Chapter 9

Peter took a deep breath and began to think about what to do next. Venom quickly refilled his balls and made the choice really easy. "Well, let's keep going; I am still really horny," the boy muttered, ready to keep unleashing years of sexual tension on that girl.

Gwen nodded as her cunt felt on fire again, ready to go another round but also explore each dirty fantasy she had with Peter. "Same. What can we do next?" She asked while sitting on the bed, her body shaking with excitement as her hands were over her lap.

Venom quickly got in the middle of the conversation. "We could proceed to stage two so I can do some body mods to Gwen as I did with you?" She suggests with a deep and seductive tone. After all, modding girls for the hive was one of her jobs, a human body was fine but that was just the building blocks for something better. All the members of the hive needed to give their bodies to the king and queen to mold as they saw fit. Some of them would become workers, others warriors and the most fortunate ones would be broodmothers.

"She can do that?!" The girl exclaimed, shocked to her core by this revelation. This was great news for the girl, she loved her body but there were things she liked to change about it just out of morbid curiosity. 

Peter nodded and blushed. "Yes, she kind of grew my cock . . ." he confessed. The boy was fully aware of the symbiote's powers, but doing so for other girls felt kind of weird. It was a mixture of pleasure for him to reshape a woman for his pleasure, but at the same time, it felt a little wrong, like messing with the natural order of things.

"Amazing! Can you give me bigger tits?! Oh! also fuckable nipples?! Or maybe a bigger ass? Can you give multiple wombs? Or maybe turn my tongue into an erogenous zone?!" Gwen began to make a huge wish list. Of course, she knew a lot of dirty stuff they could do to her; she had dreamed about this moment her whole life.

Peter blinked a few times, taken aback by how eager Gwen was for this, even more than him. "You are . . . really eager for this," he muttered with a nervous tone and scratched the back of his head. She knew that Gwen was a freaky girl but seeing talk about this kind of stuff was too much for him. However, there was a lot of charm in such naked honesty, something that made Peter love her more and more.

Venom let out a deep sigh, already worried about all the extra work she would have to do to fully satisfy Gwen, such a needy woman she was. "Girl, I am giving you the tip, and you are taking the whole tentacle. Take it easy; I can't make massive changes . . . yet," she answered with a calm tone. Even if the alien was into body modifications, she couldn't jump to the most extreme things yet.

"Sorry, I got really excited," Gwen said while her brain was still thinking about all the possibilities for her. So many mangas, dirty movies, and stories she had witnessed. The girl had a mine of ideas to dig into and she didn't mind getting all nasty with them.

The alien tentacles began to poke the girl and examine her body. "Well, the main point I wanted to get is that you need to prepare your body for the changes, slowly proceeding in multiple stages of assimilation," Venom explained while analyzing the genetic information from the breeding procedure.

Peter raised an eyebrow as the black tendrils caressed Gwen's small breasts, abdomen, and thighs. "Don't I need to do that?" He was worried that Venom was going too fast with his own body modifications.

"Not necessary; you have me inside you to keep things from falling apart. For the rest of the hive that has a proxy of my body, I need time to map out their genes and bodies," Venom answered for both. She would love to just reshape a girl's body in a swift strike, but biology was hard, and she needed to take her time to not break any member of their hive.

Gwen placed a hand under her chin, deep in thought, as her humanity was being slowly corrupted by this alien entity. "So . . . can you place a womb inside my asshole so I can get pregnant from anal sex?" She asked with a completely serious tone. 

"Jesus Christ, Gwen!" Peter yelled, even he was shocked by the suggestion. However, after a few seconds of thinking that sounded a little bit hot.

Venom took a few seconds to answer. "I mean it is not impossible . . ." she muttered as the alien was starting to think about how to add wombs to things that didn't have them, like robots.

The horny alien lover rolled her eyes. "Come on! Don't look at me like that! I know that you are into that weird shit," she exclaimed with an accusatory tone, not willing to be judged by a fellow xeno-fucker. After all that was the charm of this relationship, they could explore each other's body in all kinds of different ways. The roof was no longer so simple as anal, their depravity could grow to all kinds of new levels.

Peter nodded. "Yes, but saying the quiet part out loud is still a little bit shocking," the boy confessed, as deep inside him, he found that kind of stuff really hot.

"Well, what will it be, Gwen? I can give you one body mod, and then we will check how your body takes it . . ." the alien asked, willing to give the girl a choice on this topic. After all, Venom truly was outmatched in this kind of stuff when talking with Gwen.

Gwen may be a horny freak like Peter and Venom, but for now, she had decided to take the smarter route. "Ok, I would actually like a more flexible body so I can get in all kinds of weird positions to start," she asked for something simple and elegant. A trait that she could justify with her years of learning ballet.

Peter and Venom looked at each other with a confused expression; they weren't expecting something so tame.

The girl rolled her eyes and let out a sigh. "Also, my dad will not ask questions; I would be a little suspicious if I appeared in the morning with a boob job done," Gwen added, making it clear that it was all part of her plan. She still needed to deal with the small problem of being a pregnant teenager, so for now she didn't need more stuff on her plate.

Peter nodded, and suddenly dozens of tentacles went to cover Gwen in a cocoon. "That is a good point," he said while Venom did her job. It was a little freaky to see but having the alien messing with a girl's biology just in front of him was giving the boy a strange erection.

"Let's start then," the alien said while enrapturing the girl into thick layers of black goo. The change was something easy to do; doing it while sucking Peter's cock and preparing him to demolish Gwen again was the hard part.

The teenage girl began to squeal and moan as each inch of her body was covered with this black and hot alien mass. With the chemical stench of Venom flooding her nostrils, she began to sense the tentacles penetrating her body and melting with her flesh. Millions of small tendrils prodded inside her bones and articulations, accelerating the infection and allowing the alien corruption to change the girl's body.

It was an incredibly satisfying sensation, almost as pleasurable as Peter's cock. Gwen could feel her body getting consumed by change as the alien treated her like a chunk of clay to be reshaped. A constant blazing heat of pleasure climaxed in an explosion of liquids from her crotch that Venom quickly drank before removing the cocoon. Gwen didn't know that it was possible, but she had her first bone orgasm.

Gwen gains:

Flexible body: Gwen's articulations can now bend an angle double from what humans can normally do; this not only makes her more flexible but also a lot more nimble in combat.

Peter watched in amazement as the cocoon was getting reabsorbed by his body while Venom's tongue licking his genitals made him more and more pent-up. It was kind of worrying about doing such a strange thing to Gwen, but at the same time, it felt incredibly hot. Corrupting and turning his best friend into his personal slut just felt wrong but extremely good for him. The best part? Gwen loved this as much as he did.

The girl jumped from the bed with newfound agility, shaking her big ass at Peter. "Ok, let's try it!" She said it with an excited tone, ready to put her new body to the test.

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