
The moon hung low in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the landscape. Atop the distant wall, a massive figure moved with unsettling grace. The Beast Titan, its fur gleaming silver in the moonlight, reached down to scoop up a handful of massive boulders. As it straightened, its intelligent eyes scanned the horizon, finally settling on the ruined castle in the distance.

"It took me approximately ten hours to recover," Zeke muttered to himself, his voice a low rumble that seemed to vibrate through the air. "That boy... he's a real thorn in my side."

With practiced ease, Zeke wound up and hurled the boulders towards the castle stables. The rocks whistled through the air, their trajectory devastatingly accurate. As they crashed into the stables, the sound of splintering wood and panicked horses filled the night.

"I'd like to kill him," Zeke mused, his tone almost conversational despite the destruction he'd just wrought. "But I'm only here to gauge their strength. The time will come, soon enough."

Meanwhile, inside the castle, chaos reigned. Neil raced down the stairs, his heart pounding in his chest as he burst into the main hall where the others had gathered. Mike and the rest of the squad were already alert, tension evident in every line of their bodies.

"What's happening?" Reiner demanded, his voice tight with barely contained anxiety.

Before Neil could respond, his eyes landed on a sight that momentarily stunned him into silence. There, amidst all the panic and commotion, was Captain Aaron Mustang... fast asleep on Christa's shoulder. A thin line of drool trickled from the corner of his mouth, his face the picture of peaceful slumber.

Neil felt a surge of disbelief. How could this be the same indomitable, powerful captain they'd been discussing just moments ago? The contrast between the fearsome soldier of legend and this drooling man-child was almost comical.

Shaking off his shock, Neil strode forward and delivered a swift kick to Aaron's leg. "Wake up, Captain!" he barked, urgency coloring his tone.

Aaron jolted awake, his eyes wide and unfocused. "Wha- What's going on?" he mumbled, wiping the drool from his chin.

"Titans," Neil replied tersely. "They're approaching. And the Beast Titan is with them."

Those words seemed to snap Aaron fully awake. In an instant, the sleepy-eyed soldier was replaced by the sharp, calculating captain they all knew. "Everyone, to the roof. Now," he ordered, his voice brooking no argument.

As they emerged onto the rooftop, the full scale of the threat became apparent. In the distance, illuminated by the pale moonlight, a sea of Titans lumbered towards the castle. And there, perched atop the wall like some nightmarish sentinel, loomed the Beast Titan.

Reiner and Bertholdt's sharp intakes of breath at the sight didn't go unnoticed by Aaron. He filed away their reactions for later consideration, his mind already racing through potential strategies.

"I didn't think he'd be stupid enough to attack me again," Aaron muttered, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the approaching threat.

Nanaba and Dino landed on the roof, their faces grim. "No horses survived the attack, Captain," Dino reported.

A flicker of something - hope, perhaps? - crossed Aaron's face. "Lucky's probably still out there somewhere," he said.

"Lucky?" Christa questioned, her brow furrowed in confusion.

"My horse," Aaron explained, a hint of fondness creeping into his voice. "I never tie him up. Just let him roam free and whistle when I need him."

Connie snorted, a sound caught between amusement and disbelief. "Some name for a horse," he muttered.

"What's the plan, Captain?" Dino asked, his hand resting on the hilt of his blade, ready for action.

Aaron's gaze swept over the approaching Titans, then back to the Beast Titan on the wall. His mind worked furiously, analyzing every detail, every potential move and countermove. "If he wanted to kill us himself, he would have aimed for the tower from the start," he mused aloud. "He's probably just testing our strength."

With a decisive nod, Aaron stepped to the edge of the roof. His voice, when he spoke, carried the weight of command that had made him such a formidable leader. "We can't run. Our only option is to stand our ground and take out these Titans. Then..." his eyes hardened, a dangerous glint reflecting in the moonlight, "I'll deal with that hairy bastard myself."

Neil, slipping easily into his role as second-in-command, began barking orders. "Recruits, barricade the door downstairs and stay inside. If they break through, head for the roof. We'll cover you."

As the younger soldiers hurried to comply, Mike stepped forward, his face set with determination. "I'll fight too," he declared.

Aaron shook his head, his eyes flickering to Mike's injured leg. "With that injury, you'll just be in the way. Stay inside and coordinate from there."

Without waiting for a response, Aaron launched himself off the roof, his squad following close behind. They moved with a synchronicity born from countless battles fought side by side, their ODM gear whirring as they swung into action.

The night air filled with the hiss of gas and the wet sound of blades slicing through Titan flesh. Aaron led the charge, his movements a blur of deadly precision as he cut down Titan after Titan. He pushed deeper into the surrounding forest, using the trees to his advantage as he maneuvered around the lumbering giants.

