I want to be yours

The soldiers watched in stunned silence as their enemies fled into the distance, the thunderous footsteps of the Armored Titan fading with each passing second. Commander Erwin Smith's ice-blue eyes narrowed as he quickly formulated a plan. His voice cut through the air, sharp and commanding.

"Listen up! We're going after them. All available soldiers, including the Military Police volunteers, mount up and prepare to pursue!"

A ripple of uncertainty passed through the gathered troops, particularly among the Military Police members. One of them, a stocky man with a thin mustache, stepped forward hesitantly.

"Commander, with all due respect, isn't that too risky? We're talking about chasing after two Titan shifters and..." his voice trailed off as Erwin fixed him with a steely gaze.

"Every second we waste here is a second they use to get further away," Erwin said, his voice brooking no argument. "The fate of humanity may well rest on the outcome of this mission. Are you prepared to bear that responsibility if we fail?"

The MP swallowed hard and stepped back, properly chastised. Hannes, a veteran soldier with a determined glint in his eye, moved to the front of the group.

"I'll lead the charge," he announced, his voice steady. "Anyone who's got the guts to follow, fall in behind me!"

With a chorus of affirmatives, the soldiers began to mount their horses. As they prepared to move out, Aaron Mustang was already far ahead, his horse Lucky pushing to its limits as they pursued the fleeing Titans.

Aaron's emerald eyes were fixed on the distant figure of the Armored Titan, his jaw set in a grim line of determination. His knuckles were white as he gripped Lucky's reins, urging his faithful steed to even greater speeds.

"I'm coming for you, Historia," he muttered under his breath, his voice low and dangerous. "And God help anyone who gets in my way. Reiner, Bertholdt, Ymir... I'll cut through them all if I have to."

The wind whipped through Aaron's hair as he rode, his mind racing as fast as his horse. He could see the other soldiers in his peripheral vision, trying to keep up with his relentless pace. But none of that mattered. All that existed in this moment was the chase, the burning need to rescue Historia and make their enemies pay.

Meanwhile, on the nape of the Armored Titan, a tense scene was unfolding. Ymir, having momentarily exited her Titan form, was trying to explain the situation to a bewildered and frightened Historia.

"Listen to me, Historia," Ymir said urgently, her eyes darting back to check on their pursuers. "I've joined Reiner and Bertholdt. We're going beyond the walls, to a place where we can have a better life. You have to understand, no one is safe inside those walls anymore."

Historia's blue eyes widened in disbelief. "Ymir, what are you saying? This... this can't be a good idea. Are they forcing you to do this?"

Before Ymir could respond, Bertholdt cut in, his voice uncharacteristically sharp. "She's not being forced. In fact, it was Ymir who insisted we bring you along."

Historia's gaze flickered between Ymir and Bertholdt, confusion and hurt evident in her expression. "Ymir... is this true?"

Ymir's face twisted with a mixture of guilt and determination. "I brought you with us to keep you safe, Historia. And... and maybe to save myself too. I... I devoured their comrade, Marcel. It wasn't intentional, but... maybe if I bring you along, they'll forgive me."

Historia's eyes widened at this revelation. Ymir pressed on, her words tumbling out in a rush. "Your family has close ties to the Wall Cult. That makes you valuable to Reiner and Bertholdt. I know it sounds selfish, but Historia... I swear I'll always be on your side."

As this conversation unfolded, Aaron was closing the distance. His emerald eyes blazed with determination as he maneuvered Lucky alongside the Armored Titan. With a move born of countless hours of training and sheer force of will, Aaron launched himself from his horse, his ODM gear hissing as he flew towards Reiner's massive form.

Ymir's eyes widened in alarm as she saw Aaron approaching. "Shit! He's here!"

Aaron landed on Reiner's shoulder with a heavy thud, his blades already drawn and gleaming in the fading light. His eyes locked onto Bertholdt, a predatory gleam in their emerald depths.

"Nowhere left to run, you bastards," Aaron snarled, lunging towards Bertholdt with deadly intent.

Reiner reacted instinctively, his massive armored hand coming up to shield Bertholdt. Aaron's blades struck the hardened skin and shattered, the sound of breaking steel echoing across the battlefield.

Undeterred, Aaron peered through the gaps in Reiner's fingers, his gaze boring into Bertholdt. The tall boy shrank back, terror evident in his eyes as he met Aaron's murderous glare.

"You can't hide behind Reiner forever, Bertholdt," Aaron growled, his voice dripping with menace. "I'm going to make you pay for every life you've taken, every friend you've betrayed."

Bertholdt's breath came in short, panicked gasps. "I... we didn't have a choice," he stammered, his usual quiet demeanor crumbling in the face of Aaron's fury. "You don't understand what's really going on!"

Aaron's laugh was cold and humorless. "Oh, I understand plenty. I understand that you're traitors and murderers. And I'm going to make sure you face justice for what you've done."

Ymir, seeing the danger, moved to intercept Aaron. Despite the fear that churned in her gut, she knew she had to act. "Back off, Mustang!" she shouted, her Titan form beginning to manifest.

