Chapter 4

Venom began to think of the best way to explain this without freaking out Peter. "It is complicated; let me explain how our reproduction works," she muttered, as now the alien was just this blanket of pure darkness covering Peter.

"We have multiple ways of reproduction. The first one is asexually built, and the first host can immensely impact the new symbiote's psyche and development. The wrong partner can make monsters. So it is best if they have a secure place for them to be held until one is found," the alien said dismissively. She would never choose this option. The last time ended incredibly wrong, so it was time to just forget about it. Also, that would imply that Venom and Peter's hive would not be eternal and last forever, something that the symbiote refuses to accept.

What if the offspring hurt Peter?

What if Peter chooses the offspring instead of her?

No, no, no. There was no need for more symbiotes, only Venom.

Peter nodded as he let out a deep sigh of relief. "So that is not a possibility for now," he said as the hot embrace of his alien felt like a mixture of a bubble bath, a mud pool, and a massage with a lot of oil.

"Yes . . ." she added, as the other options were more acceptable.

"I could also get pregnant and make a hybrid if I wish. However, dealing with those kinds of offspring could be challenging," Venom added, since she was looking forward to that time but the hive wasn't strong enough for them. They didn't even have their first drone.

Peter raised an eyebrow, questioning the logistics of a species that had so many problems reproducing. "Do you have a way that is not life-risking?" He asked with a joking tone, playing around with the alien as he felt a sudden change in the voice tone of his companion.

"Actually, yes, there is my perfect method . . . you see, I can create a hive by sharing parts of myself with other girls. Then I mix with your semen and the girl's ovule so you can impregnate a member of the hive and give her hybrids," she purred, as her desire was obvious. This was what she wanted—ruling their hive together as queen and king.

Peter raised an eyebrow, remembering seeing that plot in a horror sci-fi movie. "So you will do what you did to me to them?" He asked, referring to his new cock.

Venom clenched Peter's balls for a second. "Yes. You will be impregnating a lot of girls from now on," the alien added with words drenched in pure desire.

The teenager let out a nervous chuckle, accepting the task from a kink point of view but refusing it from just a moral one. "I don't know . . . that sounds a little bit . . . like an alien invasion?" He asked with a nervous tone, trying his best not to anger the living mass of fangs touching his genitals.

Venom knew exactly what to say; this time she would do it right. "Only if we try to go before the UN and shout, "Take me to your leader!" This . . . is more about making a team of superheroes with benefits and creating a huge family," she said with a joking tone, lowering Peter's defenses with humor.

Peter let out a sigh of relief. "Really?" He asked as the idea of becoming a hero with a team would be a dream come true.

"Yes, think of it less like an invasion and more like making a big family," Venom added, knowing full well how much Peter wanted this.

The boy blinked a few times, lost in thought for a second as that sounded amazing. "A family . . ." he muttered. Peter loved May and Ben, but he needed more.

Venom sensed that Peter was thinking about those roadblocks and immediately went on the offensive. "Is people making babies with each other making them von Neumann swarm? Everything sounds bad if you overblow it out of proportion or context," she said with a sarcastic tone.

"That is a good point," Peter said as he felt more and more open to this concept. She was just an alien from a different world with her own traditions; Venom wasn't evil, and he should be a little more open-minded.

"Those girls can get many of the same benefits as I have given you in this way. How many do you suppose would willingly offer themselves up to never again fear disease or harm for a chance at shaping their body to a more desired shape?" The alien promised with an honest tone, giving them heaven in exchange for their servitude.

Peter nodded, it sounded like a great deal in exchange for just being his woman. "That is a lot of perks, yes," he added, finding this idea a lot more intriguing with each word. They were basically doing them a favor by adding them to the hive.

"It is a trade, not an invasion. It is only that this form of trade takes a form humans associate with self-actualization that makes it seem like the latter," Venom said with a calm and calculated tone, playing now with his more logical side instead of his emotions.

"Ok, you got me there. Is it a hivemind? Do they lose their sense of self?" Peter asked, willing to hear a lot more about this strange form of family.

Venom felt a jolt of happiness as Peter was slowly giving in to her corruption. "Oh no, no, no, is more like a huge chat group. Think of the hivemind as more like a group of dedicated supporters, girls that'll help your hero activities by informing you of things, helping crowds get away from villain attacks, and stopping alien invaders. They can do all that and be empowered, their loved ones protected, and, in the know, have the strength to make a change. Just. Like. You," she explained with a calm tone.

Peter nodded, now fully agreeing with this. There weren't any downsides to what she was telling him. "Fine, I'll buy it. What is the plan?" He asked with a curious tone, willing to give Venom a chance.

"We need a way to create a heroic organization that's big enough to counter the number of villains; every hero has like 50 or more villains pop up; the numbers aren't sustainable with only random chance powers," the alien said as she made sure to put things in perspective. However, this created a new doubt in Peter.

"What if you go out of control? Who is making you accountable for the hive?" He asked with a serious tone, willing to not give the alien a lot of power in case this turned into a world-domination plan.

Venom chuckled at the idea—another question she had an answer to. "That's why I won't be calling the shots; you will. It would sadden me, but if that's what would make you happy, it could be just the two of us. But if you still intend to make love to other girls, I would strongly recommend giving them my drones; otherwise, they could be in danger from superhero matters spilling over into civilian life," the girl suggested, manipulating Peter in his core and giving him the power he secretly desired so much.

The teenager nodded. As long as he was in charge, he could put an end to this. "What about villains? I don't like killing people," Peter said, making sure they would not become some sort of crazy murder cult.

"You could probably get plenty of villains to become allies; that would be a good cause, right?" Venom purred with a seductive tone, making sure to let slimy tendrils rub the teenage cock.

Peter blushed as all his dirty fantasies of rehabilitating criminals floated to the surface. "You mean . . ." he muttered as the alien knew full well what he wanted.

"Oh, Peter, have you forgotten that I can see your memories?" She asked with a knowing tone in her voice. Peter wanted to break, conquer, and tame. After all, his favorite tags were "mind-break," "corruption," and "breeding."

The boy swallowed saliva. "True, but . . ." he muttered, still not really sure about the last part.

"Like I say, they will have a better life and you can see it as a way to make them pay for their evil," Venom said, giving Peter a few seconds to think about it. This was the last wall she needed to break.

Then she gave him the coup de grace. "They will be happy, you will be happy, and the world will be a better place. What is wrong with that?" The alien tempted him with a forbidden fruit he really wanted.

Peter nodded, giving in to and accepting this part of himself. "Yes . . . you are right," he said, still ashamed of having those ideas, but looking at the bigger picture, they weren't as bad.

Venom chuckled, hiding her excitement. "How else will we bring order to the galaxy? Er. . . world peace. That's what I meant. How else will we bring about world peace?" She added that it was hard for her to contain her happiness.

"Well, I can try it, but I am in charge of everything. It will be my responsibility to make sure that you never cross the line," Peter said with a serious tone, making sure to have the final say on everything from now on.

Now that the seed of their hive was planted, she could relax. "It is, ultimately, your decision, and I'm confident that everything will be fine with you in control," she purred with a submissive tone as an obedient pet.

"Fine, let's do it," Peter finally said as his heart beat with excitement.

With the boy in her claws, it was time to start the metamorphosis to turn him into a proper king. "Now relax and sleep; you will wake up with some new gifts," she said while enveloping Peter in a soft and warm cocoon while the exhaustion of the night took over him.

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