From her position on the tower, Nanaba watched in awe. "As expected of the Captain," she breathed, a mixture of pride and relief in her voice. "We might actually pull this off."

Mike, who had reluctantly remained on the rooftop, couldn't tear his eyes away from the battle unfolding before him. "Is the difference in our levels really this great?" he murmured, a newfound respect for Aaron coloring his words.

For nearly an hour, the night was filled with the sounds of battle. Steam rose from fallen Titans, creating an eerie fog that blanketed the area. Aaron and his squad fought tirelessly, their movements growing more fluid and deadly with each Titan they felled.

On the distant wall, Zeke watched the carnage unfold, his expression a mixture of frustration and grudging respect. "That damned Eldian," he growled. "He's a real pain in the ass." With a grunt of effort, he gathered more boulders, his eyes narrowing as he took aim.

Back at the castle, Aaron and his team regrouped on the rooftop, their breath coming in ragged gasps. Despite their exhaustion, there was a glimmer of hope in their eyes.

"We've taken out most of the Titans," Nanaba reported, a small smile of triumph playing at her lips. "It looks like we might make it through this after all."

But her words of optimism were cut brutally short. Without warning, a massive boulder came hurtling through the air, smashing into the upper part of the tower where Mike and Gelgar had been stationed. The impact was devastating, stone and mortar crumbling away as if they were made of sand.

Time seemed to slow as Mike and Gelgar's bodies plummeted to the ground, the sickening thud of their impact echoing in the sudden, horrified silence.

"MIKE! GELGAR!" Dino's anguished cry shattered the moment of shocked stillness.

Aaron's face hardened, his jaw clenching as he clicked his tongue in frustration. This was the cost of warfare, the price paid in blood and lives lost. But knowing that didn't make it any easier to bear.

Christa and the other recruits burst onto the roof, their faces pale with fear. "What happened?" Christa gasped, her eyes wide as she took in the scene of destruction.

"The Beast Titan," Aaron growled, his voice low and dangerous. "It's targeting us directly now."

Nanaba, her face ashen, peered over the edge of the roof. What she saw made her blood run cold. "There are more Titans approaching," she reported, her voice tight with barely contained panic. "At least double the number we faced before."

The realization hit them all like a physical blow. "All this time," Nanaba whispered, horror dawning in her eyes, "the Beast Titan was just toying with us."

As if to confirm her words, a bone-chilling roar split the air. The Beast Titan, its job apparently done, began to descend the other side of the wall, disappearing from view.

"What do we do now, Captain?" The question hung in the air, heavy with the weight of lives depending on Aaron's answer.

Before Aaron could respond, the tower shuddered violently. The larger Titans had begun to ram against the base of the structure, each impact sending tremors through the ancient stone. It was clear the weakened tower wouldn't withstand this assault for long.

Aaron's mind raced, analyzing their options, calculating their chances of survival. In the end, there was only one choice. His green eyes hardened with resolve as he turned to face his squad.

"We fight," he declared, his voice steady and sure despite the dire circumstances. "We resist until our last breath."

Dino, Nanaba, and Neil moved to stand beside their captain, their faces set with grim determination. They had followed Aaron into countless battles, trusted him with their lives more times than they could count. If this was to be their last stand, there was no one else they'd rather have leading them.

Aaron stepped to the edge of the crumbling tower, his figure silhouetted against the star-strewn sky. For a moment, he allowed himself to feel the full weight of responsibility that rested on his shoulders. The lives of his squad, of the young recruits who looked to him for leadership – all of it came down to this moment.

Then, with a deep breath, he pushed aside his doubts and fears. When he spoke, his voice carried the strength and conviction that had made soldiers willing to follow him into hell itself.

"Dedicate your hearts!" The traditional battle cry of the Survey Corps rang out, filled with a passion that seemed to set the very air ablaze.

Dino couldn't help but smile, even as he prepared himself for what might be his final battle. "That's the first time I've ever heard you say those words, Captain," he remarked, a hint of wonder in his voice.

Aaron allowed himself a small smirk. "Well, there's a first time for everything," he quipped. Then, his expression sobering, he added, "It's been an honor fighting alongside all of you."

With those words hanging in the air, Aaron launched himself off the tower. His squad followed without hesitation, their ODM gear singing as they swung into action once more.

The night air was thick with steam and the acrid stench of blood. Aaron Mustang and his squad danced through the air, their ODM gear whirring as they fought desperately against the overwhelming tide of Titans. But even as they felled one monster after another, more seemed to take their place, an endless horde of grasping hands and gnashing teeth.

Neil's voice, strained and panicked, cut through the chaos. "I'm almost out of gas!" he shouted, his movements becoming increasingly erratic as he struggled to maneuver. "There's too many of them!"

As if in response to his words, a massive hand shot out, snatching Neil from the air. The young soldier's scream of terror was cut short as the Titan's fingers closed around him, squeezing the breath from his lungs.

