Possibilities with Spirit Stones

Two more months went by and before anyone could have realized it, almost two years passed since the rain disaster.

After such a long period, people had almost given up the hope of the world ever going back to the way it once used to be.

At this point, they would have felt contended even if the never-ending winter would have finally given them a break from the chill.

But while the end of volcanic winter seemed like a blessing to the general public, Grace and Davian knew better. If it wouldn't be snowing, then the world would be facing disasters like drought or wildfires. There was no ending of these disasters.

In the previous timeline, the volcanic winter didn't go away even after five years into the apocalypse. It was still there when Grace took her last breath. It was because of the volcanic winter that Starship Country didn't go through disasters like wildfires and drought in the first five years into apocalypse.