
Time seemed to slow as Aaron's blades descended towards the Female Titan's nape. For a fraction of a second, victory seemed within his grasp. But then, with a speed that defied belief, the Titan's hand came up, shielding its weak point.

Aaron's blades met flesh, but not where he had intended. Instead of slicing through the nape, his steel bit deep into the Titan's fingers. The impact sent shockwaves up Aaron's arms, nearly causing him to lose his grip on his weapons.

Blood sprayed as Aaron's blades severed several of the Titan's fingers, the steaming appendages falling away to reveal the nape once more. But the moment of opportunity had passed. The Female Titan was already moving, its body twisting with an agility that no normal Titan could match.

Gritting his teeth in frustration, Aaron disengaged his hooks and fired them again, this time aiming for the Titan's legs. As he swung low, he brought his blades to bear on the Female Titan's ankles, aiming to hamstring the creature and limit its mobility.

But once again, the Titan's reflexes proved superhuman. It leapt into the air, narrowly avoiding Aaron's strike. However, Aaron's blades didn't come away empty. They sliced deep into the Titan's calf, eliciting a howl of pain that sounded disturbingly human.

As the Female Titan landed, slightly off-balance due to its injured leg, Aaron seized the opportunity. Using his ODM gear to propel himself upwards, he aimed for the Titan's face. This time, his target was not the nape, but the eyes.

The Female Titan, still reeling from the pain in its leg, was a fraction too slow to react. Aaron's blades flashed in the sunlight as they carved a deep gash across one of the Titan's eyes. Steam hissed from the wound as the creature let out another pained cry.

Capitalizing on the Titan's momentary disorientation, Aaron fired his hooks once more, this time aiming for a distant tree. As he swung away from the Female Titan, he let out a sharp, piercing whistle.

In response to his call, Aaron's black stallion came galloping towards him, its hooves thundering against the packed earth. With a practiced motion, Aaron disengaged his ODM gear mid-swing, timing his fall perfectly to land astride his mount.

The impact of landing on the horse's back knocked the wind out of Aaron, but years of training allowed him to keep his seat. He urged his horse forward, putting distance between himself and the Female Titan.

As they galloped across the open plain, Aaron chanced a glance over his shoulder. The Female Titan had recovered from its momentary daze and was now in hot pursuit, its long strides eating up the ground between them at an alarming rate.

But something in the Titan's gaze gave Aaron pause. There was calculation in those inhuman eyes, an intelligence that sent a chill down his spine. As they locked eyes, Aaron saw the moment the Titan came to a decision.

It was stopping.

The Female Titan slowed its pursuit, eventually coming to a halt. Aaron could almost see the thoughts racing behind its eyes. It had realized, just as he had, the nature of their current battlefield. Out here in the open, with no tall structures to use his ODM gear on, Aaron was at a severe disadvantage. He couldn't hope to take down a Titan of this caliber without the maneuverability his gear provided.

But the Titan had also realized something else. While it had the advantage in this terrain, engaging Aaron further would not be without cost. The wounds he had inflicted, while not fatal, were significant. In a prolonged battle, there was a real chance Aaron could inflict serious, possibly mortal damage.

So, in a display of tactical thinking that sent another shiver of unease through Aaron, the Female Titan made a strategic decision. It turned away from Aaron and began running towards the center of the formation.

"Shit," Aaron muttered under his breath, realizing the implications of the Titan's actions. Whatever its goal was, it clearly lay with the main body of the Survey Corps.

As Aaron's horse continued to gallop away from the retreating Titan, he heard the sound of approaching hoofbeats. Nanaba rode up alongside him, her face a mask of concern and confusion.

"Captain," she called out, her voice tight with tension, "what in the walls was that?"

Aaron shook his head, his mind still racing to process what he had just experienced. "I have no idea," he admitted. "But it's heading towards the center of the formation. Where's Eren supposed to be?"

Nanaba's brow furrowed in thought. "According to the mission briefing, he should be on the left flank."

Aaron's eyes narrowed. "I'd bet my life he's actually at the center. It's the kind of misdirection Erwin would pull. Logically, Eren should be at the heart of our defenses."

They continued to ride, pushing their horses to their limits as they tried to catch up with the main body of the formation. As they crested a small hill, Aaron caught sight of a group of figures huddled beneath a large tree.

As they drew closer, Aaron recognized the gathered soldiers – Reiner, Jean, and Armin. All three looked worse for wear, their uniforms stained with dirt and what looked disturbingly like blood.

Aaron reined in his horse, coming to a stop before the group. "Report," he barked, his voice carrying the unmistakable tone of command.

Armin stepped forward, his usually bright eyes clouded with worry. "Captain," he began, his voice shaky but determined. "We encountered the Female Titan. It displayed an unprecedented level of intelligence. We... we barely managed to escape."