Aaron's gaze snapped to Ymir, his eyes narrowing dangerously. "Stay out of this, Ymir, or I swear I'll-"

"Aaron, stop!" Historia's voice cut through the tension like a knife. She scrambled to her feet, placing herself between Aaron and Ymir. "Please, don't hurt her! She might have been forced into this. We don't know the whole story!"

For a moment, Aaron's expression softened as he looked at Historia. But the moment passed quickly, his features hardening once more. "I don't care about her reasons, Historia. If she gets in my way, I'll cut her down. End of story."

Ymir, hearing Aaron's words, hesitated. The fear in Historia's eyes, the pleading tone of her voice... it was all too much. Despite her earlier resolve, Ymir found herself unable to move against Aaron.

As this standoff unfolded, the rest of the Survey Corps caught up to them. Jean, his face a mask of conflicting emotions, called out to Bertholdt.

"Bertholdt! Face us, damn it! Was everything a lie? All those years we trained together, fought together... did none of it mean anything to you?"

Connie's voice joined in, cracking with emotion. "What about all those plans we made, huh? Drinking together when we're old and gray... was that all bullshit too?"

Sasha, her usual cheerful demeanor replaced by hurt and confusion, added her own plea. "Please, Bertholdt... just talk to us. Help us understand why you're doing this!"

Mikasa, her dark eyes flashing with barely contained rage, cut through their appeals. "Don't waste your breath," she said coldly. "They're our enemies now. We can't afford to show them any mercy."

As the 104th Training Corps grappled with their feelings of betrayal and confusion, Aaron's attention was drawn to a new development on the horizon. His eyes widened as he saw what was approaching.

"What the hell..." he muttered, his grip on his blade hilts tightening.

A massive horde of Titans was bearing down on them, led by none other than Commander Erwin Smith himself. The blonde commander's face was set in grim determination as he guided the stampeding Titans directly towards Reiner.

"Everyone, disperse!" Aaron shouted, his tactical mind quickly assessing the situation. "Erwin's brought a goddamn Titan horde!"

The soldiers scattered, using their ODM gear to launch themselves clear of Reiner's massive form. Reiner, realizing the danger too late, braced himself for impact.

In the chaos that ensued, Ymir saw her chance. Grabbing Historia, she leapt from Reiner's shoulder, her Titan form partially manifesting to cushion their fall.

"Shit!" Aaron cursed, watching as Ymir and Historia hit the ground running. Without hesitation, he brought his fingers to his lips and let out a piercing whistle. As if by magic, Lucky appeared, galloping towards his master.

With a move that defied belief, Aaron launched himself from Reiner's shoulder, twisting in mid-air to land perfectly on Lucky's back. "After them!" he roared, spurring his horse into a breakneck gallop.

Ymir, still carrying Historia, ran as fast as her legs could carry her. She could hear the thundering of hooves behind her, growing louder with each passing second.

'Shit, shit, shit,' Ymir thought, panic rising in her throat. 'He's like a force of nature. How the hell are we supposed to outrun him?'

Behind them, Reiner's massive form disappeared under a wave of ravenous Titans. The Armored Titan's roars of pain and fury echoed across the battlefield, adding to the cacophony of chaos.

Bertholdt, clinging desperately to Reiner's shoulder, felt a wave of terror wash over him as he watched Aaron pursue Ymir and Historia. 'I don't know what's worse,' he thought, his mind reeling. 'Being torn apart by Titans or facing Mustang's wrath.'

As Aaron closed the distance between himself and Ymir, his emerald eyes blazed with a determination that bordered on madness. "You can't run forever, Ymir!" he shouted, his voice carrying over the sound of Lucky's galloping hooves. "Give Historia back, or I swear I'll tear you apart with my bare hands!"

Historia, still held in Ymir's grasp, turned her head to look back at their pursuer. The sight of Aaron, his face contorted with rage and his eyes burning with an almost inhuman intensity, sent a shiver down her spine.

"Ymir, please," Historia pleaded, her voice trembling. "We have to stop this. It's only going to end badly if we keep running!"

Ymir, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she pushed her Titan form to its limits, shook her head. "We can't stop now, Historia. You don't understand what's at stake here!"

"Then help me understand!" Historia cried, tears streaming down her face. "Please, Ymir. I don't want to see you and Aaron fight. I don't want to see anyone else get hurt!"

The battlefield was a chaos of thundering hooves, screaming soldiers, and the earth-shaking footsteps of Titans. Amidst this pandemonium, Aaron Mustang's emerald eyes widened in shock as he witnessed a scene that would be seared into his memory forever.

Commander Erwin Smith, the man who had led humanity's forces with unwavering determination, was suddenly engulfed by the massive jaws of a Titan. The beast clamped down on Erwin's right arm, tearing it clean off in a spray of crimson.

"Commander!" Aaron shouted, his voice lost in the cacophony of battle.

But Erwin, even in the face of such grievous injury, refused to falter. His ice-blue eyes blazed with an almost manic intensity as he raised his remaining arm, his voice carrying across the battlefield with shocking strength.

"KEEP MOVING FORWARD!" Erwin roared, blood streaming down his side. "SAVING EREN IS MORE IMPORTANT! ADVANCE!"

Aaron felt a chill run down his spine at the commander's unyielding resolve. "Damn it all," he muttered, his jaw clenching. "I don't have time for games anymore."

