Chapter 1

Peter Parker was a normal 18-year-old high school student, small, nerdy, and extremely smart, but with poor social skills. Even with that, he managed to get some friends and was only worried about a bully or two. However, this small boy with short brown hair and dark eyes would have his life suddenly changed one day at Oscorp Industries.

They were on a school tour of the installations when suddenly Flash Thompson, his bully, pushed him over a table, and a strange spider bit him. From that day on, the boy was not only ashamed of the accident but also felt a little weird from the bite. The doctors assured him that there wasn't anything to worry about, but he was slowly feeling strange side effects, mostly a huge increase in appetite.

If only poor Peter knew what was about to happen to him. He was about to experience a truly life-changing experience. This time his true love would catch him sooner than before; she would infiltrate his life early to properly cultivate him into a true king.

There will be no mistakes this time.

Peter would have a happy ending, whether he liked it or not.

Peter was early in the morning going to school on his bicycle. The last school year was about to end, and he had a lot on his plate, but the boy still wanted to be early. It was fundamental for him to get nice grades in general to get into a good college and, most importantly, get a scholarship. After all, his aunt and uncle were in a really bad economic situation, and the boy didn't want them to get into debt, and he knew that college loans were a trap.


It was the sound of glass breaking but with the strength of a million atom bombs. The whole street began to rumble and shake as the sound alone knocked the young man off the bicycle. He blinked a few times, not knowing what was happening and thinking that it was an earthquake, until. . . the building beside him was replaced by a long beach.

Screams flooded the place as the whole city was changed and reshaped into something else. Peter was confused, unable to move as he saw people running from the beach into the streets. However, what caught his attention was the massive space shuttle falling from the sky and crashing on the beach.

After the initial wave of sand and dust settled in, the boy could see something moving in the middle of that metallic wreck covered in fire. Two astronauts were trying to crawl outside the accident site while more people were still running around them as the chaos flooded the place.

Peter looked around as his whole body shook, seeing if a policeman or another person was going to rescue those people, but nobody wanted to turn around. In the middle of this earthquake, nobody had time to save anybody, only themselves.

The boy took a deep breath, trying to ignore the toxic fumes oozing from the crash site—that bitter and chemical stench almost made him throw up. With Peter's heartbeat in his chest, the boy ran towards the people in danger, ready to save them from the crash no matter what. What was his motivation? None; he just acted without thinking first.

Under this immense heat and covered by smoke, the boy rushed in to save those people, dragging them one by one to a safe distance into the streets as people around him were still running around from the crash site. It hurt; the pain of the heat and toxins in his lungs was extreme, but he kept moving those two men, showing some impossible strength for his small frame. Someone would say that was the power of adrenaline, but the small pool of "oil" that he stepped on knew the truth.

A jolt of joy ran across Venom's body as she felt, for the first time in a long time, the touch of her first love. Feeling Peter rescued those humans made everything clear to her; this was her Peter, the one hero she loved so much. Finally, they were together again . . .

At the end of the night, Peter was trying to sleep in his home. A lot of things had happened since he rescued those astronauts early in the morning; basically, the whole city was in ruins as a big natural disaster struck the Earth. News about earthquakes rumbling across the whole world, places changing, new continents appearing, etc. had all the countries in pure chaos. It was logical that his small act of heroism was not in the news with everything going around, but still, Peter would get his fame really soon.

Now, tired and exhausted, lying on his bed after checking that his guardians were alive, he couldn't sleep. Both Aunt May and Uncle Ben had made it extremely clear that the boy wasn't allowed to get out of the house until this whole mess got solved, and Peter didn't have the energy to argue back.

As the boy was lying on the small bed near a window, the sound of the chaos and stress made the whole house rumble. Firefighters, police, and ambulance sirens interrupted by the occasional explosion were the only thing he could hear.

In order to waste some time, he decided to have some fun alone; however, the second he raised his hand to do the deed, something strange happened.

"What the hell?!" Peter let out a shout of sheer fear as black tendrils came out of his hand, restraining his fingers as they grappled against his will. It was the first time that he felt something like this; they were firm but at the same time slimy and hot, as fresh tendons.

He wasn't a stranger to the existence of aliens, mutants, and magic, but this was the first time seeing one in the flesh.

Peter began to hear a voice inside his head—a feminine voice. (So-sorry! I didn't want to introduce myself this way, but I couldn't wait anymore!) The creature squealed inside his mind with an apologetic tone.

"Are you in danger?! What is it? Are you in pain? Something bad is going to happen?!" The boy asked without doubting for a second. There was someone who needed help, and he would jump to action, even if it was some kind of invasive alien goo.