"NEIL!" Dino's voice rang out, filled with desperate determination. With a burst of speed, he rocketed towards his trapped comrade, blades flashing in the moonlight.

In a blur of motion, Dino sliced through the Titan's fingers, freeing Neil from its grasp. But even as relief washed over Neil's face, tragedy struck. Another Titan, its eyes gleaming with mindless hunger, lunged forward. Its massive teeth clamped down on Dino's ODM cable, severing it with a sickening snap.

Time seemed to slow as Dino plummeted towards the ground, his eyes wide with the sudden realization of his fate. Neil reached out, his fingers grasping at empty air as he watched his friend fall.

"DINO!" Neil's anguished cry echoed across the battlefield, a sound of pure, unadulterated grief.

The Titans converged on Dino's fallen form, their massive hands tearing and grasping. Dino's screams, filled with pain and terror, cut through the night air like a knife. His body disappeared beneath the press of Titan flesh, the sickening sounds of tearing and crunching drowning out his final cries.

Aaron, hearing Neil's shout, whirled around just in time to see Dino vanish into the maw of a Titan. His heart clenched in his chest, a mixture of grief and rage surging through him.

Nanaba, her face contorted with fury, shot towards the Titan that had devoured Dino. But in her anger, she'd lost track of her gas supply. The telltale sputter of empty tanks filled her with dread as she realized she was heading straight for the Titan's open mouth.

In a flash of green, Aaron appeared. His hand closed around Nanaba's arm, yanking her out of the Titan's path. With his other arm, he snagged Neil, who was still frozen in shock.

With a burst of gas, Aaron carried them both back to the relative safety of the tower's roof. As soon as their feet touched the stone, Aaron's composure cracked. He slammed his fist into the ground, a roar of frustration and grief tearing from his throat.

"Damn it!" he snarled, his voice raw with emotion. "Damn it all to hell!"

Nanaba and Neil stood silently, their own grief etched deeply on their faces. The loss of Dino hung heavy in the air, a stark reminder of the price they paid in this endless war against the Titans.

Aaron pushed himself to his feet, his movements jerky with barely contained rage. He strode to the edge of the roof, ready to launch back into battle, to make the Titans pay for taking another of his squad. But as he reached for his gear triggers, nothing happened.

"I'm out of gas," he growled, frustration coloring his voice. He turned to Nanaba and Neil. "Either of you have any left?"

They both shook their heads, despair evident in their eyes. Aaron's face twisted with anger, and he seized a loose brick from the crumbling tower. With a roar of impotent rage, he hurled it as far as he could.

"It's my fault," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Dino's death... it's on me. I should have come up with a better plan. I should have protected him better."

Nanaba stepped forward, placing a comforting hand on Aaron's shoulder. "It's not your fault, Captain," she said firmly. "We all knew the risks when we joined the Survey Corps."

Neil nodded in agreement. "If anything, it's my fault. I was careless, and Dino paid the price trying to save me."

Aaron shook his head, his green eyes blazing with self-recrimination. "No, it's my responsibility. I'm the captain. I'm supposed to keep you all alive."

Their moment of shared grief was interrupted by Ymir's sharp voice. "So what's the plan now, Captain?" she asked, her tone tinged with sarcasm. "In case you hadn't noticed, this tower isn't going to hold much longer."

As if to emphasize her point, the structure shuddered ominously beneath their feet. The Titans below continued their relentless assault, each impact sending tremors through the ancient stone.

Christa, her face pale but determined, stepped forward. "If only we had weapons," she said, her voice soft but steady. "At least then we could die fighting."

Ymir's head snapped around, her eyes narrowing as she looked at Christa. "Don't talk like that," she snapped. "Don't you dare use the deaths of others as an excuse to throw your life away."

Christa flinched at Ymir's harsh tone, her gaze dropping to the ground. Ymir's expression softened slightly, but there was still a fierce protectiveness in her eyes as she looked at the smaller girl.

Suddenly, Ymir's gaze sharpened. She turned to Connie, her hand outstretched. "Give me your knife," she demanded.

Connie blinked in surprise but complied, pulling a small blade from his belt. "What do you need it for?" he asked as he handed it over.

Ymir's lips quirked into a small, sardonic smile. "Good boy," she said, ruffling Connie's close-cropped hair. Then, without another word, she strode to the edge of the roof.

"Ymir?" Christa called out, confusion and concern evident in her voice. "What are you doing?"

Ymir paused, looking back over her shoulder. Her eyes met Christa's, and for a moment, a wealth of unspoken emotion passed between them. Then, with a deep breath, Ymir raised the knife.

"Sorry, Christa," she murmured. "Looks like I'll have to break my promise."