With a burst of compressed gas, Aaron launched himself from Lucky's back. His ODM gear whirred to life, cables shooting out to embed themselves in a nearby tree. He swung in a wide arc, using the momentum to propel himself towards Ymir and Historia.

Ymir, still in her Titan form, saw Aaron approaching and bared her teeth in a snarl. She crouched low, preparing to meet his attack head-on.

Aaron's eyes narrowed as he assessed the situation in a split second. With a twist of his body, he changed direction mid-air, confusing Ymir momentarily. She hesitated, unsure of where he would strike from.

That moment of hesitation was all Aaron needed. He shot towards her at breakneck speed, his blades glinting in the fading light. Ymir, realizing her mistake too late, opened her massive jaws in a desperate attempt to catch him.

For a heart-stopping moment, it seemed as though Aaron had miscalculated. Ymir's teeth snapped shut around him, and Historia let out a cry of dismay.

But Aaron Mustang was not so easily defeated.

In a move that defied belief, Aaron burst from the nape of Ymir's Titan form, his clothes steaming and his eyes blazing with triumph. In his arms, he held the human form of Ymir, who looked dazed and disoriented from her sudden extraction.

They hit the ground hard, Aaron rolling to absorb the impact. In an instant, he was on his feet, one blade pressed against Ymir's throat as she lay prone on the ground.

"Game over, Ymir," Aaron snarled, his voice low and dangerous. "I'll kill you here and now, and then I'm going after Reiner and Bertholdt."

"No, stop!" Historia cried out, rushing towards them. "Please, Aaron, you can't!"

Aaron's emerald eyes flickered to Historia, his expression softening slightly but his blade never wavering from Ymir's throat. "Historia," he said, his voice tight with emotion, "you need to understand something. If you go with her, with them, we might never see each other again. I can't follow you beyond the walls. I have a sister to take care of back home."

Historia's blue eyes widened at his words, tears threatening to spill over. Aaron continued, his voice growing gentle despite the tension in his body. "You have to choose, Historia. Go with Ymir, or stay with me. If you choose to go with her... I'll let you both leave. But I swear, I will hunt down Reiner and Bertholdt and make them pay for what they've done."

Ymir swallowed hard, feeling the cold steel of Aaron's blade against her skin. Her eyes met Historia's, silently pleading.

Historia stood frozen, her mind racing as she grappled with the impossible choice before her. On one side was Ymir, her closest friend for the past three years. Ymir, who understood her better than anyone else in the world, who had supported her through thick and thin.

On the other side was Aaron. She had known him for three years as well, but their real connection had only formed in the past few months since she joined the Survey Corps. He was newer in her life, an unknown quantity in many ways. Could she trust that he wouldn't abandon her?

The silence stretched on, heavy with the weight of Historia's decision. Finally, she took a deep breath and spoke, her voice trembling but resolute.

"You'd better not let me down, Aaron," she said, her blue eyes meeting his emerald gaze. "But... I want to stay with you. I'm sorry, Ymir, but for the first time in my life, I'm choosing to be selfish."

Ymir's eyes widened in surprise, then softened with understanding. A sad smile played at her lips as she said, "If that's what you truly want, Historia."

Aaron's grip on his blade loosened slightly, but he didn't lower it entirely. His gaze shifted to Ymir, his expression unreadable. "And what about you, Ymir? Out of respect for Historia, I'm giving you a choice. You can escape now, or you can come with us. What's it going to be?"

Ymir's eyes darted to the horizon, where she could see Commander Erwin, his remaining arm bloodied but his spirit unbroken, successfully extracting Eren from Reiner's grasp. The order for retreat echoed across the battlefield.

'There's no future inside the walls,' Ymir thought to herself. 'But for now... it might be the safer option.'

With a heavy sigh, she made her decision. "I'll go with you," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Aaron nodded curtly, finally lowering his blade. As he did so, Nanaba and Neil arrived on horseback, their faces etched with concern and confusion.

"Captain!" Nanaba called out, her eyes taking in the scene before her. "What's going on? What are your orders?"

Aaron helped Ymir to her feet, his movements brusque but not unnecessarily rough. "Take them and fall back," he commanded, his voice leaving no room for argument. "Get them to safety with the rest of the retreating forces."

Nanaba's brow furrowed in concern. "But what about you, Captain? What are you planning to do?"

Aaron was already moving towards Lucky, who had faithfully followed his master into the fray. He swung himself onto the horse's back with practiced ease, his emerald eyes fixed on the distant figures of Reiner and Bertholdt.

"I'm going after those two," he said, his voice cold with determination. "They don't get to walk away from this."

Before anyone could protest, Aaron spurred Lucky into action. The horse neighed loudly before breaking into a gallop, carrying its rider back into the heat of battle.

As Aaron rode, the scene before him was one of utter chaos. Reiner, in his Armored Titan form, had begun hurling smaller Titans through the air like macabre projectiles. These living missiles rained down on the retreating Survey Corps, on the soldiers trying to secure Eren, and directly in Aaron's path.

But Aaron Mustang was not so easily deterred.

