Chapter 6: Port

Heavy storms were common in the Imperium and mostly the eastern part of Ophis Rephis suffered the worst of winter. Over Leviticus' 24 years of life in the Imperial, he never welcomed the harsh conditions that always greeted them with a looming presence. Even still, he was used to trekking the forests and lands even when rain poured on them like angry waterfalls and the earth turned to mush that made every step feel heavier.

The petrifying cry of a low horn broke Leviticus out of his thoughts. His gaze turns to look out the window that fogged even in the midst of the warm sunset. His attention is shifted towards the palace gates where a group of knights marched through the entrance. So they have returned from Velawyn's pass.

His blood red eyes were fixed at the group. They were missing a few men. Probably lost from the expedition.

Leviticus turned his back, facing the window and walked towards the door, his hand reached out to his table to grab his sword before actually leaving.

"Ah! Levi!"

Leviticus' ears perked at his name and his head spun towards the source of the voice, "Railu."

"I, I heard about the princess of the prophecies," The small child mumbled, her fingers twirling around each other.

This was Raiadra Lutharis de Virelias, the crown prince's younger sister. Her hair was black, just like his. However, her eyes were cerulean, just like her mother's eyes. While Leviticus inherited his father's blood red eyes. She stood and yet her height remained below Leviticus' waist, so he had to lower his head whenever he had to talk to his little sister.

"Where did you hear that from?" Leviticus crossed his arms.

"From mom, and her friends," She giddily explains, her feet bouncing up and down, "I heard she's really pretty and that her hair looks like the blooming trees by the Veilspire River. The pink ones!"

"The Iridescia Petalwoods?" Leviticus curiously knelt down, which Raiadra found as an invitation for her to jump onto her brother's arms.

He stood back up, this time, with the little princess in his arms. He started walking down the halls while Raiadra blabbered about the rumored Princess.

"Yes, the pretty trees! They look like pink clouds! And I heard that you were going to marry the Princess! Is that true, big brother?" Raidra asked with curiosity, almost like a little puppy.

"Hm, well," Leviticus brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear, "If she's nice to Railu, I might consider it."

Raiadra giggled, "Can I go meet the Princess with you, big brother Levi?"

"It will be getting late by the time we arrive at the port of Mytelona to welcome her arrival," Leviticus paused to look over the balustrade and down at the great hall, "You would be too tired to even join us for dinner if you decided to come with."

"No, I promise!" Raiadra wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a tight hug, "I won't be tired! I want to meet her with you!"

A sigh escaped the crown prince's mouth, but it curved into a small smile afterwards, "Alright, you can come with. You go get ready."

"Yaayy!" Raiadra rejoiced.

Leviticus placed her down gently, after her personal maid had approached them, "Selenor, please assist my sister in changing."

"Yes, your Imperial Highness," Selenor lowered her head before smiling and reaching for Raiadra and taking her to the changing room.


"I never expected my mother and father to approve of this proposal," Leviticus placed a hand over his head, sighing as he stood by the carriage.

"Didn't you say you'll end this engagement after getting the information that you wanted from Grucaelum?" The man in front of him chimed.

This was Hadeon Montclair, Imperial Knight of the Collar. He stood as tall as the Crown Prince at 6'5. Bluish-gray hair that's slicked back and eyes that are bright grey, a scar right across his cheek and dressed in his formal knight's attire. He had a golden chain with Agammemnon's crest at the center as his necklace.

"Yes, but I'm still not looking forward to meeting the Princess. It's not like I want this, and I doubt she wants this as well," Leviticus brushed his gloved hand over his dark hair, individual locks peeking through his fingers, "So I'll get what I need and end things with her."

"Isn't that a bit harsh?" Hadeon raised a brow, "You haven't met her yet, and who knows, you might fancy her. I heard she looks like an angel."

"I don't care," Leviticus glared at him, "You know how it went with the others. You keep telling me the same thing and my expectations for this pampered princess is rock bottom. They all look the same to me."

Hadeon sighs and rubs the back of his neck, he was on the verge of giving up the thought of the Crown Prince finding a lover. Just then a distant 'Big brother Levi! Sir Hadewon!' Causes both of the men to turn their head towards the palace.

Exiting the large doors was Raiadra being carried by the Dame of the Collar. She had a hair color that was peculiar and it looked like flowing red flames, tied up into a ponytail. The dame was younger than Hadeon and even the Crown Prince and yet she stood at over 6'0. She wore a formal suit—red and laced with golden details as well as a golden collar around her neck with the empire's insignia on the center. She carried her sword beside her.

She sweatdropped and waved a hand as she approached the Crown prince and Hadeon.

"She wanted to be carried." The dame mumbled, dragging her ruby eyes to the carriage.

"The Imperial Princess looks so beautiful today!" Hadeon smiled as he bowed his head towards the Princess.

Leviticus shortly took Raiadra from the dame and went towards the carriage to get her comfortably settled.

Hadeon approached the dame who was fixing her bangs, patting her hand over them. He raised both his hands to fix her suit's collar and necktie, "Zoey Ianna Clyde," he spoke.

The dame raised her head towards him, "Yes, sir Montclair?"

"You're too tense," he chuckled and then patted her shoulders, "You're just going to meet the Princess."

