Chapter 2: Scars

An ominous feeling clung to the air as Ildegard walked through the shrouded halls of Grucaelum Castle. Each step seemed to anchor her to the ground, heavy with unspoken dread. She hadn't even reached her father's office and yet her palms grew clammy and her vision dimmed, as if the very walls were closing in on her.

Why were the halls unusually cold today?

"Princess Ildegard has arrived, Your Majesty," The maid who came with her announced from just behind the doors of his office.


The maid's hands trembled slightly as she grasped the doorknob, twisting it slowly. A deep creak echoed in the stillness as the doors swung open, revealing the dimly lit interior and inside sat a priest, Her father the King and his advisor.

"My daughter, please take a seat," Darius offered which was in front of the priest.

Ildegard's heart raced as she took her seat, cold sweat trickling down her chin. The weight of their eyes made her uneasy, each gaze sharp and scrutinizing, like hawks poised to strike at any moment. She clenched the fabric of her dress tightly, seeking comfort in its familiar texture, but the tension only seemed to worsen the unease coiling in her stomach. Every breath felt heavy, and Ildegard just wanted everything to end.

"This is Father Pisca, a priest from the Temple of Gods. He came all way to see what the prophecy has revealed to the new lord of the Imperials," Darius stretched his hand to introduce the priest.

Ildegard cautiously raised her head, her eyes frantically looking back down at the table when they made eye contact, "Th-thank you for coming all this way. But I'm afraid I don't have any knowledge of the prophecy you speak of."

"Where Horizon bleeds into the night, a southern heart stirs, entwined with the throne. Fate dances on the edge of silence, while shadows hold their breath in vigilance."

"Wh-what?" Ildegard held her breath and gave him a couple of confused blinks, "Is that supposed to be the prophecy?"

"Yes, engraved in the prophetic tablets of the temple. It's a prophecy we rejoice in, a once in a lifetime occurence. We are very happy that our crown prince's wife will be a respected woman from the south," The priest clasped his hands together, thanking the gods as he closed his eyes.

"Th-that's.." Ildegard drags her gaze towards her father, "I'm the prophecy?"

"Yes, my daughter. You will be engaged to the Crown Prince of Agammemnon, as the prophecy has revealed," Darius gave a satisfied smile, his eyes surveying Ildegard up and down, clearly seeing she was displeased, "Are you not happy, Ilya?"

Ildegard felt bile up her throat to which she swallowed hard, "I-I don't know, this is all going a bit too fast. I mean, the prophecy could be speaking of any royal family in the south."

"We are very sure that Princess Ildegard is the one the prophecy speaks of," Priest Pisca raised his head, his hands still clasped as if praying, "We welcome you into the Imperial realms, dear Princess of the Prophecy."

"W-wait I still haven't—" Ildegard's rambling was abruptly silenced as she caught a glimpse of her father's icy glare, a look that felt like ice piercing through her skin. She shrank deeper into her seat, her heart racing. The whole atmosphere was suffocating and oppressive. Biting her lower lip, she squeezed the fabric of her dress as if it could shield her from the weight of his disdain.

"Alright, I am thankful for your blessings, Father Pisca," she muttered, bowing her head in a desperate attempt to escape the intensity of her father's gaze, a sign of respect that felt more like submission.

Father Pisca bowed in return, exiting the room after they have concluded.


"You are to leave this estate within three days," Darius pushes himself off of his seat, "I will see you off as you ride with Father Pisca and his clergy to the Agammemnon Imperium."

"T-Three days?! That's too sudden, father!" Ildegard got up from where she sat.

"You shall arrive before your husband's birthday, and you will celebrate along with the rest of the invited guests at the ball. You need not worry as I will be there as well, so just accustom yourself to the Imperials," Darius heads over to his working table and grabs a piece of paper that had been sitting there for a while. He pushed the ink container with the quill sitting inside towards the other side of the table along with the paper, "Come and sign this contract."

There was a small silence before Ildegard managed to squeak out a small mumble "I-I can't."

"Stop being stubborn, Ilya. Come here and sign this paper," Darius' finger tap the contract, the paper making crumpling noises with every tap on the table.

"Please, Father. You can't really leave me alone in that place!" Ildegard begged, getting on her knees and pulling on her father's sleeves.

"You won't be alone, I will send Escoffier with you so get up, Ilya. Stop this behaviour and just sign this contract," Darius pulled his hand away from her grip and grabbed her below her arm to try and pull her up to her feet.

Ildegard persisted and tried to persuade him once more, "I won't make you angry anymore, I promise! I'll do anything you ask just don't leave me there, father please!"