Aaron nodded grimly. "Yeah, I had a run-in with it myself not too long ago. It's a real pain in the ass. What are you all doing here?"

Armin gestured helplessly at their small group. "We're down to three people and only one horse, sir. We're not sure how to proceed."

Aaron sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Well, I suppose we can double up on our horses for now. It's not ideal, but—"

He was cut off by a familiar voice calling out from the distance. "Guys! Are you okay?"

All heads turned towards the sound, and Aaron felt his breath catch in his throat. Cresting the hill, backlit by the sun in a way that made her golden hair seem to glow like a halo, was Christa. She looked like an angel descending from heaven, her face etched with concern for her comrades.

For a moment, Aaron forgot about the danger they were in, forgot about the Female Titan and the chaos of the expedition. All he could see was Christa, radiant and brave, riding to their aid.

Beside him, he heard Reiner let out a small gasp. Glancing at the larger man, Aaron recognized the look of awe and admiration on his face. It was a look Aaron suspected was mirrored on his own features.

'I want to marry her,' the thought flashed unbidden through Aaron's mind, surprising him with its intensity.

As Christa drew closer, Aaron noticed she was leading two additional horses – one of which Jean immediately recognized as his own mount.

"Christa," Aaron called out, unable to keep the relief from his voice. "Are you alright?"

Christa nodded as she brought her horse to a stop beside them. "I'm fine," she assured him, her blue eyes scanning the group with concern. "It's been very quiet on my end. What's been happening here?"

Before Aaron could respond, a series of colored smoke signals appeared on the horizon. All eyes turned to the distant flares, a mix of confusion and apprehension settling over the group.

Aaron's brow furrowed as he interpreted the signals. "Looks like we're changing direction," he announced. "We're heading for the Forest of Giant Trees."

Nanaba's head snapped towards Aaron, surprise evident on her face. "What could the Commander be thinking? I thought for sure we'd be signaling a retreat after encountering that abnormal Titan."

Aaron shook his head, his mind racing to understand Erwin's strategy. "No idea," he admitted. "But we have our orders. We follow the Commander's lead."

As the group began to mount up, preparing to rejoin the main formation, Aaron found his gaze drawn back to Christa. She was helping Armin onto her horse, her movements gentle and assured. Despite the danger they were in, despite the uncertainty that lay ahead, Aaron felt a warmth in his chest at the sight of her unwavering kindness.

"Alright, people," Aaron called out, tearing his eyes away from Christa. "Let's move out. Stay alert and stay close. We don't know what we're riding into, but whatever it is, we face it together."

The thundering of hooves echoed through the dense forest as Aaron and his group pushed their horses to their limits. The massive trunks of the giant trees blurred past them, creating a dizzying tunnel of green and brown. The air was thick with tension, each soldier acutely aware of the dangers that could be lurking behind any tree.

As they rounded a bend in the makeshift path, Aaron caught sight of familiar figures ahead. Gus, Dino, and Neil were riding towards them, their faces a mixture of relief and concern at the sight of their captain.

Gus, ever the jokester even in dire situations, called out as they drew near. "Hey, rookie!" he shouted, his eyes fixed on Jean. "Still among the living, I see?"

Jean, despite the gravity of their situation, managed a wry smile. "Barely," he shot back. "But yeah, still kicking."

As the two groups merged, Neil maneuvered his horse closer to Aaron's. "Captain," he said, his voice low and urgent. "What's the situation?"

Aaron quickly filled them in on their encounter with the Female Titan and the change in mission parameters. As he spoke, he could see the gravity of the situation settling over his squad members' faces.

"We're nearly there," Nanaba announced suddenly, her keen eyes spotting something ahead.

Sure enough, as they emerged from a particularly dense patch of forest, they found themselves face to face with Squad Leader Mike Zacharias. The tall, sharp-nosed man regarded them with his usual intense gaze.

"Mike," Aaron called out as they drew to a halt. "What are our orders?"

Mike's nostrils flared slightly as he took in their scent – a habit that had always unnerved Aaron. "For now," Mike said, his voice gruff, "get up into the trees. Don't let any Titans enter the forest."

Aaron nodded sharply, then turned to his squad. "You heard the man," he barked. "Up into the trees, now!"

With practiced efficiency, the soldiers engaged their ODM gear, the hiss of releasing gas filling the air as they ascended into the canopy. Aaron watched until the last of his squad was safely positioned before launching himself upward.

He landed on a thick branch high above the forest floor, his eyes immediately scanning their surroundings. Beside him, Christa touched down, her face set in determination despite the fear evident in her eyes.

Below them, Titans began to gather at the edge of the forest. Their grotesque faces peered up at the soldiers, mouths agape in perpetual, horrifying grins.