Before anyone could react, Ymir slashed the blade across her palm. Blood welled up, bright red against her skin. For a heartbeat, nothing happened. Then, with a blinding flash of light and a surge of scorching steam, Ymir's form began to change.

Where Ymir had stood moments before, a small Titan now crouched on the edge of the roof. Its body was lean and agile, with sharp claws and a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth.

"What the hell?" Connie yelped, stumbling backward in shock.

Aaron's eyes widened, his mind racing to process this new development. "How many Titan shifters are there among us?" he muttered, his gaze scanning the faces of the others, looking for any sign of prior knowledge or guilt.

Without hesitation, Ymir's Titan form leapt from the roof, plunging into the mass of Titans below. She moved with incredible speed and agility, her sharp teeth and claws tearing into Titan flesh with brutal efficiency.

On the roof, the others watched in stunned silence as Ymir fought. Reiner turned to Christa, his face a mask of disbelief. "Did you know?" he asked. "About Ymir being a Titan?"

Christa shook her head, her eyes never leaving Ymir's battling form. "No," she whispered. "I had no idea. We were always together, but she never..."

Her words were cut off as the tower shuddered violently. Christa lost her balance, stumbling towards the edge of the roof. Aaron moved with lightning speed, his hand shooting out to grab her ankle.

"I've got you!" he called out, his grip firm as he held Christa suspended over the drop.

Christa looked up, her blue eyes meeting Aaron's green ones. "Thank you, Captain," she said, relief evident in her voice.

Aaron managed a small smile as he pulled her back to safety. "Anytime," he replied, his hand lingering on her arm for a moment longer than strictly necessary.

Below, Ymir continued her desperate battle against the horde of Titans. But even with her Titan strength and agility, she was vastly outnumbered. As she leapt to avoid a grasping hand, another Titan seized her legs.

Ymir's Titan form snarled in frustration, her claws scrabbling at the tower's stone as she tried to climb. But more Titans grabbed at her, their combined strength threatening to pull her down into their midst.

Connie leaned over the edge, his face contorted with worry. "Why the hell did she let go?" he shouted. "She's going to get herself killed!"

Christa's eyes widened with sudden understanding. "She let go to protect us," she breathed. "If she'd kept climbing, she would have brought the tower down with her."

A look of fierce determination crossed Christa's face. She pushed past the others, making her way to the edge of the roof. Taking a deep breath, she cupped her hands around her mouth and shouted with all her might.


Ymir's Titan head snapped up, her eyes locking onto Christa's small form. With a roar that seemed to shake the very air, Ymir tore herself free from the Titans' grasp. She began to claw at the tower's base, ripping away huge chunks of stone and hurling them at the surrounding Titans.

The tower groaned ominously, the structure beginning to tilt as Ymir systematically destroyed its foundation. Christa cheered, her face alight with a wild sort of joy.

"Christa!" Aaron called out in alarm, his arm wrapping around her waist to keep her from tumbling off the increasingly unstable roof. "You're going to fall!"

Suddenly, Ymir's Titan form appeared at the edge of the roof. "If you want to live, grab on!" she growled, her voice distorted but still recognizable.

Without hesitation, the survivors clambered onto Ymir's back, clinging tightly to her coarse hair. With a final, mighty heave, Ymir pushed away from the crumbling tower. As they fell, the ancient structure finally gave way, collapsing onto the Titans below in a thunderous avalanche of stone and mortar.

They hit the ground hard, the impact jarring every bone in their bodies. Aaron managed to keep his hold on Christa, tucking her against his chest as they rolled across the debris-strewn ground.

As the dust began to settle, Connie sat up, shaking his head to clear it. "You know," he muttered, a hint of his old humor returning, "sometimes I wish I was a pretty blonde too. Maybe then the Captain would protect me like that."

Nanaba, brushing dirt from her uniform, shot Connie a wry look. "Trust me," she said, her voice dry, "it takes more than being blonde."

Their moment of relief was short-lived. The Titans that had been buried under the tower's remains began to stir, pushing their way free of the rubble. Ymir, still in her Titan form, charged towards them with a roar of defiance.

"Ymir!" Christa cried out, breaking free from Aaron's grasp and running towards her friend.

"Christa, wait!" Aaron called out, scrambling to his feet to chase after her.

The scene before them was chaos. Ymir fought with everything she had, but she was outnumbered and quickly tiring. The Titans began to overwhelm her, their massive hands tearing at her smaller Titan form.

Christa skidded to a stop, her eyes wide with horror. "Ymir!" she shouted. "I haven't told you yet! My real name... I haven't told you!"

At the sound of Christa's voice, Ymir seemed to find new strength. She thrashed against the Titans holding her, her eyes fixed on Christa's small form.

Suddenly, a massive Titan loomed up behind Christa, its hand reaching out to grab her. Aaron saw it all happening as if in slow motion. He pushed his legs to move faster, but he knew with a sinking heart that he wouldn't make it in time.