With a skill born of countless hours of training and honed by the harsh realities of combat, Aaron guided Lucky through the storm of falling Titans. He weaved left and right, his emerald eyes constantly scanning for threats and opportunities.

A particularly large Titan came hurtling towards him, its mouth agape and eyes vacant. Instead of trying to avoid it, Aaron saw an opportunity. At the last possible moment, he launched himself from Lucky's back, using his ODM gear to latch onto the airborne Titan.

Using the momentum of the throw, Aaron swung himself in a wide arc, building up speed. He detached from the falling Titan and shot towards another, using it as a midair anchor point. In this way, he bounded from Titan to Titan, each one bringing him closer to his target.

Reiner, seeing Aaron's approach, redoubled his efforts to keep the tenacious captain at bay. He hurled Titan after Titan, but Aaron was always one step ahead, using each new threat as a stepping stone in his relentless advance.

Finally, with a burst of gas from his ODM gear, Aaron reached Reiner. He landed on the Armored Titan's massive shoulder, his blades already singing through the air.

"You can't run anymore, Reiner!" Aaron shouted, his voice filled with cold fury. "It's time to answer for what you've done!"

With precision born of experience and raw talent, Aaron began to strike at the weak points in Reiner's armor. His blades found the joints and seams where the hardened plates didn't quite meet, slicing through flesh and muscle with terrifying efficiency.

Reiner roared in pain and anger, his massive hand coming up to try and swat Aaron away. But the captain was too quick, too agile. He danced across Reiner's form, always one step ahead of the grasping fingers that sought to crush him.

"Is this all you've got?" Aaron taunted, his voice carrying even over the din of battle. "The mighty Armored Titan, brought low by a single soldier? How disappointing!"

Bertholdt, still clinging to Reiner's other shoulder, watched in horror as Aaron systematically dismantled his friend's defenses. "Reiner!" he cried out, his voice cracking with fear. "We have to do something! He's too strong!"

But Reiner was beyond hearing. The pain of Aaron's relentless assault had driven him into a frenzy. He thrashed and swung wildly, trying desperately to dislodge the human who was causing him so much agony.

Aaron, for his part, was a whirlwind of motion. He used every trick in his considerable arsenal, every lesson learned from years of fighting Titans. His blades found weak point after weak point, each strike drawing more of Reiner's blood and chipping away at the titan shifter's stamina.

Aaron Mustang's relentless assault on the Armored Titan continued, his blades finding every weak point in Reiner's formidable defense. With each strike, Reiner's movements became slower, more labored. Finally, overwhelmed by the barrage of attacks, the massive Titan fell to its knees, steam rising from countless wounds.

Bertholdt, still protected by Reiner's cupped hand, watched the scene unfold with a mixture of awe and terror. 'If Mustang is this strong,' he thought, his heart pounding in his chest, 'I can't even imagine what Captain Levi is capable of.'

Just as Aaron prepared to deliver the final blow, something caught his attention. A rumbling in the distance, growing louder by the second. His emerald eyes widened as he saw a horde of Titans approaching at an alarming speed. Unknown to Aaron, this was the result of Eren unconsciously activating the coordinate, a power that would reshape their understanding of the Titan threat.

"Tch," Aaron clicked his tongue in frustration. With a sharp whistle, he called for Lucky. The faithful steed appeared as if by magic, galloping towards its master. In one fluid motion, Aaron mounted Lucky and began to retreat from the oncoming Titan horde.

As he rode away, Aaron's mind raced. The appearance of these Titans was unprecedented. Something had changed, but he couldn't quite put his finger on what.

Meanwhile, further away from the battlefield, Ymir noticed the perilous situation Reiner and Bertholdt were in. Without warning, she leapt from Nanaba's horse, landing on the ground with catlike grace.

"Ymir! What are you doing?" Nanaba called out, confusion evident in her voice.

Neil pulled his horse to a stop, and Historia's eyes widened with concern. "Ymir?" she questioned, her voice trembling slightly. "What's going on?"

Ymir turned to face them, a sad smile playing on her lips. "I'm sorry," she said, her voice uncharacteristically soft. "I think I owe them this much."

She approached Historia, gently cupping the blonde girl's face in her hands. "Promise me you'll be happy, okay?" Ymir said, her eyes searching Historia's.

Before Historia could respond, Ymir stepped back. In a flash of light and steam, she transformed into her Titan form once more. Without a backward glance, she bounded towards Reiner and Bertholdt.

As Ymir ran, she encountered Aaron riding in the opposite direction. Both stopped, their eyes meeting in a moment of silent understanding.

"Mustang," Ymir's Titan voice rumbled, surprisingly clear. "You better take good care of my sweet Historia."

Aaron nodded, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "With my life," he promised solemnly.

Ymir nodded, satisfied. "One more thing, Mustang," she added, her voice taking on an urgent tone. "The real enemies... they're not the Titans."

Before Aaron could process this cryptic message, Ymir charged past him, throwing herself into the fray of Titans that surrounded Reiner and Bertholdt.

Aaron watched her go for a moment, her words echoing in his mind. Then, shaking himself out of his reverie, he spurred Lucky back towards his team. As he rejoined the main body of the Survey Corps, he quickly took stock of the situation.

