Halloween Movie day 4 (With the Deku Squad)

The crisp October air filled the courtyard just outside U.A. High School's common room, the moonlight casting gentle shadows across the grass. The sky overhead sparkled with stars, twinkling like tiny beacons against the dark canvas. Inside, Class 1-A had spent the last three nights engulfed in frights, with horror films and slasher flicks running their veins ragged. After a marathon of terror, their spirits were beginning to fray.

"Okay, can we please not watch anything that will make us scream again?" Uraraka pleaded, glancing at the dimly lit common room where her classmates were still debating their next movie choice. "I need a break from nightmares!"

"I agree," said Todoroki, his expression stoic yet his grip on his blanket suggesting a yearning for easy company. "I'd prefer something lighter this time."

Momo chimed in, a smile spreading across her face, "How about 'The Nightmare Before Christmas'? It has Halloween elements, but it's whimsical and fun!" She looked back at Deku, who had been nodding in agreement.

"Perfect!" Deku exclaimed, his enthusiasm infectious. Uraraka grinned and decided to go gather a speaker, while Todoroki offered to find a projector. The de facto leaders of the group had a rhythm, and they all moved seamlessly, excitement building in the air.

Once set up beneath the stars, Momo wrapped a soft blanket around herself and Todoroki, who sat beside her. They were still figuring out the dynamics of their new relationship, each sharing nervous glances and casual laughter. Momo felt a little flutter every time their hands brushed against one another, but they both respected the space between them, keeping things sweet and light-hearted.

Deku and Uraraka settled close by, their bodies naturally gravitating toward each other. It felt right to them; they had been dating for about two months now and were comfortable sharing both their victories and their vulnerabilities. As the soft melodies of Jack Skellington's song began to play, Uraraka cuddled closer, resting her head on Deku's shoulder.

"This is gonna be so fun," she murmured, her eyes reflecting the flickering images on the screen. Deku couldn't agree more, feeling warmth spread through him as he wrapped an arm around her. It was moments like this he cherished — simple, peaceful, and filled with affection.

The movie rolled on, filled with enchanting songs and Halloween magic that brought smiles to all their faces. Laughter bubbled up amidst the music as Jack attempted to bring Christmas to Halloween Town with mixed results. The imagery was colorful and imaginative, a whimsical reprieve from the gruesome films of the past few nights.

"Look at him go!" Uraraka pointed at Jack, who was diving head-first into a barrel of holiday decorations. "He's really into that whole festive spirit!"

"Yeah, but it's more about the journey," Deku replied thoughtfully. "He's figuring out who he is and what he wants. Sometimes, you have to embrace things that are different… even if they scare you."

Uraraka nodded, appreciating his insight. She snuggled closer, entranced not just by the movie but also by the moment they were sharing. Meanwhile, Momo and Todoroki exchanged knowing glances, the uncertainty of their own relationship slowly whittling away as they bonded over a shared enjoyment.

As the movie climaxed with a vibrant display of colors and music, the camaraderie among Class 1-A felt rejuvenated. Laughter echoed in the courtyard, the bond of friendship glowing brighter than any Halloween fright could dim. In that place, beneath the stars, fear took a backseat, and warmth and joy were center stage.

With the film drawing to a close and Jack finally realizing the importance of his own identity over the chaos of a different holiday, Deku squeezed Uraraka's shoulder gently, a smile breaking across his face.

"I think this was the perfect choice!" Deku beamed, and everyone nodded in agreement.

As they all shared snacks and discussed their favorite parts of the film, it felt like a new chapter for Class 1-A — a reminder that not all nights have to be haunted, and that together, they could create their own magic under the October sky.