be distributed to your team."

Sakumo nodded and then turned to the three Genin. "Of the remaining 3,000 ryō, I will take 40%, and the three of you will split the remaining 60% equally."

Haruto did the math quickly in his head. That meant Sakumo would receive 1,200 ryō, while Haruto, Daichi, and Shisui would each get 600 ryō.

The Chunin handed over the final ledger with the breakdown. Haruto felt a quiet sense of satisfaction as he pocketed his share. It wasn't just about the money—though the ryō would be useful—it was about completing the mission and knowing they had made a difference.

"Next, let's handle the mission payout," the Chunin said, moving on to the final stage of their report. "For each of the three C-rank missions, your team earns 2,000 ryō. That totals 6,000 ryō in mission rewards."

Sakumo signed the necessary documents and handed over the mission earnings. "This will be divided the same way," he explained, holding up the pouch of ryō. "I will take 40%—which is 2,400 ryō—and the remaining 3,600 ryō will be split between the three of you. That's another 1,200 ryō each."

Haruto couldn't help but feel the weight of the pouch in his hand. It wasn't an enormous sum, but it was more than enough for someone his age. Between the mission rewards and the recovered assets, each of them had earned a significant amount.

As they left the mission office, Sakumo turned to his team, his calm demeanor returning. "Remember, the rewards are secondary. The mission always comes first. What matters is that we protected people, took out the threat, and came back alive. The ryō is a bonus."

Haruto nodded, knowing Sakumo's words were true. The life of a shinobi wasn't about wealth; it was about responsibility, duty, and protecting the village. Still, there was a small sense of pride knowing they had succeeded.

Haruto's New Responsibilities

As the team made their way through the streets of Konoha, Haruto felt the weight of reality settling in. He was no longer an orphan entirely dependent on village subsidies. The small stipend the village provided to orphans had been helpful, but now that he had completed his first mission, that support was over. From now on, he would be responsible for his own expenses.

He had known this day was coming, but now that it was here, the reality hit him harder than expected.

He ran through the numbers in his head. The cost of living for a shinobi wasn't cheap, but Haruto had one significant advantage: he hunted most of his own food. That alone would save him a fortune compared to others who relied on buying meals from vendors.

Food: Since Haruto hunted his own meat, his food expenses were minimal. With fresh meat stocked up regularly, his main costs came from rice, vegetables, and basic supplies, which might cost him 5 ryō per day—significantly less than most other shinobi.

Clothing and Gear: His old clothes from the orphanage were already too tight, but he had invested in new shinobi attire recently. Still, keeping his equipment in top condition would require steady restocking. A fresh set of kunai, shuriken, and essential tools could run him up to 200 ryō every few months, while sandals and other gear would cost around 50 to 100 ryō.

Housing: For now, he still had his dormitory spot connected to the orphanage. But that wouldn't last forever. Sooner or later, he'd need his own apartment. He had heard that rent for a small place could cost anywhere from 100 ryō to 500 ryō a month, depending on the location.

Training Supplies: Medical training was an ongoing cost for him. Herbs and basic medical tools for practice weren't cheap, and while he could gather some supplies in the wild, others needed to be bought. These would likely cost him another 50 to 100 ryō a month.

Haruto stared at the pouch of ryō in his hand. The earnings from today's mission felt like a lot right now, but he realized that the expenses would add up quickly. His savings wouldn't last forever if he didn't continue working hard, taking on more missions, and being wise with his money.

Still, he felt a sense of pride. This was the life he had chosen—a life where he would be responsible for himself, where he had earned everything he had. And, in some small way, that made him feel stronger.