"All units, prepare for immediate retreat!" Aaron's voice rang out, clear and authoritative. "Form up in the long-distance scouting formation. We're heading back to the walls!"

As the soldiers scrambled to obey, a member of the Military Police scoffed. "Who does this brat think he is, giving orders like that?"

The MP's companion elbowed him sharply in the ribs. "You idiot," he hissed. "Don't you know who that is? That's Aaron Mustang, one of the three captains. There's Captain Levi, Squad Leader Hange, and then there's Mustang. He's even rumored to be Erwin's potential successor. Right now, with Erwin injured, he's in charge."

The first MP's eyes widened in surprise, and he quickly shut his mouth.

As the formation took shape, Aaron maneuvered Lucky closer to Neil and Historia. "Historia," he called out, his emerald eyes scanning her face with concern. "Are you alright?"

Historia nodded, but her eyes were filled with a deep sadness. Aaron felt a pang in his chest at the sight, but he knew now wasn't the time for comfort. They had to focus on getting everyone safely back to the walls.


The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows across the clearing where a modest cabin stood. This unassuming structure had become the temporary headquarters for the remnants of the 104th Training Corps, now tasked with a mission of utmost importance: protecting Eren Yeager and Historia Reiss.

Inside the cabin, a flurry of activity filled the air. Dust motes danced in the slanting sunbeams as the young soldiers bustled about, each absorbed in their assigned tasks. Armin's brow furrowed in concentration as he scrubbed at a particularly stubborn stain on the wooden floor. Nearby, Connie balanced precariously on a chair, reaching up to clean the high shelves.

Outside, the rhythmic sound of an axe splitting wood punctuated the air. Mikasa, her dark hair clinging to her forehead with sweat, continued to chop firewood despite the bandages still visible beneath her shirt - a stark reminder of her near-death experience with a Titan.

Jean pushed open the cabin door, his arms laden with supplies. "Got the provisions," he announced, his voice tinged with weariness. As he set the bags down on the table, his sharp eyes caught sight of Sasha, her hand suspiciously close to a freshly baked loaf of bread.

"Oi, Potato Girl!" Jean barked, causing Sasha to jump guiltily. "Don't even think about it. That's for everyone."

Armin looked up from his cleaning, a small smile playing on his lips despite the tension in the air. "Sasha, we just ate a couple of hours ago. Surely you can wait until dinner?"

Sasha's response was cut short by the sound of approaching footsteps. The cabin door swung open once more, revealing the stern visage of Captain Levi. His steel-gray eyes swept across the room, taking in every detail with a critical gaze.

Following close behind was Aaron Mustang, his emerald eyes alert as they instinctively sought out Historia. The blonde girl stood in the corner, a broom clutched in her hands, looking small and somehow lost despite the familiar surroundings.

Levi's fingers trailed across a nearby table, collecting a fine layer of dust. His eyes narrowed dangerously. "I thought I made myself clear about the cleanliness standards expected here," he said, his voice low and threatening.

The younger soldiers stiffened, exchanging nervous glances. Aaron, however, stepped forward, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Come on, Levi," he said, his tone light but respectful. "They've been working hard. Rome wasn't built in a day, you know."

Levi's gaze shifted to Aaron, a mixture of annoyance and grudging respect in his eyes. "Tch. Your squad, your rules, I suppose. But don't come crying to me when they all die of some dust-related disease."

Before Aaron could retort, Levi addressed the group. "Cleaning will have to wait. Hange's ready for the next round of experiments with Eren's Titan form. Everyone outside, now."

As the soldiers filed out of the cabin, Aaron fell into step beside Historia. "You holding up okay?" he asked softly, his voice pitched low for her ears only.

Historia nodded, though the smile she offered didn't quite reach her eyes. "I'm fine, Captain," she replied, her voice equally quiet.

Aaron frowned slightly at the formality but said nothing more as they joined the others outside.

The experiments that followed were nothing short of disastrous. Time and again, Eren attempted to transform, each result more grotesque and unstable than the last. His final attempt produced a malformed, emaciated Titan barely half its usual size, with Eren's human torso and legs grotesquely protruding from the nape.

As Hange called an end to the day's tests, a palpable sense of disappointment hung in the air. Jean, tasked with being Eren's personal guard, helped the exhausted Titan shifter back to his feet.

"Don't push yourself too hard, Yeager," Jean muttered, his usual antagonism softened by genuine concern. "We need you in one piece."

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting the world in shades of purple and deep blue, the group retreated back to the cabin. The mood was somber as they prepared a simple dinner, the weight of their failures hanging heavily on their shoulders.

Later that night, in the bustling town of Trost, Commander Erwin Smith sat behind his desk, his one remaining arm resting on a stack of reports. Across from him, Levi leaned against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest.

"So," Erwin said, his blue eyes scanning the topmost report, "Hange's experiments aren't yielding the results we'd hoped for."

Levi clicked his tongue in annoyance. "That's putting it mildly. The brat can barely form a complete Titan, let alone demonstrate any hardening abilities."

Erwin nodded thoughtfully. "We need more information about the Titans' hardening capabilities. Perhaps..." he trailed off, his gaze becoming distant. "Perhaps Historia is the key to unlocking those secrets."