"No!" he roared, desperation lending speed to his tired limbs. But it wasn't enough. He wasn't going to reach her in time.

Just as all seemed lost, a green blur shot past Aaron. A flash of steel glinted in the moonlight, and the Titan's hand fell to the ground, severed at the wrist. As steam billowed from the wound, a familiar figure landed in front of Christa.

"Ackerman!" Aaron called out, relief and disbelief warring in his voice.

Christa's eyes widened in recognition. "Mikasa!"

Mikasa stood tall, her blades dripping with steaming Titan blood. Her dark eyes scanned the battlefield, assessing the situation with practiced ease.

"Everyone, fall back!" she ordered, her voice carrying clearly over the din of battle.

As if summoned by her words, more green-cloaked figures appeared, descending from the sky on whirring ODM gear. The Survey Corps had arrived in force, their blades flashing as they engaged the remaining Titans.

Aaron felt a wave of relief wash over him as he watched his comrades efficiently dispatch the monsters that had nearly spelled their doom. They had done it. Against all odds, they had survived long enough for reinforcements to arrive.

The battlefield, once a chaotic maelstrom of violence and terror, had fallen into an eerie quiet. Steam rose from the dissolving corpses of fallen Titans, creating a surreal, misty landscape. Amidst this otherworldly scene, a small group huddled around the prone form of Ymir, her human body steaming slightly as it recovered from the strain of Titan transformation.

Christa pushed her way through the crowd, her blue eyes wide with a mixture of concern and determination. She knelt beside Ymir, gently taking her friend's hand in her own.

"Ymir," she said softly, her voice trembling slightly with emotion. "My real name... it's Historia."

A weak smile tugged at the corners of Ymir's lips, her eyes fluttering open for a brief moment to meet Historia's gaze. In that instant, a wealth of unspoken understanding passed between them. Then, with a soft sigh, Ymir slipped into unconsciousness, the toll of her heroic efforts finally catching up with her.

As the others tended to Ymir, Aaron made his way over to where Hange stood, her sharp eyes taking in every detail of the aftermath. "Where's Erwin?" he asked, his voice gruff with exhaustion.

Hange turned to him, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. "Still in the capital," she replied. "We managed to capture the Female Titan. Turns out Armin was right – it was Annie."

Aaron nodded, processing this information. "And what happened here?" Hange prompted, her curiosity evident in her tone.

"Another Titan shifter," Aaron said, his voice low. "A Beast Titan. Massive, covered in fur. Smart, too."

Hange's eyes lit up with that manic gleam that always appeared when she discussed Titans. "Oh? And how did it measure up?"

Aaron's lips quirked into a grim smile. "The first time we faced off, I turned it to dust," he said, a hint of pride coloring his words. "But the second time... it got smart. Attacked from a distance. That's how we ended up in this mess."

"Did you get a look at who it was?" Hange pressed, her mind already racing with possibilities.

Aaron shook his head. "Blond, with a big beard. Not anyone I've seen before."

Hange nodded, her expression thoughtful. "I'll look into it," she said. Then, noticing the calculating look in Aaron's eyes, she added, "What is it? You look like you've got something else on your mind."

Aaron glanced around, ensuring they wouldn't be overheard. "I have suspicions about other infiltrators," he said quietly.

A slow smile spread across Hange's face. "Well, well, Mustang. Looks like you've been doing some thinking after all."

Aaron nodded, his expression serious. "Reiner and Bertholdt," he said simply.

Hange's smile faded, replaced by a look of grim understanding. "We came to the same conclusion," she admitted. "For now, we'll act as if we don't know anything. We'll try to capture them underground."

Aaron nodded, his mind already racing with possibilities. "By process of elimination, they must be the Colossal and Armored Titans," he mused.

Hange raised an eyebrow. "You've already taken on the Female Titan and the Beast Titan. Think you could handle those two as well?"

Aaron shrugged, a wry smile tugging at his lips. "Let's not test that theory if we can avoid it."

With a sharp whistle, Aaron summoned his faithful black stallion. The horse emerged from the treeline, its coat gleaming in the early morning light. Aaron swung himself into the saddle with practiced ease.

"Alright," he called out, his voice carrying the unmistakable tone of command. "Let's regroup at the wall. We need to seal the breach where they entered." Turning to Nanaba and Neil, he added, "Get Ymir onto a cart. For now, we'll treat her actions as those of an ally."

As his squad hurried to comply, Aaron guided his horse over to where Historia stood. He extended his hand, a small smile playing at his lips. "I suppose I can call you Historia in public now?" he asked, a hint of teasing in his voice.

Historia returned his smile, taking his offered hand and pulling herself up behind him on the horse. "Now you can," she replied, her arms wrapping around his waist.