"I don't want to sound offensive, but compared to the other ladies that has been engaged with his Imperial Highness, Princess Ildegard is by far..." Zoey bit her lower lip.

"The most intimidating? The scariest?"

"N-no, it's more like she's a big deal," Zoey sighs, "Grucaelum's an important kingdom, and their beloved princess is sent here to Agammemnon. Aren't we their enemy?"

"We are also important, Zoey and no one is an enemy," Hadeon then took a step back, "The dispute between the West and the East has long been resolved by her majesty, the Empress Radegonde Auclaire and our Imperial Emperor. Although there is still a bit of edge, it's nothing that you should be worried about. If anything, shouldn't you be relieved we're getting in good terms with Larkinge's comrade?"

"I guess so," Zoey mumbled.

"Good girl, now go get on your horse and get to the front of the carriage."

Zoey pushed her hands towards her chest before bowing and marching to get her horse.

Inside the carriage, Leviticus sat from across Raiadra. Her eyes were sparkling as she stared out of the carriage once they started moving.

"Are you that excited to meet the princess, Railu?" Leviticus finally spoke.


"You didn't show any interest with the previous engagements I had," Leviticus clasped his hands over his lap and leaned forward, "Is there anything different with this Princess?"

"Oh, she came straight from a fairytale that mama told me before, and even the temple has a whole story just for her," Raiadra's cheeks flushed from excitement, "And unlike the other pretty ladies, I have a feeling she will actually play with Railu."

"The others didn't play with you?" Leviticus' brows creased, "How come I didn't know about it?"

"They always said they were busy and I told Selenor not to tell you because you'll shoo them away," Raiadra was pulling on her ribbons.

"Railu.." Leviticus let out an annoyed groan and placed a hand over his head, "I told you not to hide these things from me."

"It wasn't a big deal!" She swung her feet and then gave her brother a smile, "Railu doesn't mind."

Leviticus clenched his hands and turned his gaze towards the window. He will make them pay for what they've done. Ignoring Raiadra was the same as disrespecting his whole family.

Raiadra felt a chill up her spine. Maybe telling her big brother was a bad move...


[Port of Mytelona]

After the sun had hidden from the skies and stars started scattering across the vastness, their carriage had reached the destination. The usual busy port was cleared just for this moment, none but the Imperial knights lined up by the side of the bridge, the Knight of the collars in front to assist the arriving guests—which was Leviticus' bride to be.

He stepped out of the carriage first and lent his hand out for Raiadra to grab. She carefully hopped down the carriage and held her brother's hand as they stood there.

Raiadra's eyes kept staring as the ship lowered its bridge. Leviticus felt his sister's hand squeezing his. He wondered if she was excited for the princess' arrival or just excited to see if the rumors of her hair being similar to the Iridescia Petalwoods were true.

While he was distracted looking at Raiadra, he felt her tug on his arm.

"B-big brother, it's..!"

"Hm?" Leviticus slowly looked up towards the ship.

His eyes widened the moment they met her. Leviticus had heard she was beautiful countless times and with the rumors circulating even inside the palace, he got tired of hearing it. The comparison with the Iridescia Petalwoods were an insult compared to the real deal. 

The resplendent sight caught the onlookers in a trance, her billowing blossom-hued locks that seemed to glow under the moonlight, and even from a distance, Leviticus saw her golden eyes, a color richer than the mountain of gold they owned. How could someone look so ethereal?

"I-is that the princess, big brother?" 

Leviticus found himself flinching at his sister's voice. He shook his head slightly and lowered his gaze, "Yes, Railu, that's the princess."

"She's like a goddess," Raiadra mumbled, her other hand gripping her skirt tightly.

Leviticus could not deny it, but his goal remained clear. He would not let useless emotions stir what he needs to accomplish. 

The Knights lined up by the edge of the docks, raising their swords towards the skies before dragging it back down against their chest. Hadeon and Zoey knelt in front of the Princess after she was guided down from the ship, they had their hands against their chest.

"Princess Ildegard, we welcome you to the port of Mytelona. As Honored Knights and Dames of the Imperial Order, we shall escort you on your journey to Agammenon as per the Royal Family's courtesy," Hadeon spoke.

"Please rise, Knight and Dame," Ildegard spoke with regal authority, although her voice did shake a bit, "Thank you for your kindness."

They got back up on their feet and stood aside as Leviticus and his sister walked towards her direction. Leviticus noticed her gaze fixed on Raiadra before her eyes moved back up to meet his again.

"Princess, I am Leviticus Arion de Virelias, the Crown Prince of Agammemnon Imperium," Leviticus then placed his hand besides his sister, "And this is Raiadra Lutharis de Virelias, the Imperial Princess and my sister."

Ildegard placed her hand against her left chest and took a formal bow, "Greetings your Imperial hignesses, I am grateful that you went through all the trouble of welcoming me right as I arrive at the port."

Leviticus briefly let go of Raiadra's hand, dragged it towards Ildegard and pinched her chin in between his thumbs and index finger. He surprised even himself.

"You're much smaller than I anticipated," Leviticus calmly said while he stared at her golden orbs, as if surveying them deeply.

"I-is that bad, y-your Imperial Highness?" Ildegard stuttered, trying her best to avoid his gaze, but it was impossible with his hand forcing her to look at him.

"Not at all," Leviticus replied instantly, "It amuses me."