Levi's eyes narrowed. "Speaking of the girl, I've been meaning to ask. Are you sure about putting Mustang in charge of her protection? The way he looks at her... it could compromise his judgment."

A small smile played at the corners of Erwin's mouth. "Ah, yes. Aaron Mustang. He's been making quite a name for himself within the walls, you know. His actions during the last expedition have not gone unnoticed."

"That doesn't answer my question," Levi pressed.

Erwin's smile widened slightly. "I trust Aaron's judgment. His feelings for Historia, if they exist, will only make him more determined to keep her safe. Besides," he added, his voice taking on a more serious tone, "I'm grooming him as my potential successor."

Levi's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Are you sure about that? He's still young, inexperienced in many ways."

"Perhaps," Erwin conceded. "But he has a sharp mind, excellent combat skills, and most importantly, the ability to inspire those around him. I believe he'll do an even better job than I have."

Levi was silent for a long moment, processing this information. Finally, he spoke, his voice uncharacteristically soft. "If you think he's the right choice, I'll support your decision. But don't expect me to go easy on the brat."

Erwin chuckled. "I wouldn't dream of it."

Back at the cabin, the night had settled in fully. Most of the soldiers had retired to their bunks, exhausted from the day's events. In the small kitchen, however, a few figures remained.

Eren sat at the rough wooden table, his head in his hands. "It's all my fault," he muttered, frustration evident in every line of his body. "If I can't control this power, we'll never be able to retake Wall Maria."

Connie, leaning against the counter, shook his head. "Don't beat yourself up, man. We're all in this together." His eyes hardened as he added, "Besides, I've got my own score to settle with that Beast Titan. For what he did to my mother..."

Unable to find words of comfort, Connie pushed off from the counter. "I'm gonna relieve Jean and Sasha from guard duty. Coming, Mikasa?"

Mikasa nodded silently, casting one last concerned glance at Eren before following Connie out of the kitchen.

As the door closed behind them, Historia spoke up from her place by the window. "I envy you all sometimes," she said softly, her blue eyes reflecting the moonlight. "You always seem to know what to do, no matter how difficult things get."

Eren looked up, surprise etched on his features. "What do you mean?"

Historia sighed, hugging herself as if cold. "I've always relied on others to face challenges. Ymir was always there, pushing me forward. But now... now I don't know what I'm supposed to do."

"Don't you want to save Ymir?" Eren asked, his voice gentle.

Historia's shoulders slumped. "At first, that's all I wanted. But... she made her choice. Who am I to interfere with that?"

A small smile tugged at Eren's lips. "It's good to hear you talking again, Historia. We were worried about you."

Historia's cheeks colored slightly. "I'm sorry," she murmured. "I know I'm not the same girl you all knew. Krista... she's gone now."

Eren's response was cut off by the sound of the kitchen door opening. Aaron Mustang stepped in, his emerald eyes immediately locking onto Historia. A flicker of something - concern? jealousy? - passed across his face as he took in the scene before him.

"Everything alright in here?" Aaron asked, his voice carefully neutral.

Eren nodded, oblivious to the sudden tension in the room. "We were just talking. Historia was saying how she's changed since... well, since everything happened."

Aaron's gaze softened as he looked at Historia. "Change isn't always a bad thing," he said softly. "Sometimes it's necessary for growth."

Historia met his eyes, a small smile playing at her lips. "Even if it means losing the girl everyone liked?"

Eren snorted, drawing both their attention. "Liked? Historia, I hope you don't mind me saying this, but... I always found Krista a bit off-putting."

Historia's eyes widened in surprise. "What do you mean?"

Eren rubbed the back of his neck, looking slightly embarrassed. "Well, she always seemed so... forced. Like she was trying too hard to be this perfect, sweet girl. It felt artificial, you know?" He hurried to add, "But now, you're just... you. A normal, honest girl. And that's so much better."

Aaron watched this exchange with a mixture of emotions playing across his face. Pride in Historia's growth warred with a gnawing jealousy at the easy way Eren spoke with her. He cleared his throat, perhaps a bit more forcefully than necessary.

"It's getting late," he said, his voice gruffer than he intended. "We should all get some rest. Tomorrow's likely to be another long day."

Historia's eyes flickered to Aaron, a knowing look in their depths. "Is something wrong, Captain Mustang?" she asked, a hint of challenge in her voice.

Aaron blinked, taken aback by her directness. "No, of course not. I'm just... concerned about everyone getting enough rest."

A small, almost mischievous smile played at Historia's lips. "You know, Captain, you don't have the right to be jealous. You haven't even officially asked me to be your partner yet."

The kitchen fell silent, Eren's eyes widening as he looked between Aaron and Historia. Aaron, for his part, looked as if he'd been struck by lightning, his usual composure completely shattered.

"I... that's not... I mean..." Aaron stammered, his face flushing a deep red.

Historia's smile widened slightly, a hint of her old self shining through. "Goodnight, Eren," she said, standing up from the table. As she passed Aaron, she paused, looking up at him with a mix of affection and exasperation. "Goodnight, Aaron," she added softly, before slipping out of the kitchen.

Left alone, Eren and Aaron stared at each other for a long moment. Finally, Eren broke the silence with a low whistle. "So... you and Historia, huh?"