As they began their journey back to the wall, Aaron maneuvered his horse alongside Eren's. "So," he called out, "I heard you went toe-to-toe with Annie. How'd that go? Did you use any of those boxing moves I taught you?"

Eren's face scrunched up in a mixture of frustration and embarrassment. "The movements are kind of confusing in Titan form," he admitted.

Aaron snorted. "They're not confusing, you're just slow," he retorted, though there was a hint of fondness in his voice.

"But I managed to figure it out in the end!" Eren protested, a note of pride creeping into his voice.

Before Aaron could respond, Armin pulled his horse up on Aaron's other side. "Captain," he said, his voice hesitant, "what do you think will happen to Ymir?"

Aaron felt Historia tense behind him, her grip on his waist tightening slightly. He chose his words carefully. "It's a different situation from Eren's," he said slowly. "She was aware of her powers all along. The Military Police won't like that."

He felt Historia's fingers dig into his sides, her distress evident even without words. Aaron sighed, running a hand through his hair. "But," he continued, "that short-ass Levi would kick my ass six ways to Sunday if I let Ymir die after she saved our lives. As much as I hate to admit it, we owe her."

Hange, who had been listening in, let out a bark of laughter. "What's the matter, Mustang? Hate not being the hero for once?"

Aaron rolled his eyes. "Shut it, four-eyes," he grumbled, but there was no real heat in his words.

He felt Historia relax slightly behind him, her arms giving him a gentle squeeze of gratitude. Despite the grim situation, Aaron found himself smiling. It was a small comfort, but in their world, they had to take whatever moments of peace they could find.

As they approached the wall, the weather began to shift. The bright morning sun that had greeted them after their harrowing night was now obscured by heavy clouds. A brisk wind whipped around them, carrying with it the promise of rain.

Once atop the wall, Aaron began issuing orders. "Get the wounded tended to," he called out, his voice carrying over the whistling wind. "We need everyone in fighting shape as soon as possible."

His eyes scanned the group, landing on Reiner. The burly soldier stood slightly apart from the others, his arm wrapped in a makeshift bandage. Aaron made his way over, placing a hand on Reiner's shoulder.

"How are you holding up?" he asked, his voice gruff but not unkind.

Reiner winced slightly, whether from pain or Aaron's touch, it wasn't clear. "How do you think?" he replied, a hint of bitterness in his voice. "A Titan nearly took my arm off. Sometimes I don't even know what I'm doing here."

Aaron's eyes narrowed as he took in the bandage wrapped around Reiner's arm. Something about it niggled at the back of his mind. Suddenly, realization struck. The fabric... it was the same color as Historia's skirt.

His grip on Reiner's shoulder tightened, causing the other man to flinch. "Hey," Aaron said, his voice low and dangerous, "that cloth... It's not from Historia's skirt, is it?"

Reiner's eyes widened, a flicker of panic crossing his face as he remembered Historia tearing a strip from her skirt to bandage his wound. He swallowed hard, his mind racing for an explanation. "Uh... no?" he managed, his voice weak even to his own ears.

Aaron held his gaze for a long moment, his green eyes boring into Reiner's as if trying to peer into his very soul. Then, abruptly, he released his grip. "Better not be," he said, his tone making it clear that this was both a warning and a threat.

As Aaron walked away, Reiner let out a shaky breath. Beside him, Bertholdt shifted nervously. "Mustang really is terrifying sometimes," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.

Reiner nodded, absently rubbing his shoulder where Aaron's grip had left a dull ache. "Yeah," he agreed, his mind racing. "He is."

The wind whipped fiercely atop the wall, carrying with it the scent of rain and the faint, lingering odor of Titan steam. Aaron Mustang stood at the edge, his eyes fixed on the horizon where the sun struggled to break through the thick cloud cover. With deliberate movements, he reached up and untied his hair, letting the wind catch the dark strands and whip them around his face.

As the gale tousled his hair, Aaron closed his eyes, allowing the memories of the fallen to wash over him. Dino's face flashed in his mind - his loyal friend and comrade, always ready with a joke or a word of encouragement. The ache of his loss was a sharp pain in Aaron's chest, a wound that would take a long time to heal.

Then there was Mike - a colleague who had always intrigued Aaron. Sometimes Mike's keen senses and quiet intensity had unnerved him, and other times Aaron had found himself unceremoniously tossing Mike out of windows for reasons that seemed perfectly logical at the time. Yet despite their often tumultuous relationship, Aaron had always respected Mike's skill and dedication.

And Gelger - though Aaron hadn't known him as well, the man had proven himself a capable soldier time and time again. His loss was no less significant, another light snuffed out in their endless war against the Titans.

As Aaron stood there, honoring the memories of the fallen, he felt a presence beside him. Without opening his eyes, he knew it was Historia. Her small hand slipped into his, a warm anchor in the midst of his swirling thoughts.

