Where Is Jacob?

Cameron put on his clothes and picked up the bunny he had caught in the woods and then walked. He put on the hood of his hoodie with his head bowed and the bunny tucked in his arms. 

His senses were on high alert and being a wolf, he could hear ten times better than an average human so he focused his attention on whisperings, wanting to know who to avoid and when to start running. 

Luckily, he got to their neighborhood without being spotted and nothing said about him other than the humans wondering what could be his problem. 

He smiled when he saw the person he was looking for and walked up to her. "Hello Milly." 

The little girl turned and on seeing him, she retreated a step back. "My mommy said I should stay away from you." 

Cameron smiled, "why, did I do anything?" 

"She said you are strange; your entire family is strange and she said that I should stay away from you."