"Should we take them out?" Gus called from a nearby tree, his hands already on his blade handles.

Aaron shook his head. "No need," he replied. "Orders are to keep them out, not engage unnecessarily."

As more and more Titans gathered below, Aaron couldn't help but wonder what Erwin's grand plan was. The Commander was known for his elaborate strategies, often keeping crucial details from even his top officers until the last moment.

"What do you think is happening?" Christa asked softly, voicing the question that was on everyone's mind.

Aaron's brow furrowed in thought. "If I had to guess," he said slowly, "the Commander is trying to capture that unusual Titan."

Christa's eyes widened. "Do you think they'll succeed?"

"If anyone can pull it off, it's Levi's squad," Aaron replied, a note of respect in his voice. "They're the best equipped for this kind of operation."

From a nearby branch, Jean scoffed. "What, are you saying they're better than us?" he challenged, a hint of his old rivalry with Aaron creeping into his voice.

Aaron turned to face him, his expression serious. "First off, Jean, I'll remind you that you're part of this squad now too. And yes, they are better. Levi hand-picked each of them, and they have far more experience working as a unit than we do."

Jean's face fell slightly. "And here I thought you were supposed to be hot shit, Mustang."

Dino, perched on a branch above them, let out a bark of laughter. "Don't get it twisted, rookie," he called down. "The Captain here was originally recruited by Captain Levi himself. He even served in Levi's squad for a while before Commander Erwin gave him his own team to lead. None of us are on the Captain's level."

Aaron shook his head, a hint of embarrassment coloring his cheeks. "Even so," he said, "Levi's current squad has better teamwork than we do. In a situation like this, that's what counts."

Their conversation was suddenly interrupted by a bone-chilling roar that echoed through the forest. The sound was unlike anything they had heard before – not quite Titan, but not quite human either.

"What the hell was that?" Aaron muttered, his hand instinctively moving to his blade handles.

Before anyone could respond, the Titans below them began to move. As one, they turned away from the trees and started lumbering deeper into the forest, completely ignoring the soldiers above.

"Shit," Aaron hissed. He turned to his squad, his voice ringing with authority. "Change of plans. Take out as many as you can. Christa, Jean – you two stay here."

Without waiting for a response, Aaron launched himself off the branch. He heard the hiss of ODM gear behind him as his squad followed suit. The forest became a blur of green and brown as they swung between the massive trees, blades flashing in the dappled sunlight as they cut down Titan after Titan.

In the heat of battle, Aaron lost track of his position. He was deep in the forest now, far from where they had started. As he swung around a particularly large trunk, preparing to engage another Titan, he heard it – the thunderous footsteps of something much larger than the average Titan.

Aaron's head snapped to the right, his eyes widening as he caught sight of a familiar figure. The Female Titan was barreling through the forest, its ice-blue eyes fixed ahead with single-minded determination.

A grin spread across Aaron's face, a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins. "Now we're talking," he muttered. "Let's see how you handle me with some room to maneuver."

Without hesitation, Aaron changed direction, launching himself straight at the Female Titan. The creature's eyes locked onto him, recognition flashing in those unnaturally intelligent orbs.

The Titan's fist came hurtling towards him, a blow that would have pulverized a normal human. But Aaron was far from normal. With a burst of gas, he spiraled around the massive arm, his blades biting deep into the Titan's flesh.

Blood sprayed as Aaron's attack severed muscle and tendon. The Female Titan let out a howl of pain and fury, its other hand sweeping through the air in an attempt to swat Aaron away.

But Aaron was already moving, using his ODM gear to swing low. His blades flashed once more, cutting deep into the Titan's abdomen. Steam hissed from the wounds as Aaron darted away, using a nearby tree as an anchor point to swing himself up to eye level with the Titan.

"What's the matter?" he taunted, a cocky grin on his face. "Not so tough when your opponent can actually move, are you?"

The Female Titan's eyes narrowed, a flicker of what might have been frustration crossing its features. It was at that moment that Aaron sensed movement behind him. He turned to see Levi and Mikasa landing on nearby branches, their faces grim with determination.

"Good timing, Mustang," Levi said, his voice cool and collected despite the chaos around them. "That Titan has Eren. We think it's keeping him in its mouth."

Aaron's eyes widened at this information, but he quickly regained his composure. "Then I guess we need to make it spit him out," he said, readying his blades.

Levi nodded. "Erwin's orders are to rescue Eren at all costs. Focus on that, not killing the Titan."

"Got it," Aaron affirmed. He shared a brief look with Levi, years of working together allowing them to communicate without words.

As one, they launched themselves at the Female Titan. Their movements were a blur of synchronized destruction, years of training and shared battles evident in every coordinated strike.

Levi went low, his blades slicing through the Titan's ankles with surgical precision. As the creature stumbled, Aaron attacked from above, severing the tendons in its massive shoulders.