"They died as heroes," Historia said softly, her voice barely audible over the howling wind.

Aaron opened his eyes, turning to look at her. The fierce determination in her blue eyes reminded him of why they fought, why they continued to sacrifice. "They did," he agreed, his voice rough with emotion. "And we'll make sure their deaths weren't in vain."

The moment was interrupted by Hange's arrival. The squad leader's eyes darted between Aaron and Historia, a knowing smile spreading across her face. "Well, well," she said, her voice tinged with amusement. "What do we have here? Are you two...?"

Aaron felt a flush creep up his neck, but he didn't let go of Historia's hand. "Well," he said, trying to maintain his usual nonchalance, "I suppose we are. Right?"

Historia's cheeks pinked slightly, but there was a spark of mischief in her eyes. "I don't know," she teased. "You haven't actually asked me yet."

Aaron sputtered, caught off guard by her playful response. "I've been a bit busy fighting for our lives," he protested weakly.

Hange's laughter rang out, echoing off the stone of the wall. "My, my, Aaron Mustang," she said, wiping tears of mirth from her eyes. "Aiming high, aren't we?"

Aaron frowned, confusion evident on his face. "What do you mean by that?"

Hange's grin widened, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Oh, you'll see soon enough," she said cryptically.

Before Aaron could press for more information, a shout from below caught their attention. A team from the Garrison, led by Hannes, had approached the base of the wall.

"Hange!" Hannes called up, his voice carrying on the wind. "Any luck up there?"

Hange leaned over the edge, cupping her hands around her mouth to be heard. "Nothing yet! Did you find the breach?"

Hannes shook his head, a puzzled expression on his face. "That's just it - there's no breach. The wall is intact all the way around."

Aaron frowned, his tactical mind already racing through possibilities. "That's impossible," he muttered. "We saw the Titans enter. There has to be a way in."

"Could they be digging now?" Hange mused, her scientific curiosity piqued.

Aaron shook his head. "We would have seen evidence of that - a massive hole or mound of dirt. No, this has to be the work of the Beast Titan. It must have some way of controlling or creating Titans."

As they pondered this new mystery, Hange's attention was drawn to something behind them. Aaron followed her gaze to where Reiner and Bertholdt were engaged in an intense conversation with Eren.

"Mustang," Hange said quietly, a note of warning in her voice.

Aaron's eyes narrowed as he observed the interaction. Something about the way Reiner and Bertholdt were standing, the tension in their postures, set off alarm bells in his mind. With deliberate movements, he retied his hair, his body instinctively preparing for action.

Suddenly, Reiner began unwrapping the bandage from his arm. Steam rose from the wound, the flesh knitting together at an inhuman rate. Aaron's hand moved to his blade, his muscles tensing in anticipation.

Reiner's voice carried on the wind, the words chilling Aaron to his core. "I have to take responsibility... as a warrior."

Time seemed to slow. Aaron saw Armin's eyes widen in horrified realization, his mouth opening to shout a warning. "Eren, run!"

Mikasa, ever vigilant, sprang into action. Her blades flashed in the dim light as she lunged towards Reiner and Bertholdt. But it was too late.

A blinding flash of light erupted from Reiner's position, accompanied by a deafening boom that shook the very foundations of the wall. The air filled with scorching steam, obscuring everything in a hazy fog.

As the steam began to clear, a massive form emerged. The Armored Titan stood where Reiner had been moments before, its hardened plates gleaming dully in the overcast light. With movements far too quick for its enormous size, it reached out and snatched Eren, who was still frozen in shock.

Aaron watched in horror as the Armored Titan, with Eren clutched tightly in its grasp, leapt from the wall. The impact as it hit the ground sent tremors through the earth, dust and debris billowing up in its wake.

But the nightmare wasn't over. Even as Aaron's mind struggled to process what was happening, another flash of light and boom of thunder split the air. This time, it was Bertholdt who began to transform.

Unlike Reiner's full transformation, Bertholdt's change was partial. From the waist up, the skinless form of the Colossal Titan materialized, steam pouring from its exposed muscle tissue. Its massive hand reached out, fingers closing around the unconscious form of Ymir.

The heat and force of the transformation threatened to send them all flying off the wall. Aaron reacted instinctively, wrapping his arms around Historia and anchoring them both to the stone surface. He felt her straining against his grip, her voice rising in a desperate cry.

"YMIR!" Historia screamed, reaching out futilely as her friend was snatched away.

The world had erupted into chaos. Soldiers scattered, some blown off the wall by the force of the transformation, others desperately trying to engage their ODM gear. The air was thick with steam and the acrid smell of ozone, making it difficult to see or breathe.

