
Inside a dark room, a man is tied up on a chair,

His face is completely distorted, blood coming out of his face, there are several cuts on his body.


"You bastard, how dare a low life go after my girl" One of the four man who look like the leader the these people, punched.

"Hey, I told you before she was the who came to me" I said,

'It's hard to talk' I thought




'This bastard keep punching me' 'I want to kill him'


Suddenly someone hit me in head by a rod.

'Thanks I guess, at least I don't have to endure this beating anymore.' I

thought as my consciousness faded away.

'Did I regret working with his girl no, I will do anything for money. This

time I was just powerless. This fucker was lucky to born in wealthy family. God please, in next life make me powerful.' thinking that I breath my last.


"Where is this" I asked as, I opened my eyes, I was flouting in some dark space.

"So that's how death feel, I must say it is not a good feeling"

Suddenly I start feeling suffocation, using my hands I pulled my self up,


Sound of water hitting ground reverberate in the room.

(Cough) (Cough)

"Hah~ hah~" I breathe fast.

"This feeling I don't think I really died" I touched my face and noticed

My eyes had been covered with a blindfold. Removing it I noticed I am in a bathtub submerged in water.

when I looked around I saw a sidetable with many items on it, on my left side a glass wall, it was shower. At right side a marble commod was placed, a door was in front and on right side of gate was a rack with toiletries and a fluffy towel was place near it.

I was still in the tub so, using my hand I get out of it, when I stand up, I noticed a piece of paper on the sidetable with many items. Ignoring it for time being I walked to mirror, when I saw my reflection in mirror I got so shocked that my leg weakened and I fall on the floor.

"Who is this" I asked as my eyes never leave the mirror.

There was reflection of a handsome young man, with black hairs and blue eyes.

Suddenly I realized, I really died by the hand of that bastard.

"HahaHaha" I start laughing,

"I always read about people being reincarnated, transmigrated but who would have guessed that one day, I might also get a chance to experience it"

I suddenly remembered something, looking at the piece of paper at sidetable of tab,

I stand up and walked to the side table before I picked up the piece of paper,

It is a letter, there are some tear drop marks. Ignoring It I start reading...


[I am tired of this world,

It take away my everything, first my parents, then my siblings and it even take away my love.

I don't want to live in this cursed world anymore. Hence, I am taking my life, sorry Mom, Dad and Eva.

Who ever found my body, please burn it, I don't want to turn into an undead.

Although I know no matter what you do, I will return as an undead after 24 hour. But please burn me.

And as a reward I am giving you all my possessions.

Check first drawer and you will find my spacial storage ring.

Thank you for fulfilling my last wish]


With that the letter ended.

"What the hell, was this person senile, first Undead, and then spacial storage ring. Yup definitely senile" I said but I still checked that what this latter said might be true.

"Hahaha, I am just checking ok, I don't believe a single thing said in the latter" I reassure myself that I am not expecting anything.


I opened the first drawer, and there really was a ring.

I observed the ring, it is black in color with some mysterious design curved on it.

I quickly put it on "there's no way it is really a spacial storage ring"

"How should I check?"

"Right I read in a novel, in which main character just think as he was opening a box to assess his storage ring. I should give it a try" I quickly test my theory and fair enough nothing happened.

"Hahahah, I really become a fool by trying this shit." I muttered but didn't remove the ring.

"I should remove this set of clothes, otherwise I will catch a cold" Thinking that I came out of the bathroom.

"So, this is an apartment" I looked around, it was the living room

There was LED tv set on one side of the room, a set of couch facing tv, an attached kitchen on opposite of tv and couch. A wall was built like a divider and can also be used as dinning tables.

There were two closed door, after kitchen and living room.

"This is not bad for newly married" I laughed

Then picking one of the closed doors I open it, and sure enough, it was a bed room

But seeing how clean it was, "this room is definitely not used"

"Then the other one should be this body's room"

I open other one and just as expected this was his room.

This room was completely messed up, bed was disoriented, clothes were thrown here and there, but what actually was different here were two guns hanging on the side wall.

I enter the room and looked around, other than those guns there was a Katana, and two military standard daggers besides the door. A balcony on left side.

"Did he only read apocalypse related novels" I didn't thought that all these weapons are real until I listen a scream.

It came from left side of the room.

I rushed at the balcony and the scene made my whole body tremble in fear.

On the street a man was eating another man and the man who was being eaten alive keep struggling to free himself.

His eyes met mine, he has pleading expression on his face as he was saying 'please help me'

I on the other hand was completely shocked my body refused to move as I continue to witness how the man breath his last as he continue to look at me.

"He didn't lie"

"Previous body owner commit suicide, because he was not able to handle this cursed world"

"Jay, how are you going to survive in this cursed world" I asked many questions

But no one replied.