The Female Titan howled in agony and rage, its movements becoming sluggish and uncoordinated as the damage to its body mounted. Steam billowed from its numerous wounds, obscuring the battlefield in a haze of hot vapor.

From the corner of his eye, Aaron saw Mikasa tensing on a nearby branch, her eyes fixed on the Titan's nape. "No!" he shouted, realizing her intent. "Mikasa, wait!"

But it was too late. Mikasa had already launched herself towards the Titan's weak point, her blades poised to deliver a killing blow. For a heart-stopping moment, it seemed she might succeed.

Then, with a speed that defied belief, the Female Titan's hand came up. The flesh of its nape hardened, taking on a crystalline sheen that Mikasa's blades couldn't hope to penetrate.

"Shit!" Levi cursed, already moving to intercept. He slammed into Mikasa mid-air, pushing her out of the path of the Titan's retaliatory strike. But the maneuver cost him – as he landed on the Titan's outstretched hand, his ankle twisted with an audible pop.

Aaron, seeing Levi momentarily incapacitated, knew it was up to him. With a burst of gas, he rocketed towards the Titan's face. His blades found their mark, slicing deep into the muscles of its jaw.

With a sickening crack, the Female Titan's mouth fell open. Inside, partially dissolved by the creature's digestive fluids but still alive, was Eren.

Levi, despite his injury, was there in an instant. He scooped Eren up, cradling the semi-conscious boy against his chest. "Mustang!" he barked. "We're done here. Eren is the priority now. We need to fall back!"

Aaron nodded, launching a final attack at the Titan's eyes to buy them some time. As the creature reeled back, temporarily blinded, Aaron and Levi made their escape, swinging through the trees with Eren safely in tow.

As they retreated, leaving the steaming, writhing form of the Female Titan behind, Aaron's mind was awash with questions. Who was controlling that Titan? Why were they after Eren? And what was that strange hardening ability it had used?

But those questions would have to wait. For now, they had accomplished their mission. Eren was safe, and they were alive. As they swung through the forest, racing to rejoin the main body of the Survey Corps, Aaron allowed himself a small smile of triumph.


The air in the small, dimly lit room was thick with tension. Commander Erwin Smith stood with his back to the window, his imposing figure silhouetted against the fading light of day. Beside him, Captain Levi leaned against the wall, his face a mask of stoic indifference despite the bandage wrapped around his injured ankle. Hange Zoë sat at the table, her usually excited demeanor subdued by the gravity of their situation. And there, slouched in a chair with an air of casual defiance, was Aaron Mustang.

Erwin's deep voice broke the heavy silence. "And that's what transpired."

Aaron let out a low whistle, running a hand through his disheveled hair. "So, let me get this straight," he said, his tone a mixture of disbelief and sarcasm. "You managed to trap the Female Titan, and it still got away? Oh, and there's a good chance it's someone from within our own ranks?" He shook his head, a wry smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "Just another day in the Survey Corps, huh?"

Erwin's expression remained impassive. "That is indeed a possibility we must consider."

Before anyone could respond, a sharp knock at the door cut through the tension. Levi's eyes flicked towards the sound. "It's open," he called out, his voice carrying a hint of irritation at the interruption.

The door creaked open, revealing the slight figure of Armin Arlert. The young soldier snapped into a crisp salute, his blue eyes wide with a mixture of nervousness and determination. "Excuse the interruption, Commander," he said, his voice steadier than his appearance would suggest. "But I have some information that might be crucial regarding the identity of the Female Titan."

Erwin's eyebrows raised slightly, the only indication of his interest. He nodded for Armin to continue.

Armin took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. "When Jean shouted about them killing the 'suicidal maniac', the Female Titan reacted. It knew we were talking about Eren, which means it had to be familiar with that nickname."

Aaron straightened in his chair, his green eyes narrowing thoughtfully. "Only the 104th Training Corps called him that," he mused aloud.

Armin nodded, encouraged by Aaron's support. "There's more," he continued. "After the incident with the two test subject Titans, our ODM gear was inspected. Someone presented gear that wasn't their own – specifically, Marco's gear. I recognized it because we had repaired it together once. I remember the specific scratches." He paused, his voice dropping lower. "That person was Annie Leonhart."

A heavy silence fell over the room as the implications of Armin's words sank in. It was Aaron who broke it, a hint of dark humor in his voice. "Well, I'll be damned. The Titan does have her blonde hair and that prominent nose of hers."

Erwin's piercing gaze fixed on Armin. "You're certain about this?"

Armin nodded, his resolve evident in his steady gaze. "Absolutely, Commander."

Erwin's mind was already racing, formulating plans and strategies. "Very well. We need to devise a plan to capture her."