Aaron ran a hand through his hair, looking uncharacteristically flustered. "It's... complicated," he muttered.

Eren nodded sagely, a grin spreading across his face. "Aren't relationships always?" He stood up, stretching. "Don't worry, Captain. Your secret's safe with me."

The early morning sun cast dappled shadows through the leaves, its golden light dancing on the surface of the gently flowing river. The air was crisp and clean, carrying the scent of damp earth and fresh vegetation. It was in this tranquil setting that Aaron Mustang found himself, standing waist-deep in the cool water, his muscular frame glistening with droplets that caught the sunlight.

Despite the serene surroundings, Aaron's emerald eyes were clouded with uncertainty, his brow furrowed in deep thought. He absently ran his fingers through his wet hair, pushing it back from his face as he stared unseeing at the rippling water before him.

The sound of approaching footsteps broke through his reverie. Aaron turned to see Captain Levi making his way down to the riverbank, a towel slung over his shoulder and a bar of soap in his hand. The shorter man's face wore its usual expression of mild irritation as he began to undress.

"At least you're one of the ones who bathes daily," Levi remarked, his tone as dry as the towel he set carefully on a nearby rock.

Aaron couldn't help but smirk. "You doing it three times a day is what's weird, you know."

Levi ignored the jab, stepping into the water with a barely perceptible shiver. He dunked his head under the surface, emerging a moment later with water streaming down his face. As he pushed his dark hair back, his sharp grey eyes fixed on Aaron.

"Your eyes look unfocused," Levi observed bluntly. "What's eating you?"

Aaron turned away slightly, his shoulders tensing. "I doubt you'd be interested," he muttered.

There was a moment of silence, broken only by the gentle lapping of water against the riverbank. Then Levi spoke again, his voice uncharacteristically soft. "We've been trusting each other with our lives for three years now, watching each other's backs. Try me."

Aaron let out a long sigh, his shoulders slumping in defeat. He turned back to face Levi, a hint of vulnerability in his usually confident gaze. "It's about Historia," he admitted. "I... how do I officially ask her out? I'm terrible at this sort of thing."

Levi's expression remained impassive for a moment before he clicked his tongue in annoyance. "You were right. I'm not interested in your hormonal teenage bullshit."

Frustration flashed in Aaron's eyes. Without warning, he scooped up a handful of water and flung it at Levi's face. "Now you listen, you short-ass bastard," he growled.

Levi sputtered, wiping water from his eyes. "Tch," was his only response, but he didn't move away.

Taking this as permission to continue, Aaron pressed on. "Look, Historia's changed a lot since Ymir left. She's more serious now, says that Christa doesn't exist anymore, that she's just Historia now. How am I supposed to treat her? Did I fall for Historia or Christa?"

Levi's brow furrowed slightly. "And how the hell am I supposed to know that?" he snapped. "Damn tall-ass chatterbox."

"This is why you're not popular, you know," Aaron retorted.

"I am popular," Levi insisted, his tone deadly serious.

A heavy silence fell between them, broken only by the gentle gurgling of the river. Aaron was about to turn away when Levi spoke again, his voice thoughtful.

"From what you've told me before, you knew her real name three years ago, right?" Levi said, his eyes fixed on the distant treeline. "That means you've always been talking to Historia, not Christa. I don't see what the problem is."

Aaron's eyes widened in surprise, the realization hitting him like a bolt of lightning. Levi, seemingly oblivious to the impact of his words, continued.

"If she's quieter now, that's normal. After all, she lost someone very important to her. She hasn't lived through the same shit you and I have in the Underground City or outside the walls."

A slow smile spread across Aaron's face. "Well, well. Turns out you are a good listener after all."

Levi's eyes narrowed dangerously. "I always have been, brat."

Aaron chuckled, the tension in his shoulders finally easing. He waded towards the riverbank, water cascading off his muscular frame as he emerged. As he began to dry himself off, he glanced back at Levi. "Whatever. Maybe I'll ask her later today."

Levi was quiet for a moment, his gaze distant. Then, almost reluctantly, he spoke again. "There's something else you should know. She... she's the illegitimate daughter of Lord Reiss."

Aaron paused in the act of pulling on his shirt, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Oh? So if I marry her and we stage a coup... I could become king?"

Levi's expression darkened. "Don't be an idiot. Even if we did something like that, without royal blood, you can't rule."

"It was just a joke," Aaron said, raising his hands in mock surrender.

"Well, it was a shitty one," Levi retorted, turning back to his ablutions.

Aaron finished dressing, the ghost of a smile still playing on his lips. As he made his way back towards the cabin, he felt lighter than he had in days. Levi's words, gruff as they were, had given him a new perspective on his relationship with Historia.

The cabin came into view, smoke curling lazily from its chimney into the clear morning sky. As Aaron approached, he caught sight of Historia through the kitchen window. She was standing at the counter, deftly chopping vegetables for what he assumed would be their breakfast.

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Aaron pushed open the cabin door. The hinges creaked softly, announcing his presence. Historia looked up, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth as she saw him.

"Good morning," she said softly, her blue eyes meeting his for a brief moment before returning to her task.

