"These mercenaries, and particularly their captain, are really very interesting," replied Kael with a mysterious smile.
But a few almost imperceptible drops of sweat were running down his back.
"Oh, what makes you say that, Kael?" asked one of the two newly arrived knights.
"Ira, my griffin, although pretending to be asleep, was clearly telling me to watch out for this young captain."
The two newly arrived knights of the royal guard were truly surprised. But they all knew that a griffin's senses were very sharp, being able to spot danger from several kilometers away very easily.
"Irfa told me the same thing."
"The same goes for Ita."
The respective words of Rita and Tamor confirmed everyone's doubts.
All their griffins, who all seemed to be sleeping and harmless, were in fact ready to fight at the slightest sign of aggression from the young mercenary captain.