"Hold on a second," Aaron interjected, his brow furrowed in thought. "If we're dealing with humans who can turn into Titans, doesn't it stand to reason that the Colossal and Armored Titans are also people? And if Annie is from the 104th..."

"Then the other traitors are likely from the same class," Erwin finished, a glimmer of approval in his eyes.

Levi's eyes narrowed. "It could be someone else who inserted Annie as a mole."

Aaron shook his head. "No, it doesn't fit. Annie approached from the right flank during the expedition, when the most direct route would have been straight on. She must have received insider information from someone who believed Eren would be on the right flank."

A slow, sardonic grin spread across Aaron's face as the pieces fell into place. "You crafty bastard," he said, fixing Erwin with a look of grudging admiration. "You planned all of this, didn't you? To smoke out all the Titan shifters at once?"

Erwin neither confirmed nor denied Aaron's accusation. Instead, he turned to face the group, his voice carrying the unmistakable tone of command. "We will proceed with plans to capture Annie. However, Mustang, I need you to remain behind to keep an eye on potential Colossal and Armored Titan suspects. With Levi injured, you're our best bet if they decide to make a move."

Aaron's eyebrows shot up. "What am I, some kind of god? You expect me to take on two of the most powerful Titans we've ever encountered by myself?"

"You'll remain at headquarters, monitoring the 104th," Erwin clarified. "Just as a precaution."

Aaron sighed but nodded his assent. He knew better than to argue when Erwin had that look in his eyes.

Armin, who had been listening intently, spoke up once more. "Actually, I've been formulating a plan, but we'll need Jean's help."

A snort of laughter escaped Aaron. "Jean may be many things, but I doubt he's a traitor. He's far too much of an idiot for that level of deception."

With the strategy session concluded, the group began to disperse. Aaron stretched, feeling the ache of battle in every muscle. "If we're done here, I'm going to grab some food. Planning the downfall of traitors really works up an appetite."

The mess hall was a cacophony of voices and clattering utensils when Aaron entered. His eyes scanned the room, quickly locating a table occupied by familiar faces. Christa, Connie, Ymir, Jean, Reiner, and Bertholdt sat huddled together, their conversation hushed but animated.

As Aaron approached, Jean looked up, a smirk spreading across his face. "Well, look who decided to grace us with his presence. Did the higher-ups finally let you off your leash, Mustang?"

Aaron's eyes narrowed, though there was a hint of amusement in his voice. "That's Captain Mustang to you, Kirstein. Don't make me assign you latrine duty for a month."

Christa's soft voice cut through the brewing tension. "Are you alright, Aaron? You look exhausted."

Aaron felt some of the tension leave his shoulders at the sound of her concern. He opened his mouth to respond, but Ymir beat him to it.

"Don't even think about flirting with Christa, you overgrown horse," Ymir growled, wrapping a protective arm around Christa's shoulders.

Aaron raised his hands in mock surrender. "Wouldn't dream of it, Ymir. I value my life too much to cross you."

As Aaron settled into a seat, wincing slightly at the movement, he couldn't help but notice the way Reiner and Bertholdt seemed to tense at his arrival. He filed the observation away for later consideration.

Connie leaned forward, his eyes wide with excitement. "So, come on, Captain. Give us the scoop. What really happened out there with that Female Titan?"

Aaron was saved from having to answer by the arrival of Nanaba. She approached the table, a small medical kit in her hands. "Captain," she said, her voice tinged with concern. "You need to have those wounds looked at."

Before Aaron could respond, Christa was on her feet. "I can do it," she offered, her voice perhaps a bit too eager. "I used to patch Aaron up all the time during our training days."

Nanaba's face fell slightly, a small pout forming on her lips. "But I always tend to the Captain's injuries," she protested weakly.

Aaron, sensing the growing tension, made a split-second decision. "Actually," he said, his eyes landing on Jean with a mischievous glint, "I think Jean here would be perfect for the job."

Jean's head snapped up, his expression a mixture of confusion and horror. "What? No way! I'm not playing nurse to you, Mustang!"

But Aaron was already standing, grabbing Jean by the arm. "Come on, Kirstein. Consider it part of your training. Every good soldier should know basic field medicine."

As Aaron dragged a protesting Jean out of the mess hall, he caught sight of Christa and Nanaba's disappointed faces. He felt a twinge of guilt, but pushed it aside. He had his reasons for choosing Jean, reasons that went beyond mere mischief.

In the privacy of a small storage room, Aaron finally released Jean's arm. The younger soldier rubbed his wrist, glaring at Aaron. "What's the big idea, Mustang? If you wanted someone to patch you up, why not let Christa or Nanaba do it? They were practically falling over themselves to help you."

Aaron's expression grew serious. "Because, Jean, I need to talk to you in private. Something big is coming, and I need to know I can trust you."

