The forest stood still as if holding its breath. Kento and Aiko, two seasoned Jonin of the Hidden Sand, faced off against the White Fang of Konoha. They had entered this battle confidently, believing they could stall him long enough for the rest of their team to complete their mission. But now, as the fight unfolded, that confidence began to slip.

Sakumo Hatake stood before them, his white hair glowing in the sunlight as his chakra-infused tanto crackled with lightning. His movements had been so fast, so precise, that it left no room for doubt: they were in the presence of a legend.

Kento and Aiko exchanged a glance, their previous calm faltering slightly. This wasn't going according to plan.

"I'll keep him busy," Kento said, his voice low but determined. "You keep supporting from a distance."

Aiko nodded and formed hand signs quickly. "Water Release: Raging Waves!" she shouted, her jutsu sending a torrent of water crashing toward Sakumo. The wave churned the ground beneath it, ripping through trees as it surged forward with destructive force.

But Sakumo moved with blinding speed. His body flickered as he disappeared from sight, reappearing on a higher branch to avoid the water's reach. His eyes were locked on Kento, who had already moved into position, his hands glowing with earth chakra as he raised his weapon, now infused with wind. "Wind Release: Gale Blade!" Kento shouted, swinging his blade toward Sakumo in a wide arc.

The wind-enhanced blade shot through the air, cutting cleanly through the branches and debris in its path. But again, Sakumo was gone before the attack could land, his body flickering like a ghost. He reappeared on the ground behind Kento, his tanto gleaming as he struck with deadly precision.

Kento barely managed to block the strike, his rock-forged blade absorbing the impact of Sakumo's lightning-infused tanto. Sparks flew from the collision, but Kento gritted his teeth and pushed back, his wind chakra surging to strengthen his defense.

"He's faster than we thought!" Aiko shouted from a distance as she weaved more hand signs. "Water Release: Water Prison Jutsu!"

The water around her surged upward, forming a massive, swirling vortex aimed directly at Sakumo. The liquid tendrils snaked toward him, closing in from all sides, seeking to trap him in a watery prison.

But Sakumo didn't flinch. His body flickered once more, and with a burst of Lightning Release, he shattered the watery tendrils, the electricity dispersing the water as he moved. His movements were too fast, too precise for Aiko's technique to catch him. He darted between Kento and Aiko, forcing them to adjust their strategy as they struggled to keep up with his relentless speed.

Kento's heart pounded in his chest as he swung his weapon in a desperate arc. "Earth Release: Stone Wall Barrier!" he shouted, raising another wall of stone to shield himself from Sakumo's onslaught. But the White Fang's tanto cleaved through it effortlessly, reducing the barrier to rubble in an instant.

Aiko continued to support her husband from the distance, but her movements were becoming more frantic. She had never encountered an opponent who could move so quickly, who could avoid their combined attacks so easily. No matter what they threw at him, Sakumo was always one step ahead.

The realization slowly crept in—this wasn't just about stalling anymore. They were fighting for their lives.

Kento grunted as Sakumo's blade grazed his side, cutting through his vest and drawing blood. He stumbled backward, breathing heavily. "This isn't working," he muttered under his breath, frustration and fear beginning to settle in. "We're not delaying him. He's going to kill us."

Aiko's eyes flickered with uncertainty as she saw the struggle written on Kento's face. She had been holding back a bit, hoping they could stall long enough, but now, she understood the truth: Sakumo wasn't just delaying them; he was systematically wearing them down.

Kento felt the weight of it all—how Sakumo's every movement, every strike, was perfectly calculated to drain them of their strength. The White Fang was relentless, and deep down, Kento knew that their lives were ticking down.

His thoughts were interrupted as Sakumo struck again. Kento swung his wind-infused blade to parry, but the force of Sakumo's strike was overwhelming. His tanto hummed with Lightning Release, the crackling energy enhancing his every move. Kento barely managed to deflect the blow, but the impact sent him staggering backward, his legs wobbling from exhaustion and the deep cuts Sakumo had already inflicted.

"Sakumo Hatake," Kento gasped, wiping blood from his mouth. "You… truly are… the White Fang of Konoha."

Sakumo didn't respond, his eyes cold and focused as he stepped forward, his chakra-infused tanto glowing brighter, the deadly electricity crackling around the blade.

Kento knew what was coming next.

"Aiko!" Kento shouted, his voice urgent. "You need to go. Complete the mission. Leave me here… I'll buy you the time."

Aiko hesitated, her heart torn between duty and loyalty. She glanced at her husband, seeing the blood staining his clothes, the exhaustion in his eyes. He was giving up his life to buy her a chance.

"Don't waste time!" Kento urged, his voice desperate. "You have two minutes. Go!"

Aiko's throat tightened as she turned her gaze toward the direction of the caravan. The mission was everything, and she knew Kento was right. With a final, pained look at her husband, Aiko nodded and sprinted into the trees, disappearing into the dense foliage.

Sakumo's eyes followed her briefly, but Kento's battered form stood in his path. Kento's body trembled as he raised his weapon one last time, the wind-infused blade flickering with chakra. He knew this was the end, but he would do everything in his power to give Aiko those precious two minutes.

"I won't let you pass," Kento rasped, his voice steady but filled with the weight of inevitability. His blood dripped onto the forest floor, staining the ground beneath him. He was losing strength rapidly, but he refused to let it show.

Sakumo stepped forward, his expression unchanging. "You already know this is over," he said, his voice calm and almost sympathetic.

Kento took a deep breath, gripping his blade tightly. "Maybe it is," he admitted, his voice hoarse. "But I'll make sure she gets away."

With a final surge of strength, Kento charged at Sakumo, his wind-enhanced blade glowing with every last ounce of chakra he could muster. "Wind Release: Vacuum Slash!" he roared, sending a wave of razor-sharp wind blades toward Sakumo.

Sakumo moved faster than Kento could comprehend. His body flickered as he activated Lightning Release: Flicker Step, moving with such speed that it seemed like he disappeared completely. The wind blades tore through the space where Sakumo had been, cutting through trees and sending debris flying in all directions.

Before Kento could react, Sakumo reappeared behind him, his tanto crackling with lightning chakra. In one swift, lethal motion, Sakumo's blade slashed across Kento's back, cutting deep and ending the fight.

Kento gasped, his body convulsing as blood poured from the wound. His vision blurred, and his legs buckled beneath him. He fell forward, collapsing to the ground as the strength left his body.

The forest grew quiet once more as Kento lay there, his breaths coming in shallow, ragged gasps. He managed a weak smile, his mind drifting to Aiko. "I… gave her time," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "That's all… that matters."

With that, Kento Akasuna, Jonin of the Hidden Sand, took his final breath.

Sakumo stood over Kento's lifeless body for a moment, his expression somber. He respected the man's resolve, but the mission wasn't over. His genin team was still in danger, and Aiko was still on the run.

Without hesitation, Sakumo sheathed his tanto and sprinted after Aiko, his body flickering through the trees as he activated Lightning Release: Swift Step. He moved with blinding speed, the wind whipping past him as he pursued her through the dense forest.

Kento had bought her one minute, but it wouldn't be enough.

Sakumo was coming.