55. New Skills

It's something to consider later.

Even though the "potential believer" is safe for now, he is still not out of danger, he is unconscious in the middle of a blizzard in a forest in the middle of nowhere, if a hungry animal appears, that's it. Even if many people are afraid of fire, I doubt that this would stop the more curious or desperate ones from taking the risk of taking a sniff inside the tent, if the interactions I've had with animals are any indication.

So while still in the Store I decided to buy a small item that could help a little, 2 small walls of earth, each costing just 50 PD, which leaves me with just a little more than 100 PD. Normally I would complain, but thanks to Constance, Hannah, Sofi, Gerald, Ivan, Matt, etc., I can recover it back to an easy 500 in half an hour with prayers and occasional offerings.

I placed the walls right after the tent at a distance of 2 meters (according to what the indicator showed) from each other, this should be enough distance for the NPC to be able to escape if they need to while I take care of what is still missing. Which in this case is checking the mission rewards.

[Salvation or Doom: Long

Reward: 2 devotees, random skill, 1000 divine power, 250 karma.]

[Cry for Help: Fulfilled

Reward: 1 devotee, random skill, 500 divine power, 200 karma.]

As soon as I confirmed the completed missions, two tickets appeared and a new haba with different skills appeared, below it there was the classic option of taking one or taking ten. As I had no idea when other missions that yield random abilities would appear, or how to earn more of these tickets, I decided it would be better to use them all at once so...

[..... Congratulations on acquiring skill: Shield.]

[....Congratulations on acquiring skill: Manifestation.]

[Shield (3 MP): creates an impenetrable dome around the target for 30 seconds (real time), has a 1 and a half minute cooldown.]

[Manifestation (5 PD): allows you to manifest a part of your power directly in the mortal realm. You can interact more directly with devotees, fanatics and those holding special positions in your church.]

Ok, the first one is very direct and easy to understand, the second one, like almost all the skills that require Divine Power, was a bit vague, but from what I can understand I will be able to interact better with the people in the village and some of the villagers that I have become devotees. But when it comes to something like a Manifestation, I don't know if I could enter their dreams and show them what I look like, create some symbol or something?

Ham, maybe in the future.

With these missions completed my new statue looked like this.

[Name: Tyler Lv. 5

Type: Local deity

Titles: —

Domains: —

Karma: 162/500

HP: 60/60

PD: 1623

MP: 100/100

STR: 3

END: 6

AGL: 4


Skills: Observation Lv.3, Punishment Lv.3, Lightning LV.3, Eyes of the Judge, Shield Lv.1, Manifestation Lv.1

Inventory: (expand)]

Yeah, I still don't know why it has these statistics besides divine power and why I can't get any domains, I'm basically the only God that the villagers of Vilarejo Campo Verde believe in. Shouldn't that at least make the village my domain? Or is that not the type of domain the game is referring to?

At these times, a game guide would be useful, or at least a chat to talk to other players to compare experiences.

Well, there's not much to do in this case, now let's see what this new mission is like that opened as soon as I completed the first one, just a man being stoned.


I need to continue.

I need to look.

I need to find it.

I need to live.

Those were the only things on his mind, since the day he lost his entire family, long after his entire species was almost extinct, his parents' last words remained in his mind ever since.

'Escape now, survive, find the last piece, live for us!!!'

Find the last piece, live for her parents and for all those who fell to the attack of those who lived in Corruption, find those like her who survived and relive the glory of her species. She refused to believe it was the last one and when she found the last piece she could be sure of it.

But after years of wandering in the dark, enduring the pain of the Corruption, hiding from the creatures that lived within it, protecting themselves from the implacable cold it created, they have almost completely undermined it.

She no longer knew where she was, only that this could be the place, but cruel and inflexible destiny didn't want to know. At the moment he was closer to achieving what for years had been the goal of his entire race, his exhausted body reached its limit.

No, perhaps it would be more accurate to say that just finding what it was looking for so much, the body no longer felt the need to endure everything it had endured until now.

She fell face down on the ground but barely missed her face, managing to dodge a little before falling so she didn't get stuck in the snow. No matter how hard she tried, none of her limbs responded, they were hard and cold and she even wondered if she even still had them.

The snow continued to fall relentlessly on top of her and yet her mind and instincts still told her to crawl just a little further, to the pile of snow that was not even half a kilometer away. That as soon as she reached her, all her efforts would be rewarded, that her parents would be proud of her, that she and her species could be saved, but her body couldn't handle anything anymore, it had passed its limit a long time ago.

For 4 days she had continued looking for the last piece without having eaten anything substantial. Not that it made much difference, the last time she ate anything other than tree bark was months ago.

'Sorry, sorry, I can't do it anymore, I'm sorry. Mom... Dad, I'm sorry...'

She thought with tears in her eyes that would freeze as soon as they fell, her body, almost buried by snow, was also almost without heat anymore except where her heart was still beating but increasingly slower.

Suddenly the feeling of the cold snow on her face disappeared, even with the snow still on her back she could tell that no more snow was falling on her. With great difficulty she managed to turn her head to the side and instead of dark snow she saw that she was inside some type of tent or cabin? She couldn't say, the place was different from anything she had ever seen or heard about.

With animal skins as walls and in various places, shields, bows and arrows, horse cages, strange clothes made of iron or what seemed to be iron formed with what were made of sheep and several clay pots scattered around the corner that I could see.

She didn't understand what had happened, in a moment she was lying in the snow about to let the cold hands of death finally take her despite being so close to her goal. The objective she felt was still in the same place just a few meters ahead, meaning that this cabin had appeared precisely in the place where she was and yet it didn't crush her.

How could a cabin have appeared out of nowhere like that and not crushed the screen if it had in fact just appeared?

She had many questions about this, even the exhaustion caused by hunger and the cold seemed to recede in the face of it but the moment she tried to get up her strength disappeared again. Falling a little further forward, she noticed an orange glow coming from the left, making an effort to go in front of a delicious fire just below a hole at the top of the cabin through which the smoke came out but no snow or trace of cold entered.

Seeing the fire burning so strongly she felt her own strength returning, but the tiredness was still extreme and no matter how hard she tried now she couldn't muster up the energy to stay awake. Before she was sure that if she closed her eyes she would never open them again, now she was sure (she didn't know how) that as soon as she closed her eyes and opened them again she would not see her parents as a part of her heart desired but this strange cabin with the fire burning brightly in front of her.

And he was also sure that when he woke up he would be able to complete his objective, he would be able to bring together all those still alive of his species and guarantee a new future for them. I didn't know how but I knew I could do it.

After you rest.

After I got the last bit.

As soon as he got the last living branch of Yggdrasil.