Jean's annoyance faded, replaced by curiosity and a hint of concern. "What are you talking about?"

As Aaron began to explain the situation in hushed tones, Jean's eyes grew wider and wider. By the time Aaron finished, Jean looked like he'd been hit over the head with a frying pan.

"Annie?" he whispered, disbelief evident in his voice. "But... how? Why?"

Aaron shook his head. "We don't know all the details yet. But Erwin has a plan, and you're going to play a crucial role in it."

Jean swallowed hard, his Adam's apple bobbing nervously. "Me? What can I do?"

"For now," Aaron said, his voice low and intense, "I need you to act normal. Don't let on that you know anything. Can you do that?"

Jean nodded, his face setting in determination. "Yeah, I can do that. But Mustang... Aaron... what if there are more traitors? How do we know who to trust?"

Aaron's expression softened slightly. "That's the bitch of it, isn't it? We don't. All we can do is watch each other's backs and hope for the best."

A moment of understanding passed between them, a silent acknowledgment of the dangers they faced and the trust they were placing in each other.

Then, reverting to his usual demeanor, Aaron clapped Jean on the shoulder. "Now, how about you actually try to patch me up? I wasn't kidding about those field medicine skills being important."

Jean grumbled but complied, reaching for the medical kit. As he began to clean a particularly nasty cut on Aaron's arm, his inexperience became painfully apparent.

"Ow! Dammit, Kirstein!" Aaron hissed as Jean pressed too hard on the wound. "Are you trying to patch me up or finish what the Titans started?"

Jean scowled, his face red with embarrassment and frustration. "Well, excuse me for not being a trained medic! This isn't exactly my area of expertise!"

After a few more failed attempts that left Aaron wincing and Jean increasingly flustered, Aaron finally threw in the towel.

"Alright, that's enough," he said, pulling his arm away from Jean's fumbling hands. "Go fetch Christa, will you? Before you manage to give me an infection on top of everything else."

Jean didn't need to be told twice. He practically bolted from the room, leaving Aaron alone with his thoughts.

As he waited for Christa to arrive, Aaron leaned back against the wall, closing his eyes for a moment. The weight of everything – the battles fought, the revelations uncovered, the challenges yet to come – settled heavily on his shoulders.

But as he heard the soft sound of footsteps approaching, a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. Whatever lay ahead, he wasn't facing it alone. He had his comrades, his squad, and most importantly, he had people he could trust.

Opening his eyes to see Christa entering the room, concern etched on her delicate features, Aaron felt a warmth spread through his chest. Yeah, he thought to himself, maybe they stood a chance after all..

The small storage room was quiet, save for the soft rustling of fabric and the occasional hiss of pain from Aaron as Christa tended to his wounds. The air was thick with unspoken emotions, tension crackling between them like static electricity.

"You really should be more careful, Aaron," Christa chided gently, her delicate fingers working with practiced efficiency to clean a particularly nasty gash on his forearm. "One of these days, your luck is going to run out."

Aaron chuckled softly, wincing as the antiseptic stung his open wound. "Careful isn't really in my vocabulary, Historia," he said, using her real name now that they were alone. "Besides, what fun would life be without a few scars to show for it?"

Historia's hands stilled for a moment at the use of her true name. Even after all this time, it still sent a shiver down her spine to hear Aaron say it. There was something intimate about it, a shared secret that bound them together.

"Some scars aren't worth the stories they tell," she murmured, her blue eyes meeting his green ones with an intensity that made Aaron's breath catch in his throat.

For a long moment, they just stared at each other, the air between them charged with unspoken feelings. Aaron found himself acutely aware of every detail of Historia's face – the slight furrow of concentration between her brows, the faint dusting of freckles across her nose, the way her lower lip was caught between her teeth as she focused on her task.

"Historia," Aaron said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "I—"

But whatever he was about to say was cut off as Historia suddenly leaned forward, pressing her lips against his in a kiss that was as unexpected as it was electrifying.

For a split second, Aaron froze, his mind struggling to process what was happening. Then, as if a switch had been flipped, he was kissing her back with a fervor that surprised even him. His uninjured hand came up to cup her cheek, fingers tangling in her soft golden hair.

The kiss was clumsy at first, neither of them having much experience in this department. Their noses bumped, teeth clacked together awkwardly, but none of that mattered. What they lacked in technique, they made up for in pure, unbridled emotion.

As they pulled apart, both breathing heavily, Aaron rested his forehead against Historia's. His eyes searched hers, looking for any sign of regret or uncertainty. But all he saw reflected back at him was the same dizzying mix of affection, desire, and nervous excitement that he felt coursing through his own veins.

"Wow," Aaron breathed, a goofy grin spreading across his face. "If I'd known getting injured would lead to that, I'd have let that Titan take a few more swings at me."

