Getting Influenced

The cops had decided to investigate their attackers, hoping they might lead them back to Snowflake. Even though all the attackers had been killed, they managed to collect enough remains to run an investigation. After a thorough analysis, they discovered these men were involved in human and organ trafficking. Following the clues, the investigation eventually led them to the traffickers' base. But after searching every corner, they found no evidence connecting the traffickers to Snowflake.

"This makes no sense,"

Inspector Ray muttered, his frustration evident as he stomped his foot against the floor.

"Why the hell would they attack us if they're not working with him?"

He glanced around at the others, who had gathered in their headquarters, now joined by a few members of the intelligence team. Word had spread that Snowflake was not an ordinary adversary, and the case had attracted wider attention within law enforcement.

"Maybe they know what he is."

Dergeant Kim saud, leaning forward thoughtfully.

"They might have attacked us to get him for themselves. These people are organ traffickers, after all."

After their own investigation, the team had learned more about Uche, discovering he was something called a Connect—a mysterious being of great and unique power. But the new knowledge only deepened Inpector Ray's frustration.

"This is killing me,"

Hr groaned, pacing the floor.

"Why would they risk their lives to go after him if he's not their boss?" He sighed, rubbing his temples. "You know what? Let's leave it for now. We're all worn out, and I went through a lot yesterday."

With that, Ray stalked off, signaling an end to the discussion for the time being.


Meanwhile, Uche stayed at Mira's house, waiting for Snowflake to contact him again. The days passed slowly, filled mostly with intense training sessions as Mira taught him about the vampire world and everything he needed to know.

The plan, as they had discussed, was for Uche to descend into the vampire world after he retrieved his eye from Kante. Until then, they waited, training and preparing for what lay ahead.

Uche knew little about vampires and their culture, and Mira took it upon herself to fill that gap. She taught him the basics of vampire abilities, martial arts, rules, and customs. She explained that while he wouldn't be able to master any true vampire skills until he evolved into a full vampire, it was crucial to lay a foundation. Mira also mentioned that he'd eventually be attending an academy for two years in the vampire world to learn and develop his skills further, but she wanted him to have a head start.

She focused particularly on their unique fighting style, a blend of fluidity and strength, designed to harness a vampire's supernatural speed and agility. Uche was surprisingly quick to pick it up, impressing Mira with his progress.

"You're really a strange one,"

She commented during one sparring session, striking his sword out of his hand and knocking him to the ground with a well-placed stomp to his chest.

"Tell me, do you thirst for blood?"

Uche had told her about the intense hunger he'd felt after waking up in the cell, on the battlefield. The hunger wasn't new to him, but this one in particular was far more instense and unsettling—especially the way his body had reacted to the people around him, feeling the pulse of their blood and the beat of their hearts. He also mentioned how he had suck several cops dry before he was satisfied and eventually passed out.

Mira's face registered shock as he described it, and she raised an eyebrow.

"Wait... how many exactly?"

He glanced away, almost sheepishly.

"Six, I think."

Mira was shocked. Normally, even a ravenous vampire would be sated after five liters of blood. It was rare for vampires, even addicts, to drain people dry, unless they were on the verge of losing their sanity due to starvation. But here was Uche, a half-blooded vampire, able to dry six lives in one sitting.


Mira muttered, struggling to understand.

"Half-bloods aren't supposed to react to blood. Not unless they've been around vampires for at least a month that they would be influenced, and even then, they'd need to be surrounded by at least ten vampires"

If her memory is working well, Mira remembered Uche had only be with her for a day before that event with the cops, so he shouldn't have been influenced, and he also mentioned that he hadn't thirst for blood before, that's his first time.

Mira couldn't shake the feeling that there was something different, even dangerous, about Uche's nature.

'What kind of demon will you become, Uche?'

She wondered silently, remembering that intense hunger he'd described.

Three days had now passed since Uche had first shared the story with her. They had spent each day training in Mira's private training room, an empty space with a few scattered pieces of equipment lining the walls. Mira was pushing Uche harder with each session, testing his limits but also keeping a close eye on his condition.

"Are you sure you're not thirsty?"

She asked, concern flickering in her eyes. Over the past few days, Uche had lost a lot of blood during training, yet he hadn't requested any to replenish himself. The only reason she could think of was the enormous amount he had consumed on the battlefield.

"No, I'm okay,"

He replied, shaking his head as he pushed himself up from the ground, adjusting his stance.

"Alright, let's stop here for tonight,"

Mira said, stepping back and leaning against the wall.

"Your attacks are sharp and dangerous, but you need to work on defense. You're sustaining way too many injuries, and you know the reason we're training in the first place."

Uche nodded, wincing slightly as one of his wounds slowly healed. She had drilled into him that he needed to learn how to avoid injuries altogether. Mira had warned him that his strange healing ability could draw unwanted attention in the vampire world if anyone noticed the he healed. She was trying to help him learn to survive while staying hidden.

At first, Uche had thought he could avoid conflict simply by steering clear of any situations that would require him to fight. But Mira had been clear—he would be required to attend the academy for two years. Conflict was inevitable, so he had reluctantly agreed to focus on defense.

They left the training room together, showered, shared dinner, and went to bed for a well-earned rest.

The next morning, as Uche stirred awake, a familiar, faint pain tingled in his empty eye socket. A moment later, a sharp, distinct vision filled his mind.

Snowflake was reaching out, connecting with him once again.