"Morning," Aaron replied, his voice coming out a bit rougher than he intended. He cleared his throat, moving further into the kitchen. "Need any help?"

Historia nodded, gesturing towards a pile of potatoes. "If you could peel those, that would be great."

Aaron grabbed a knife and set to work, stealing glances at Historia as they worked side by side in companionable silence. The rhythmic sound of their knives against the cutting boards filled the air, punctuated by the occasional sizzle from the pot bubbling on the stove.

As Aaron peeled the potatoes, his mind raced with possible ways to broach the subject of their relationship. Should he be direct? Subtle? Should he wait for a more romantic moment? The questions swirled in his head, making it hard to focus on the task at hand.

Suddenly, the kitchen door swung open again, and Eren walked in, his hair still tousled from sleep. "Morning," he mumbled, stifling a yawn.

"Good morning, Eren," Historia replied, her voice warm. "Breakfast will be ready soon. Could you set the table?"

Eren nodded, moving to grab plates and utensils. As he passed behind them, he caught Aaron's eye, a knowing smirk playing on his lips. Aaron felt his face heat up, remembering their conversation from the night before.

The three worked in silence for a few minutes, the kitchen filling with the enticing aroma of cooking food. Finally, unable to bear the tension any longer, Aaron set down his knife and turned to Historia.

"Historia," he began, his voice low and serious. "I was wondering if we could talk later. Privately."

Historia paused in her chopping, her eyes meeting his with a mixture of curiosity and something else... hope, perhaps? "Of course," she said softly. "After breakfast?"

Aaron nodded, a small smile tugging at his lips. "After breakfast," he confirmed.

Eren, who had been pretending not to listen, suddenly became very interested in aligning the forks perfectly on the table. Aaron shot him a warning glance, which Eren returned with an innocent shrug.

As they finished preparing breakfast, the rest of the squad began to filter into the kitchen, drawn by the smell of food. Jean and Connie bickered good-naturedly as they took their seats, while Sasha's eyes gleamed with anticipation at the sight of the steaming dishes.

Throughout the meal, Aaron found his gaze continually drawn to Historia. She seemed more animated than she had been in days, laughing at Connie's jokes and gently chiding Sasha for trying to sneak extra portions. It was as if a weight had been lifted from her shoulders, allowing glimpses of her old self to shine through.

As the meal drew to a close and the others began to clear the table, Aaron caught Historia's eye. With a slight nod towards the door, he silently asked if she was ready for their talk. She gave a small nod in return, excusing herself from the cleanup duty.

They made their way outside, the morning sun now high in the sky, bathing the world in warm, golden light. Aaron led them to a quiet spot near the edge of the clearing, where a fallen log provided a convenient seat.

As they sat down, Aaron felt his heart racing. All his carefully planned words seemed to evaporate, leaving him feeling as nervous as a new recruit facing their first Titan. He took a deep breath, steeling himself.

"Historia," he began, his voice softer than usual. "I... I wanted to talk to you about us."

Historia turned to face him, her blue eyes wide and attentive. "What about us, Aaron?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

Aaron ran a hand through his hair, a nervous habit he thought he'd long since broken. "I know things have been... complicated. With everything that's happened, with Ymir leaving, with your true identity coming to light. But I want you to know that... that my feelings for you haven't changed."

He paused, searching her face for any reaction. Historia remained silent, but her eyes never left his, encouraging him to continue.

"I've always seen you, Historia," Aaron continued, his voice gaining strength. "Not Christa, not the fake persona you created. You. And it's you that I... that I care for."

A faint blush colored Historia's cheeks, but still she remained silent. Aaron pressed on, determined to say everything he'd been holding back.

"I know I'm not great at expressing these things. I'm better with swords than words. But I want to do this right." He took a deep breath, then plunged ahead. "Historia Reiss, would you... would you be my partner? Officially?"

The silence that followed his words seemed to stretch for an eternity. Aaron held his breath, his heart pounding so loudly he was sure Historia must be able to hear it.

Finally, a smile broke across Historia's face, like the sun emerging from behind a cloud. "Aaron Mustang," she said, her voice tinged with amusement and affection, "I thought you'd never ask."

Relief and joy washed over Aaron in equal measure. Without thinking, he leaned forward, cupping Historia's face gently in his hands. Their lips met in a soft, sweet kiss, full of promise and hope for the future.

As they pulled apart, Aaron rested his forehead against Historia's, a smile playing on his lips. "So, that's a yes?" he murmured.

Historia laughed, the sound like music to Aaron's ears. "Yes, you idiot," she said fondly. "That's a yes."

For a moment, they sat there, lost in each other's eyes, the weight of their responsibilities and the dangers that surrounded them temporarily forgotten. In that moment, they were just Aaron and Historia, two young people in love, facing an uncertain future together.

But reality had a way of intruding, even on the most perfect moments. The sound of approaching footsteps broke through their reverie, and they looked up to see Levi striding towards them, his face set in its usual scowl.

"If you two are quite finished," he said dryly, "we have work to do. Hange wants to try more experiments with Eren's Titan form, and we need to discuss our next move."

Aaron and Historia exchanged a glance, a silent promise passing between them. Whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together. With a nod to Levi, they stood, their hands intertwining as they made their way back to the cabin.