Historia let out a soft laugh, her cheeks flushed a delightful shade of pink. "Don't you dare," she admonished, though there was no real heat in her words. "I don't think my heart could take it."

Aaron's expression softened, his hand still cupping her cheek. "Historia," he said, his voice low and serious. "I—"

But once again, Aaron's words were cut short. This time, it was by the sudden, violent opening of the storage room door. Jean burst in, his face red and flustered.

"Sorry, I forgot my—" Jean's words died in his throat as he took in the scene before him. Aaron and Historia, faces inches apart, clearly having just been in a much more intimate position.

For a moment, the three of them were frozen in a tableau of awkward silence. Then, moving faster than he ever had outside of battle, Aaron was on his feet. He grabbed Jean by the front of his shirt, pulling the stunned soldier close.

"Kirstein," Aaron growled, his voice low and dangerous. "If you breathe a word of what you just saw to anyone, and I mean anyone, you're a dead man. Understand?"

Jean nodded frantically, his eyes wide with a mixture of shock and fear. "Y-yeah, got it. Didn't see nothing, won't say nothing. I swear."

Aaron held his gaze for a moment longer before releasing him. "Good," he said, his voice returning to its normal tone. "Now get out of here."

Jean didn't need to be told twice. He scrambled out of the room, slamming the door behind him in his haste to escape.

As the sound of Jean's retreating footsteps faded, Aaron turned back to Historia. She was still sitting where he'd left her, her face a mixture of embarrassment and amusement.

"Well," Aaron said, running a hand through his hair with a rueful grin. "That's one way to ruin a moment."

Historia let out a soft giggle, the tension in the room dissipating somewhat. "Poor Jean," she said, shaking her head. "I think you may have traumatized him."

Aaron shrugged, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Eh, he'll get over it. Probably." He stretched, wincing slightly as the movement pulled at his freshly bandaged wounds. "We should probably head back before someone else decides to come looking for us."

Historia nodded, rising to her feet. As she moved to leave, Aaron caught her hand, pulling her back to him gently.

"Historia," he said softly, his green eyes intense as they met her blue ones. "We'll talk about... this... later, okay? When we have more time and fewer nosy comrades interrupting."

A soft smile spread across Historia's face, and she nodded. "I'd like that," she said, giving his hand a squeeze before letting go.

As they made their way back to the mess hall, Aaron couldn't keep the smile off his face. Despite the chaos of the past few days, despite the dangers that still lay ahead, he felt lighter than he had in years. It was as if a weight he hadn't even realized he'd been carrying had been lifted from his shoulders.

But as they re-entered the crowded room, reality came crashing back. Aaron's eyes immediately sought out Jean, finding the other soldier hunched over his food, studiously avoiding eye contact. Good, Aaron thought. At least he knows how to keep his mouth shut.

As they made their way back to their table, Aaron became acutely aware of another set of eyes on him. Ymir was staring at him with an intensity that was unsettling, her gaze flicking between him and Historia with obvious suspicion.

Aaron met her glare head-on, refusing to be intimidated. He knew Ymir was protective of Historia – hell, half the time he thought Ymir was in love with her herself. But whatever was developing between him and Historia, it wasn't any of Ymir's business.

As they sat down, the conversations around them continuing as if nothing had changed, Aaron felt a mix of emotions swirling in his chest. Elation at the memory of Historia's kiss. Anxiety about what it might mean for their future. Determination to see this mission through and protect those he cared about.

But beneath it all was a current of something he hadn't felt in a long time – hope. Hope for a future that might hold more than just survival. Hope for a world where moments of joy weren't overshadowed by the constant threat of death.

As his eyes met Historia's across the table, sharing a secret smile that went unnoticed by their companions, Aaron made a silent vow. Whatever challenges lay ahead, whatever secrets were yet to be uncovered, he would face them head-on. For humanity, for his comrades, and for the chance at a future with the girl who had somehow managed to break through all his carefully constructed walls.

The road ahead would be difficult, fraught with danger and uncertainty. But for the first time in years, Aaron Mustang felt truly alive. And he was ready to fight for that feeling with everything he had.

As the evening wore on, the mess hall's raucous energy began to settle into a more subdued hum of conversation. Aaron found his attention drawn to Reiner and Bertholdt, watching them with a newfound intensity as they ate their meals. His mind raced, piecing together fragments of information that had seemed innocuous before but now took on a sinister new light.

They had known about Eren's position on the right flank of the formation. That information had been closely guarded, shared only with a select few. And yet, somehow, the Female Titan – Annie – had known exactly where to look for Eren. The implications were chilling.

