Chapter 11

Venom would like those options, but she had another plan in mind—something that would give them the economic power they needed. "Wait, you and Gwen are smart cookies. You should invent something and make money off the patent," the alien suggested since this was the best way not only to get cash but also to get a reputation. In the best of cases, other teams would ask for help with their inventions, granting them a nice vector of infection.

Peter nodded as the idea never crossed his mind. He was a smart boy, but he didn't have the drive to explore his full potential. "True, but what could we invent?" The teenager asked, having a few ideas but nothing too concrete.

"Nothing related to public institutions; they take years to get something approved," Gwen added, as trying to get something certificated for public institutions took years. Even for medical stuff that could be saving lives, they were extremely restricted by regulations and countless tests.

"So it has to be the private sector," Peter said, already getting a little nervous about having to use suits and not getting scammed by big companies.

Gwen took a second to think about this. "Also, it must be something that we can get a proof of concept relatable cheaply. Nothing that requires super rare and expensive tools or chemicals," she added, already thinking about the whole procedure. Creating something was easy; the hard part was getting the funding.

Venom interrupted; having her work on the materials could really help with the fabrication of the item, especially the parts that needed a lot of precision. "I mean, I could help," she muttered. The alien biology could make her the perfect production assistant for experimental technology.

"Yeah, but people need to be able to replicate what we make," Peter said, discarding the idea for now. For their private stuff, it would work great, but public stuff? That was a big no.

"What about some cheap flame-resistant material? That sounds like something that we could make," Venom asked, wanting something that she needed. After all, it was one of her main weaknesses.

Gwen raised an eyebrow, not getting why they would get something so specific. "Why do we need that?" The girl asked, thinking about other ways of getting money, like making a furry porn ai.

"Well, it helps me since I have a little problem with fire and heat. Also, with all the stuff going on, people could use something like that," Venom argued in favor of the option. Even if they came in spray form, they could be an item that could revolutionize the fire extinguisher industry.

Peter nodded, happy they chose something that wasn't so extreme as their starting point, and also that was something to protect his queen. "Nice, we can get into that; it is something small that will not raise many eyebrows," he finally said before Venom jumped to more important matters.

"Now let's talk about something more important. Your suits!" The alien exclaimed with a cheerful tone. Venom loved dressing up and showing the world the colors of the hive, as any queen, she was proud of her kingdom and people.

Gwen opened her eyes wide, finding a strange craving to follow the alien with this idea. "Yeah, we are fighting crime, right?" She asked with a wide smile, ready to spread the influence of the hive.

Peter nodded with an excited expression. "Of course! What should we wear?" He asked while thinking of designs before getting interrupted by Venom.

"I like to suggest some spider themes for them," Venom suggested out of nowhere. It was such a strange thing for her to say. A little bit pushy on her part but she was nostalgic by that look.

The teenager raised an eyebrow, a little confused. "Why? That sounds really random," he asked while only making a vague connection to the spider that had bitten him a few weeks ago.

"We can crawl walls, shoot webs of fluids, we have super strength, and you love big asses, and Gwen has a big ass," Venom answered with a completely innocent tone.

Gwen nodded, actually finding that idea strangely familiar. "Sounds like a bulletproof argument to me," she added with a chuckle. The idea of adding bondage to their matting as some spider ran across her mind, they should probably work on that too.

"Fine, let's go with that then," Peter finally said, accepting the idea. The more he thought about it, the more he liked it. Spiders were an extremely interesting creature and honestly, Peter always liked them so they were a nice option.

The trio slowly got up from the bed and began to test different costumes; thanks to Venom's shapeshifting powers, she could not only change Peter's clothes but also Gwen's. They went through some iterations, but finally, the boy got something that he really liked.

Peter was dressed in a black body suit that highlighted his fit musculature and agile frame. It hid his cock with a small bulge to not look that obscene but also gave any girl looking some eye candy with that firmly shaped ass. The black suit resembled Venom, with just two white ovals instead of eyes and a big spider logo on his back and front made out of ivory goo. She even went as far as to add some white rectangles on his hands to give the illusion that his "web" was shot from those parts. It didn't even look organic, making it the perfect disguise for the living alien suit.

Peter looked around in the mirror in Gwen's room and was fascinated by that suit; it was like not wearing anything at all. "So, what do you think?" Venom asked inside Peter's head. She was really proud of her work—a classic that never went wrong.

The boy felt strong in that suit, unstoppable in a way that filled him with sheer determination to do what was good for the world. "I like it; it's reminding me of you," Peter answered, ready to get out and fight crime. 

Venom felt her non-existent heart skipping a beat. "Awww, you are such a sweetheart," she muttered, charmed by the boy all over again.

Gwen, on the other hand, went with something a lot different. At its core, it was identical to Peter's suit, a black skin suit with two big oval-shaped white eyes and spider ivory logos. However, the girl went over the top with the extra details. The top seemed to be a hoodie, with sharp white spikes around the edges of the hood and some blackthorns (punk-inspired) coming out of her shoulders. This upper part ended up just before her belly started, giving the impression she was wearing some sort of punk jacket on top of her normal suit. However, that wasn't the most intimidating detail; it was the massive red tongue that came down all the way from where the "jacket" zip should be. It even has fangs like Venom across that crimson tendril.

"Wow, Gwen, you look really intimidating," Peter muttered, really surprised by the look of his girl. He wasn't expecting something that badass, but he loved the look.

Gwen nodded, taking inspiration from a lot of rock bands for her costume. "Right? I love this punk look; nobody will know that it is me," she said with a prideful tone as she moved her massive tongue around like an extra arm.

Peter raised an eyebrow, his artificial eyes making sure to follow his facial expressions. "Wait, important question, turn around," he asked with a worried tone.

Gwen let out a smug chuckle as she obeyed. "Do you think that I didn't think about that? Observe!" She exclaimed and showed Peter her magnificent ass. The girl could feel Venom in between her buttcheeks, making sure that her man had something nice to see whenever they were on patrol. Gwen's massive ass was perfectly framed on that black canvas, showing Peter its fat and rounded glory.

Peter clapped his hands and nodded in awe at that work of art. "Magnificent," he muttered, enduring the need to pounce on her once again like a wild animal.

"So about names . . ." Venom finally said that she was really happy with the results of this work. Both looked just magnificent to her.

"I will be Spider-man, simple and to the point," Peter said, not using his imagination a lot. It just rolled off the tongue really nicely.

"And I will be Ghost Spider!" Gwen exclaimed with a dynamic pose.

Peter looked at her with a confused expression again. "Not Spider-woman?" He asked as it would be the combo for his name.

The girl shook one finger in the air. "I need to look intimidating and badass, and what is more terrifying than ghosts?" Gwen exclaimed, she was really sure about her decision.

"Fair point," Venom added since she hated and was afraid of spirits and ghosts. After all, it was one of the few things she couldn't counter. The alien may want to get some members to the hive that could counter these kinds of problems.

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