The air crackled with tension as Aaron Mustang stood atop the wall, his green eyes darting between the massive forms of the Armored and Colossal Titans. The wind whipped around him, carrying the acrid scent of ozone and steam. Beside him, Hange's eyes gleamed with a mixture of scientific curiosity and battle-hardened determination.

Aaron turned to Hange, a dangerous smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. "So, four-eyes," he called out, his voice carrying a hint of his old cockiness, "who do you want me to take down first? The walking bone-head or the steaming giant?"

Hange's gaze shifted to where Eren had just transformed, his Titan form engaging in a brutal grappling match with Reiner's Armored Titan. A slow, almost maniacal grin spread across her face. "Go for the Colossal," she replied, her voice thrumming with excitement. "Let's see how that steaming bastard handles you."

Aaron nodded, his hand moving to the handles of his ODM gear. But before he could launch into action, a small hand gripped his arm. He turned to find Historia looking up at him, her blue eyes wide with a mixture of fear and determination.

"Aaron," she said, her voice barely above a whisper, "please... save Ymir if you can."

For a moment, the cocky soldier facade fell away, replaced by a softness that few ever saw in Aaron Mustang. He placed his hand over Historia's, giving it a gentle squeeze. "For you, my princess, anything," he said, his voice uncharacteristically tender.

As soon as the words left his mouth, Aaron felt heat rush to his face. He turned to find Hange staring at him, her eyebrows raised so high they nearly disappeared into her hairline.

"I... that sounded way cooler in my head," Aaron mumbled, mortification coloring his cheeks a deep red.

Hange's laughter rang out, somehow audible even over the chaos of the battle. "Oh, Mustang," she wheezed, wiping tears from her eyes, "never change."

Eager to escape his embarrassment, Aaron engaged his ODM gear, the familiar hiss of gas accompanying his leap from the wall. As he swung towards the towering form of the Colossal Titan, he pushed all distractions from his mind. Now was the time for focus, for the razor-sharp concentration that had made him one of humanity's deadliest soldiers.

The Colossal Titan, seeing Aaron's approach, swung its massive arm in a wide arc. The movement was slow, telegraphed by the sheer size of the limb, but the force behind it was terrifying. Aaron could feel the displacement of air as the giant hand passed mere inches from his body.

With a quick burst of gas, Aaron changed direction mid-air, easily evading the clumsy attack. "Too slow, big guy," he taunted, his voice carrying on the wind.

Aaron's mind raced as he assessed his opponent. The Colossal Titan's size was its greatest strength, but also its most glaring weakness. It couldn't match the speed and agility of a skilled ODM gear user. But that steam... that was the real problem.

As if reading his thoughts, the Titan's body began to emit great gouts of scorching steam. Aaron felt the heat even from a distance, the superheated air threatening to cook him alive if he got too close.

"Trying to cook me, eh?" Aaron muttered, his eyes narrowing as he formulated a plan. "Let's see how you handle this."

With a sharp burst of gas, Aaron shot towards the Titan's face. He saw the massive eye widen in surprise, the pupil contracting as it focused on his approaching form. Just as he was about to make contact, Aaron disengaged his hooks, allowing his momentum to carry him past the Titan's head.

For a heart-stopping moment, he was in free fall, the ground dizzyingly far below. Then, with practiced precision, he fired his hooks again, this time embedding them in the wall behind the Colossal Titan. Using the wall as an anchor point, Aaron swung in a wide arc, building up speed.

The Colossal Titan, slow to react, was still turning its massive head to track Aaron's movement. It never saw the attack coming.

With a war cry that seemed to shake the very air, Aaron rocketed towards the Titan's face. His blades flashed in the dim light, a silver blur as they sliced deep into the Titan's eye.

Blood and steam erupted from the wound, temporarily blinding the massive creature. Aaron used the moment of disorientation to disengage, swinging away to a safe distance.

Inside the Colossal Titan's nape, Bertholdt's mind raced with panic. 'How?' he thought, his heart pounding in his chest. 'If even Zeke couldn't handle Mustang, what chance do I have?'

As Aaron prepared for another pass, Bertholdt realized the gravity of his situation. 'Reiner needs to finish Eren quickly,' he thought desperately. 'I can't hold out against Mustang for long.'

From his vantage point, Aaron could see the fear in the Colossal Titan's remaining eye. A predatory grin spread across his face. "What's the matter, Bertholdt?" he called out, his voice carrying a dangerous edge. "Realizing you might be in over your head?"

As Aaron engaged his gear once more, preparing for another attack, he felt a surge of grim satisfaction. This wasn't just a battle anymore. This was retribution for the lives lost, for the trust betrayed. And Aaron Mustang was going to make damn sure that Bertholdt and Reiner paid for every drop of blood they'd spilled.

With the wind whipping through his hair and the thrill of battle singing in his veins, Aaron launched himself once more towards the Colossal Titan. The real fight was just beginning, and he was determined to see it through to the bitter end.