Aaron's eyes narrowed as he studied the two men. Reiner, with his broad shoulders and confident demeanor, always ready with an encouraging word or a helping hand. Bertholdt, quiet and unassuming, often fading into the background despite his impressive height. They seemed so normal, so... human. But then again, so had Annie.

A plan began to form in Aaron's mind. It was risky, potentially disastrous if he was wrong, but he needed to gauge their reactions. He needed to know if his suspicions had any merit.

Leaning back in his chair, Aaron adopted a casual posture that belied the tension coiled within him. "You know," he said, his voice carrying just loud enough to draw the attention of those around him, "I've been thinking about that Female Titan."

The effect was immediate. Reiner and Bertholdt both stiffened slightly, their movements becoming just a fraction more controlled. To most, it would have been imperceptible, but Aaron had been watching for it.

"Oh yeah?" Jean piped up, curiosity evident in his voice despite his earlier embarrassment. "What about it?"

Aaron grinned, a cocky expression that didn't quite reach his eyes. "Just thinking about how I handed its ass to it," he boasted, his tone deliberately provocative. "I mean, you should have seen it. One minute it's thinking it's hot shit, the next it's running away with its tail between its legs."

He paused, noting how Reiner's hand had tightened almost imperceptibly around his fork. Bertholdt's face remained impassive, but a faint sheen of sweat had appeared on his brow.

"You know," Aaron continued, leaning forward conspiratorially, "I bet I could take on the Armored Titan or the Colossal Titan just as easily. They might be big, but they're probably just as vulnerable as any other Titan when you get down to it."

The tension at the table was palpable now. Reiner's jaw was clenched, a muscle twitching in his cheek. Bertholdt had gone pale, his eyes darting nervously between Aaron and Reiner.

"That's quite a claim, Mustang," Reiner said, his voice carefully neutral. "Those Titans destroyed Wall Maria. They're not to be underestimated."

Aaron waved a hand dismissively. "Eh, they just got lucky. Caught us by surprise. But now? With my skills and our improved tactics? I bet I could take them both on single-handedly."

He was pushing it, he knew. But he needed to see how far he could go, how much he could provoke them before they broke.

Before Reiner or Bertholdt could respond, Ymir's sharp voice cut through the tension. "Oh, give it a rest, Mustang," she snapped, her eyes narrowing dangerously. "We all know you're just showing off to impress Christa. Well, you can save your breath. My sweet Christa isn't interested in grubby men like you."

Aaron raised an eyebrow, momentarily thrown by the sudden change in topic. But he recovered quickly, grateful for the opportunity to diffuse some of the tension he'd created. "Is that so?" he drawled, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. "And what makes you so sure about that, Ymir?"

Ymir snorted, wrapping a possessive arm around Christa's shoulders. "Because my Christa has taste," she declared. "She doesn't go for scruffy, overgrown boys who think they're God's gift to humanity."

Aaron was about to retort when a soft voice cut through the bickering. "Actually," Christa murmured, her cheeks flushing a delicate pink, "I think Aaron is quite handsome."

The silence that fell over the table was absolute. Everyone froze, staring at Christa in varying degrees of shock and disbelief. Aaron felt his own face heating up, a mixture of embarrassment and pleasure coursing through him.

Ymir's jaw had dropped, her arm falling limply from Christa's shoulders. "W-what?" she stammered, looking as if someone had just told her the walls were made of cheese.

Christa's blush deepened, but she lifted her chin defiantly. "You heard me," she said, her voice gaining strength. "I think Aaron is handsome. There's nothing wrong with that."

The silence stretched on for another long moment before Reiner broke it with a thoughtful hum. He ran a hand through his short blond hair, a contemplative look on his face. "You know," he mused, "maybe I should grow my hair out a bit. What do you think, Bertholdt? Think I could pull off the rugged look?"

Bertholdt, still looking slightly shell-shocked, managed a weak nod. "S-sure, Reiner," he mumbled. "I'm sure it would look... nice."

And just like that, the tension that had been building shattered. The table erupted into laughter and good-natured ribbing. Jean started offering Reiner hair care tips, while Connie suggested increasingly ridiculous hairstyles for the burly soldier to try.

As the conversation devolved into silliness, Aaron caught Christa's eye across the table. She gave him a small, shy smile that made his heart skip a beat. He returned it with a wink, earning himself a brighter blush and a quick aversion of her eyes.

But even as he basked in the warmth of that moment, Aaron didn't let himself forget why he'd started this conversation in the first place. His eyes flicked back to Reiner and Bertholdt, noting how they had relaxed once the topic had shifted away from Titans. They were laughing along with the others now, the picture of normalcy.

But Aaron had seen their initial reactions. He'd seen the fear, the tension, the silent communication that had passed between them. It wasn't proof, not by a long shot, but it was enough to confirm his suspicions. Reiner and Bertholdt were hiding something, and Aaron was determined to find out what it was.