Halloween Trunk or Treat part 3

 The annual Trunk or Treat fundraiser was just around the corner, and students were putting the final touches on their car decorations. Laughter and lively chatter echoed through the parking lot as they anticipated the influx of trick-or-treaters.

Mina was the first to spot them. "Look! Here comes the Bakusquad!" she exclaimed, bouncing on her heels. She clamped her hands together, her sparkling pink hair bouncing with enthusiasm. Her car, decorated with black drapes, white ghosts, and neon orange pumpkins, bore the design of her favorite horror movie, "Scream." A giant cutout of Ghostface perched on the roof, its menacing grin juxtaposed with Mina's infectious energy.

Denki rolled in next, his bright yellow car painted with Pikachu's face and adorned with little pumpkins and electric bolt decorations. "Pika-chu or Pika-BOO!" he yelled cheerfully, leaning out of his window. Excitedly, he opened the trunk to reveal bags of candy shaped like Pikachu, glowing in the evening light like little yellow troves of joy.

"Get it? 'Cause it's Halloween!" Denki grinned, nudging Kirishima, who parked beside him.

Kirishima's car was a marvel of creativity. He had gone with a shark theme, draping the vehicle in blue and gray, topped with a massive shark fin. Plastic fish dangled from the mirrors, and the trunk held candy bags designed like fish caught in a net. "I wanted it to look like I was diving into the ocean for Halloween!" he exclaimed with his signature enthusiasm.

Sero arrived shortly after, his car wrapped in layers of white gauze, mimicking a mummy. With a few extra touch-ups, he'd managed to give it a comically spooky vibe, accentuated by googly eyes that bobbed playfully from the headlights. "Mummy's home!" Sero called out, throwing his arms in the air, much to the laughter of his friends.

Finally, an ominous cloud of mischief rolled in. Bakugo parked his car—a menacing black vehicle decorated to resemble a haunted house. Cobwebs clung to the mirrors, and eerie lights flickered from within, giving the impression that ghosts roamed inside. Severed plastic hands jutted out from the windows, while loud, spooky music pulsed from the car speakers. "Tch, this is nothing," Bakugo grumbled, shoving his hands deeper into his pockets, but a small smirk betrayed his enjoyment.

With their cars set up, the group gathered together, setting out their cache of treats and snacks on picnic blankets. The aroma of caramel apples and mini hot dogs filled the air as they arranged everything in a haphazard but festive manner, laughter accompanying the clinking of candy bags.

"Alright, what's everyone's favorite Halloween candy?" Mina asked, leaning back on her hands.

"I gotta go with the classics—chocolate bars!" Denki responded eagerly, shoving a miniature Snickers into his mouth. "Nothing beats a good candy bar."

"Gummy worms!" Kirishima stated, his eyes sparkling with nostalgia. "They remind me of all the times I went trick-or-treating as a kid!"

"Boo-berry cereal bars, hands down," Sero chimed in, grinning. "These are totally underrated as a candy option!"

Bakugo merely scowled, crossing his arms. "Can't believe you guys are talking about candy. Real ghosts don't exist, but their stories do! We should be talking about how to scare the little kids."

"Now that's more like it!" Denki grinned. "What kind of spooky story do you have in mind, Bakugo?"

After a few more conversations the dekusquad showed up so the even could start.