Darius' anger spiked, his impatience welling up to his fists and ending up slapping Ildegard on the cheek using the back of his hand. He glared as Ildegard stumbled and hit her back against the nearby chair. She winced and before she could push herself up, Darius had grabbed her by the end of her hair.

"If you won't listen to me. I'll make you."

Darius started dragging her out of the office by her hair, with Ildegard struggling and whimpering everytime he tugged on it.

"Father, it hurts!" She cries out in pain.

The maids who were nearby had started scrambling to the side, some of them returning to already managed sections of the castle just to distract themselves from the current events. They were instilled fear, to keep quiet of what was going on. Even if it meant Princess Ildegard suffering on her own.

It wasn't long before Darius reached the bedroom and angrily barged inside. He forcefully pulled on Ildegard's hair and threw her across the floor. She grunts and pushed herself up, placing a hand to her throbbing head.

"Get on the bed, Ilya," Darius reached for the leather whip that hung on the wall, "Raise your skirt."

Ildegard's chest started pounding against her ribcage, ready to jump out at any moment. She felt powerless, she didn't understand why her father would do this to her.

I should have listened. I should have never said no. I should have just played along!

Ildegard hesitantly climbed onto the bed and obediently follows her father's command without question. She couldn't afford to anger him again, nor could she doubt him anymore. If she did as he says, and do everything right, then perhaps she should not have to worry about something like this ever again.

"You clearly know what happens when you don't listen, Ilya. I'm doing this for your sake."

Darius raised his hand, the leather gripped tightly.

Ildegard closed her eyes.


The rumbling of stones cascading against each other was the only sound, aside from the occasional neigh of horses. Yet, to Lanceir, the silence felt deafening as he rode toward the Royal Estate of Grucaelum. He had assumed Ildegard had already returned to hear their father's news, unaware that she had gone home hours ago, long before nightfall.

Time slipped away unnoticed, and that unsettled him. The passing hours made him uneasy, especially when he thought of Ildegard. Every time she visited their father, something about her seemed... wrong. She grew more distant, her gaze unfocused, her voice quiet. It frightened Lanceir that he had taken this long to realize something was terribly amiss.

He arrived at the gates in no time. Jumping down the carriage, He barged through the castle doors, his footsteps echoing in the grand halls as he hurried toward the dining area. He impatiently flung the doors open and sure enough, the both of them were seated on the table.

Ildegard's head spun to his direction, a bright smile lighting up her face, "Lanceir! Father and I were just about to have dinner. We thought you'd be late, so Father suggested we start without you. But now that you're here, come join us!"

"H-huh? I…" Lanceir's eyes darted around the room. The King sat calmly, sipping from his cup as if nothing were amiss, while Ildegard, unusually bubbly, beamed at the other end of the table.

"Alright," Lanceir forced a smile, trying to match their ease, "I'm glad I made it back in time." He slid into a seat beside them, however, the uncomfortable tension in his chest refused to go away.

'Was I just being paranoid?' Lanceir wondered.

"So, what were you and father talking about while I was in a meeting?" Lanceir adjusted his suit and placed both hands on the table.

"Oh, well..." Ildegard sheepishly looked towards Darius, "Is it okay if I tell him, Father?"

"I don't see why not," He replied instantly.

"Uhm, well actually," Ildegard fidgeted nervously with her fingers, but there was a faint smile on her face, one that looked almost… content.

"I'm getting engaged to the Crown Prince of the Imperial," Ildegard cringed, she lost track of how many times this was said within the day.

Lanceir blinked, forcing himself to feign surprise. He cleared his throat and turned his gaze toward Darius, who ate his meal in silence, "Why wasn't I told about this?"

"It all happened very quickly," Darius replied, setting his spoon down and calmly wiping his mouth "But now you know. Your sister will be leaving in three days."

That's when Lanceir's eyes widened, slamming his hand on the table in uncontrollable anger. It made Ildegard jump. Lanceir's gaze darkened, "What are you talking about?"

Darius' frown deepened, "Show some manners, Lanceir. Your sister agreed to this as well."

Lanceir shifted his focus to Ildegard, his voice lower, tinged with something close to desperation, "Is that true, Ilya? Have you really agreed to this?"

"Y-yes, brother," Ildegard stammered, her earlier bubbly demeanor faltering after the outburst, "Please don't be angry. I'll explain everything after dinner. Let's just eat first, alright?"

Lanceir gripped the edge of the table, trying to calm himself from the absurd news. Whatever Ildegard's choice is, as long as she was happy with it, Lanceir would support her with all his heart.
