Keeping You Hostage

"Snow," Rylee called softly when she saw the woman standing in front of the door. Her eyes were ashen black and her lips were pale. 

Her skin was pale as well and black lines stretched out on her body like black veins. Her hands were bonnie and her nails were black and pointed. 

Rylee could feel the fear rising in her chest as she remembered that that was exactly how she looked when she attacked her that other day. 

She glanced around, neither Cameron nor Jacob nor even Steven would come for her rescue today and they also won't hear her scream from the unrest of the pack. 

She knows that escaping Snow now is all up to her and she just hopes the woman would wake up before she does any real harm to her or her to her. 

"Snow, this isn't you, wake up, please," she pleaded but the woman just kept staring at her. She let her gaze roam around, searching for a weapon to use or anything that would aid her in fighting.