
For over a moment, Violet unleashed a string of curses that would've made any sailor proud. Nancy had once teased her about her foul mouth, warning it would land her in trouble one day. 

But really, what did she expect, raising her in a place like the ghetto? However, the situation right now deserved every bit of curses she could heap on the fool who had expertly manipulated her fate. 

Nothing stung more than the burn of regret. She should have known! The signs had been there, clear as day, but she'd ignored them, blinded by her hunger for a better life. No legitimate school would have taken her with that crass application she'd sent in. And yet, somehow, they did. 

She should've seen the scholarship for what it was. A trap, plain and simple. And now, she has landed in the arms or crotch — considering their intimate position right now — of one of the psychopaths the school had to offer. The most dangerous, at the moment.