Peter felt the grip on his hand go away as he recovered control over his body. (No . . . I was just waiting for the right time to introduce myself, I am an alien that you rescued from today's accident) she exclaimed now with a meek and shy tone, almost a little ashamed that she had to do such a spectacle for that simple thing.

The boy nodded as he recovered from the shock of this first meeting. (I am Peter . . . so you are attached to my body?) He asked, taken aback by having to share a body with another entity. It was clear that the boy didn't understand the full implications of those words.

(Yes, I am Venom, a symbiote alien; nice to meet you,) she purred inside the boy's mind. For some reason, he couldn't be angry at her; it was like a foreigner trying to fit in a new and strange land. Also, and most importantly, it was an alien woman, and Peter had a soft spot for them.

The boy took a deep breath and closed the fridge, trying to think with his upper head instead of the lower one. (So . . . what now?) the boy asked, truly dumbfounded since he needed to sleep or have a wank.

Venom stood silent for a second, measuring each of her words carefully. (Can I . . . stay attached to your body? I need a host to survive. I know that is a lot to ask, but if you don't like it, I can find another one,) she begged with a submissive tone. The alien knew that this was a huge thing to ask, but she also knew that her object of adoration would say yes.

Peter shook his head. Sharing his body with an unknowing entity was extremely risky. (Su-sure! I mean, if you don't have any other place to go) the boy thought with a charming tone, unable to resist the craving to calm an alien girl.

(Anyway, can you give me a little more information about yourself?) He asked, quickly moving the topic to more important stuff.

(Right, I feed on your adrenaline and chocolate, so it would be nice if you could get a lot of those,) the alien whispered, leaving out the most important details about her diet. From what she knew, the best sources of adrenaline were fighting and fucking—two things that Peter would be doing a lot of from now on.

Peter loved chocolate, but he wasn't such a huge thrill chaser; he could get into some extreme sports if his new roommate needed it. (Will it hurt my stomach?) He asked, worrying that too much chocolate would affect his health.

(Don't worry about that! With my help, you are safe from any normal disease or problem you could have. As well, I enhanced your strength, reflex, speed, perception, and durability to far beyond human level,) Venom explained with a cheerful tone, happy to help Peter become what he was meant to be.

The idea of getting a superpower made him shiver with excitement, but his more curious and analytic personality won out in the end. (How do you do that?) He asked with an extremely curious tone, wanting to know the why and how of this boon.

(Think of it as a subdermal exoskeleton, and I can even change shape to give you all kinds of cute clothes,) Venom exclaimed as her tendrils twisted and shaped around Peter's hand to give him a temporary brown leather glove that quickly dissolved into his skin.

Peter raised an eyebrow, already thinking of a few uses for this power, from stealth to some even changing mid-combat to bandage wounds. However, the boy had more questions. (That doesn't explain all the disease immunity stuff,) he asked while trying to find the logic in this madness.

The alien went silent for a second, trying to do her best not to freak out her host. (Well . . . I am technically all over you, like on a cellular level. In your bloodstream, inside your muscles, bones, brain, etc. I know that sounds a little creepy! But it is not dangerous,) she exclaimed with a meek and weak tone, almost begging him to not be disturbed by this detail.

The boy made a mischievous smile as his mind bloomed with ideas and possibilities. He could become a hero—no, he could become the best hero ever with this power. Peter could make the world a safe and wonderful place where everybody was happy; this was his key to opening that door. (I mean, if you wanted to take over my body, you would have already done it, right?) Peter asked, knowing full well that he was playing with fire.

Venom went silent again. It would be easier to say no, but that was a straight lie, and she didn't want to have this relationship built on that type of subterfuge. (Kinda? The host can resist my influence, but I can read your mind and memories, so . . .it would be easier for me to manipulate you,) the alien confessed, giving Peter more information about her powers.

The boy nodded, taking a few seconds to fully assimilate that fact. (Right . . . memories?!) He asked with an alarmed tone. The last thing he wanted was for the girl and his possible companion, who would give him superpowers to know all his dirty and lewd secrets.

(I am sorry! But I didn't want to hide stuff from you! It feels really bad!) She begged again with that meek and weak tone that made Peter lower his guard.

The boy let out a deep sigh, knowing that she could use all these tools against him, but Venom had chosen to even warn him about this. (It is fine; just don't share my passwords,) he said with a small smile as his head was still racing with questions and ways to use this power.

(My lips are sealed,) Venom added as her voice was shivering with excitement and happiness.

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