Halloween Movie College edition part 1

The air was crisp, the leaves painted in hues of amber and gold, signaling that Halloween was just around the corner. Mina had been itching for a reunion with her friends from the Bakusquad for months. College had turned their once inseparable bond into a series of hurried texts and sporadic video calls. She missed their antics, the laughter they shared, and the way no challenge seemed insurmountable when they were together.

With a burst of excitement, she sent a text to the group chat, "Hey guys! I'm hosting a movie night at my place this weekend! Halloween-themed! 🎃🍕 Who's in?"

Within mere minutes, her phone buzzed with responses. Everyone was on board. The Bakusquad was back together, if only for one night.

Mina threw herself into preparations. She covered her living room with strings of orange fairy lights, fake cobwebs, and cut-out ghosts dangling from the ceiling. A giant inflatable skeleton reclined lazily in the corner, overseeing the setup of cozy blankets and pillows scattered across the floor. A snack station boasted an assortment of Halloween treats—pumpkin-flavored popcorn, candy corn, and cupcakes decorated like tiny cauldrons. Lastly, a stack of matching pajamas lay folded and ready to be worn, with friendly ghosts and playful bats adorning the fabric.

When the evening arrived, she couldn't help but feel a flutter of nerves. The doorbell rang, and her heart raced as she opened it to reveal her friends.

"Surprise!" Mina beamed, all smiles, as the gang stepped inside, awed by the seasonal décor.

"Wow, Mina! This is amazing!" Kirishima shouted, eyes gleaming with excitement.

"Yeah, you went all out!" Denki added, laughing as he tied his hair back, eager to dive into the festivities.

But the first inklings of trouble arrived in the form of Bakugo, scowling as he stepped through the threshold.

"What the hell is this?" he exclaimed, gesturing at the pajamas.

"Cozy matching PJs for a cozy movie night! Come on, Bakugo! It'll be fun!" Mina insisted, hands on her hips, matching her determination with his defiance.

"Fun? You call wearing these ridiculous things fun?" he huffed, running a hand through his spiky hair.

"Think of it as an act of friendship," Kirishima chimed in, flashing a cheeky grin. "Besides, they're cute! And who knows, maybe it'll unleash your hidden cuddly side!"

Bakugo rolled his eyes, though his resolve began to crumple beneath the gleaming smiles of his friends. After some playful teasing and relentless persuasion, he finally relented, muttering under his breath as he pulled on one of the ghost-patterned shirts. "Whatever."

Once everyone was dressed, they gathered around a giant screen set up in Mina's living room. The soft flicker of lights from the decorations and the full bowls of snacks created a cozy vibe as the opening credits of A Nightmare on Elm Street began to roll. Sero cracked open a bottle of wine, and the group settled in with their glasses filled and pizza boxes piled high.

As the movie unfolded, gasps and giggles filled the space. There was something undeniably thrilling about sharing the scares and silliness with her friends. They took turns making exaggerated comments about the characters' choices while swapping stories about their lives since college.

Kirishima spoke about his rigorous training but how he managed to make friends on his new campus. Denki shared his excitement about an upcoming internship at a prominent hero agency, absentmindedly munching on a candy apple.

"Hey Bakugo, did you blow anyone up yet?" Mina teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Only you with this lame movie choice!" he shot back, his mouth twitching into a reluctant smirk. "Also, wine? Really?"

As the film reached its climax, they fell into fits of laughter, Bakugo included, who'd always had a soft spot for horror movies, despite his protests.

With each jump scare and every splatter of popcorn, a sense of warmth enveloped them all, reminding them why they had become such close friends in the first place. They were unstoppable forces together, each one bringing out the best in the others.

When the credits rolled, they settled into a comfortable quiet, the adrenaline fading away into smiles and sleepy yawns.

"Let's do this more often," Mina suggested, her voice muffled in a pillow.

"Especially the PJs," Kirishima added with a laugh, nudging Bakugo.

"I'll think about it, dumbass," Bakugo grumbled, but the light in his eyes betrayed his genuine fondness for the moment.

With their hearts full and their bonds tighter than ever, the Bakusquad had managed to weave another memory into their tapestry of friendship—one that would last long after Halloween decorations faded away.