7. Karma

(More or less at the same time)


What would you consider a fair value for 10 chances at random roulette, 10, 20 or 40? I would say that in any type of money these would be the most comfortable margins of waste, now we can agree that taking 100 for 10 chances is too much, right.

Now 150, that's theft, we can agree, right? That's what I found when a message saying that a purchase of 150 was made on my card, moments after clicking on the game's roulette wheel.


150, for 10 roulette chances, with no guarantee of getting rare items.... We can consider this a robbery, right?

And even more so with what I got out of it, seriously practically everything was either trash or basic.

[You obtained: rusty dagger x1

You got: worn boots x1

You got: cotton fabric x5

You got: healing potion x5

You got: durable staff x1

You got: mana potion x5

You got: Magic Book (Lightning) x1

You got: barley seed x5

You got: worn wooden shield x1

You obtained: common sword x1]

It's going to tell me that all of these don't classify as low-level or common items. Like there's even rusty, worn and common in their names, in common RPGs this should be the equivalent of initial equipment, for less.

Well at least I got what I wanted with the 5 healing potions, even if they don't cure the tavern boy right away they should at least stop him from dying long enough to get help right?

It reminds me how much time there really is.




Oh damn, just 10 seconds.

I quickly closed the tabs and went back to the tavern, opened the inventory and placed it on top of him. The strange thing was that it wasn't used immediately, it seemed like it appeared in the tavern in front of everyone, who for some reason knelt down and showed emojis of veneration and astonishment.

...Ok, I even like the feeling a little but can you stop doing anything and use the potion straight away!!!! There's only 5 seconds left now!!!!!

Fortunately it seems that someone still had a brain among the figures and one soon took the potion and poured it into the wound.

Soon the young man glowed in a clear green light and the wound closed.

Uffff, I thought I was going to fail my first mission, I'm lucky I got these potions... but it's still not worth losing 150 for some low-end or common-novel potions and items.

Ah, but this magical book was kind of good, but I'm also not worth the 150.

[Book of Magic (Lightning): Releases concentrated lightning in a specific area, costs 5 mana to use.



Use in one of the fies?]

Cool, so I can both strengthen myself and the NPCs. Well, I always liked lightning when I played with wizards and lightning seems like something a God would do to show his strength, right? Just look at Zeus or Thor and the other dozens or hundreds of lightning deities that exist in mythologies.


—> Yes/No]

With that, a new bar appeared at the top of my cell phone, this one being blue, and opening the status I saw a new mana area.

[Name: Tyler

Type: Wandering deity

Titles: —

Domains: —

Karma: 0/50

HP: 10/10

DP: 1000

MP: 20/20

STR: 1

END: 3

AGL: 1


Skills: Observation Lv.2, Punishment Lv.1, Lightning LV.1

Inventory: — ]

Interesting, so here I can gain new parameters that I didn't have before by learning new skills. I mean generally to use magic you first have to define that your character can use magic, here I didn't define anything this only appeared when I learned a skill that needed magic and it was released.

Therefore, it is quite possible that if I learned a skill that requires another parameter, like something that uses stamina or spiritual power, it would also appear in the status or be replaced by mana or divine power. I'll only know when I try it.

And speaking of experimenting, now that I have an attack skill I want to see how strong it is, my Punishment skill, now Punishment takes 1 HP from NPCs and is essentially a basic attack, even though we know that this would be more of a skill correction that attacks, but this Lightning is a 100% offensive skill, who doesn't want to see what a new offensive skill does when they get one, right?

Thinking about this, I finally took my attention away from the tavern and went to look around the village to see if there was anything worth killing.

After about 5 minutes of searching I hadn't found anything, just some sporadic animals but I didn't think it was worth spending mana on it, unlike Punishment which has no cost (not that I could see in the least other than discomfort in my finger) , Lightning cost 5 MP so I'm not going to waste it there, besides I don't even know if the mana recovers over time like in RPGs or how much.

While I was deciding whether it would be better to just find a wolf or a rabbit to see some results, I noticed movement in the corner of the screen near one of the farms and as far as I could see the only one with a saddler.

Out of the bushes came a bipedal creature that appeared to be black, probably because it was night but I could still see several of its characteristics, unlike the villagers, it was a biped, a little small, I had to enlarge the screen on it to see better and I realized that it It was just a little bigger than the bush, carried a branch as a weapon and walked half-bent over with just a loincloth protecting its private parts and had bulging, yellowish eyes with a very pointed nose and ears. A classic goblin.

Except for the fact that he seemed to be smarter than normal (once again congratulations on the AI, or in fact it would be something more like the plot of the story), he seemed to notice that the villagers who usually guarded the field were leaving and came to see if he could get to the saddler of village to get some food or something.

This is the first time that an RPG monster has appeared and I have to say that the laziness that the developers had with people made up for it (a little too much even) with the art they made of the goblin. Then it was just a case of adding one and two, new skill + monster known to be cannon fodder = killing the cannon fodder monster with a new skill.

Which was exactly what I did, clicking on the lightning skill, a target marker appeared that I could increase and decrease by moving the screen, I put it in the most concentrated mode I could and placed it right in front of the goblin's path as soon as he "stepped" on the marker. I clicked on it and...


A beam of white light appeared and vaporized the goblin, I almost felt sorry for him honestly, even more so because there was nothing left of him just a black mark on the floor and -10 on the screen that was soon replaced by this.

[You eliminated a goblin scout

+10 Karma

+5 Divine Power

+1 Strong Wooden Branch]

.... Hein?!

How did all this appear but with the noble and the knights it only showed that I only gained Karma and passed the level?! And it also didn't show what I had killed, just that I had gained Karma, why now?!

Ok, let's think a little about what the differences between this case and the previous one were, the most obvious are he was a goblin and the nobleman, the knights were human, it could be that in Divine's Jorney the principle that only monsters yield loot applies, and that's why it doesn't I gained no equipment from the noble or the knights.

But if that were the case, I also wouldn't have been able to gain Karma, since from what I understand, Karma and Divine Power work almost like equivalents of experience and gold after you kill a mob, and both are also loot, the most basic type But it's still loot, so this explanation doesn't help much.

The second difference was the way they died, the goblin went with a spell that consumed mana, while the noble knights went with Punishment that didn't consume anything and gave me a little shock (which actually didn't happen with the goblin, I think the defect same step.)

Which of the two will it be? For now I have no way of knowing just by testing this theory with other mobs that I find, but when I find it, it's another good question since since the beginning of the game I could only "move" in an area around the village, only reaching a stream that was nearby, that took the villagers 1 minute in real time to reach, I think it took them 2 or even 3 hours or so.

Ah, but now I remembered that one of the first rewards after leveling up was an increase in the observable area, so now I can look further, right?

Ah, I remembered something else, I was so excited to test the new skill that I didn't even confirm whether the young man survived or whether I ended up failing my first mission.

As soon as I thought about it, another tab appeared.

[Mission Complete!]