Deputy Head of Shibuya?


"Who are you?"

"Maxime Valdreuve, pleased to meet you."

"Get out of here," ordered Kavasta sharply.

At the same time, the battalion commanders were shocked that a stranger had the audacity to enter the fortress' strategic meeting room.

"He's the new deputy chief of the Shibuya, he can stay."

Leila's words drew surprised shouts from those around the table.

"What are you talking about, Leïla?" asked a battalion captain, thinking he'd misheard.

"I said he was the Shibuya's new deputy chief," replied Leïla with a charming smile.

Everyone in the room was speechless.

If he was indeed Shibuya's new deputy chief, he could stay.

"What the hell, Leïla? I don't even know who the Shibuyas are!" exclaimed Maxime, bewildered.

He felt as if he'd been caught in a trap.

"You don't know who the Shibuya are?" asked Kavasta, surprised.