Haruto stared at Hisato, fully aware that this training would test him like nothing else before. His body was still slightly tense from dodging the shuriken, but mentally, he steeled himself for whatever this grizzled old man had in store for him. Hisato's piercing gaze, mixed with that cruel smile, only fueled Haruto's determination. He had been through difficult training before, but something about the atmosphere told him this was going to be on a completely different level.

Hisato took a step back, his peg leg making a distinct clack on the training ground. "You think you've got what it takes to learn my genjutsu?" His voice was rough, sharp. "Before you even think about using it, you need to understand how to keep it up when your body's giving out. A real ninja doesn't let concentration falter under pressure."

Haruto raised an eyebrow. He hadn't even been taught the genjutsu yet—how was he supposed to maintain it? But he didn't question Hisato out loud. There was something deliberate about this process, and he knew the old man was testing him.

"Your first lesson," Hisato said gruffly, "isn't about casting genjutsu. It's about controlling your chakra and your mind under extreme duress. If you can't do that, you have no business learning the real thing."

With that, the training began. Hisato immediately launched into a brutal series of physical drills. Haruto was forced to run laps around the training ground, jump over hurdles, and dodge incoming projectiles. The exertion hit Haruto hard, the strain settling deep into his muscles as he pushed himself through each exercise.

Even though Hisato hadn't taught him the genjutsu yet, he was still expected to simulate the focus required for it. Haruto's two-mind ability gave him an advantage, allowing one part of his mind to focus on staying aware of his surroundings while the other handled the physical strain. But the constant barrage of obstacles left little room for rest.

Hisato threw shuriken without warning, forcing Haruto to dodge while maintaining mental clarity. "Focus!" Hisato barked, his voice like a whip. "You can't just survive. You have to maintain your control."

Haruto grit his teeth, pushing harder. His stamina allowed him to keep going, but the relentless pace made it difficult to stay sharp. He was used to intense training, but this was something else. Hisato's goal wasn't just to tire him out—it was to force him to maintain his focus even when his body was screaming for rest.

Hours passed, and Haruto's muscles began to ache. Despite his tier 2 stamina, the mental strain was starting to catch up with him. His thoughts felt sluggish, and his reactions slowed.

But Hisato didn't let up. The old man seemed to realize that Haruto could recover quickly, so he stopped giving him time to rest altogether. The drills became harsher, faster, more demanding. Hisato's goal was clear: to push the genin to his absolute limits, testing how far Haruto's impressive resilience could go.

Despite the relentless pace, Haruto's Tier 2 cognitive upgrade helped him recover from mental strain faster than usual. Hisato noticed this but didn't say anything. Instead, he pushed Haruto harder, creating an endless loop of exhaustion followed by rapid recovery. The kid was impressive, Hisato had to admit, but he wasn't about to tell him that. Not yet.

Haruto's two minds worked in tandem, and while most would have faltered long ago, his advantage allowed him to keep pace. But with no rest, even his enhanced cognition was starting to feel the pressure. Hisato watched, his one good eye sharp, waiting for the cracks to appear. This first week, he was going to push Haruto to the absolute brink.

The training ground became a battleground of mental endurance. Haruto was forced to run, dodge, and react while maintaining his focus, all while Hisato intermittently threw in genjutsu attacks. Each time, Haruto's two minds worked together to break the illusion, but the effort was exhausting.

As the sun began to set, Haruto's body ached from the relentless pace. His muscles felt like they were on fire, and his mind was foggy from the constant strain. But he hadn't broken. Not yet.

Hisato watched him closely, his expression unreadable. "Well, you didn't fold," the old man finally said, a hint of approval in his voice. "But that's just day one. Tomorrow, we'll see how long you can last."

Haruto nodded, too tired to respond with words. If it wasn't for his tier 2 stamina, he wasn't sure how he would feel. The training had been brutal, and it was only going to get worse. But despite the pain, he knew this was necessary. Hisato wasn't just trying to teach him a jutsu—he was trying to break him down and rebuild him into someone who could wield it properly.

As Haruto made his way home, his body aching with every step, he couldn't help but feel a sense of determination. The training had been hell, but it was the kind of challenge he needed to grow stronger. Hisato's methods were harsh, but they were effective.

Tomorrow would be another test, and Haruto was ready.