Chapter 42

Using the wings to get momentum and then his webs on buildings to work as a slingshot, Peter was shot across the night sky like a living bullet. He moved so fast that it went past the lab window, tackled the monster, and managed to make both lands on the lab parking lot after breaking across a wall.

"Don't worry, girl! I am on you!" Another figure said to MJ as she went past the hole that Peter had made and immediately began to treat MJ, sealing that gash on her arm with her black webs.

A small sigh of relief escaped MJ's lips as she dropped to the floor. "Do I get a raise after this?" She managed to mutter as the effects of losing blood were really making her mind go foggy.

"How does know that it was me?" Gwen asked with a surprised tone while grabbing that muscular arm and starting the reattaching process.

"I can recognize that ass anywhere," the redhead muttered with a playful but a little bit sad tone, knowing that her best friends were so ahead of her.

Finally, there was a girl wearing black and white spandex with a tiger motive running behind Peter. "I will support Spiderman! You take care of her!" White Tiger ordered, ready to help her companion with this problem.

Peter loomed over the woman as he used her body as a skateboard, tied with his webs as the friction of the asphalt third scraped away that armor with the impact. The massive man was just completely silent, with his big wings completely extended over the enemy that had dared to damage his best friends. Not a single quip or joke escaped his lips.

"We finally-" the woman began to buzz before the webs around her tied up and Peter just slammed her on the ground, over and over with sheer rage, trying to turn that monster into nothing more than a simple paste.

("My king, you should calm yourself,") Venom muttered, fearing that all the hormones she used to flood the man's veins were getting a little out of control.

("No,") Peter answered, making it clear that from the second he saw a single drop of MJ's blood, he was out of mercy.

The barrage of attacks was interrupted the second that the monster used her strings not only to break the web but also to launch a strong sonic attack toward the symbiote. As a violinist, hundreds of strings rubbed against each other, creating this high-frequency sound that almost stunned the duo, but thanks to the fabric they had created, it was only a minor annoyance that brought the bug a few seconds.

On the instant that the monster stood on the ground again, White Tiger jumped at her while Peter was recoiling from the attack. The woman pounced at the insect with her claws, trying to strike the monster, but she not only dodged each attack but also used her silk to restrain the cat.

Peter quickly cut those strings with his claws, releasing the woman while the two began to double-team the insect girl, and she was forced to retreat to one of the nearby rooftops. Her agility was immense, and those strings of silk that seemed to be coming out of her back were almost impossible to see and move as if they had a life on their own. Also, there were so many that Venom could only count up to one hundred.

"We need to find a way to get closer!" White Tiger yelled, and then things got even worse.

The hornet humanoid decided to change strategies and began to produce friction between her strands of silk. In a second, she was surrounded by those constantly burning, flaming whips that back to move in the direction not only toward Peter but also the tiger.

("I cannot change to the anti-fire fabric! That would expose us to the sound attacks!") Venom yelled inside Peter as the boy was jumping all over the rooftop dodging the attacks, using his web to move around in sharp angles as the wings were too slow to dodge the barrage.

Peter's eyes scanned the rooftops searching for a water tower while he was using his enhanced reflexes and spider senses to dodge the dance of lethal flame whips together with White Tiger. The woman had deduced that there were two sets of strings, the first one on the exterior working on the offensive while the second one in the interior created a defensive barrier constantly reacting to attacks.

"Two dozen on the exterior, ten on the interior!" White Tiger yelled, giving Peter an idea of how to deal with this. Especially since he noticed that the thing needed to constantly produce more silk to replace the one that was burned, so there was a gap in her defenses.

He made a strategic retreat to the building beside them, where a water tower was located, and with the abomination in hot pursuit, dancing with the flames in the middle of the New York night. That pursuit was stopped when Peter grabbed the big tank of metal with his tentacles and just threw it in the direction of the insectoid monster.

Without wasting a second, the creature just tried to dodge out of the way, sensing that something was wrong with that attack, but that possibility was also accounted for. Those thick, oily tentacles squeezed the water tank and exploded all its contents over the monster, and for a second, her flames were out.

On the small window of opportunity this generated, Peter pounced toward her and punched that ivory face. An attack with so much strength that even cracked the white chitin and sent the abomination flying so far that it landed in a small park a few blocks from where they were.

"Ah . . . ah . . . ah. . ." the insectoid creature managed to say in between moans of pain as thick purple blood oozed from her wound. There was only one reason she got into this fight, and it was her instinct driving her to fight those entities. Since she became self-aware, she only had that knowledge and drive in her mind, nothing else. She was fighting for her life to do something that didn't make sense; it wasn't a normal drive to eat and reproduce as she had before; it was something else.

There was not a lot of time to think as a big foot kicked her face again, making her fly across the air and slam against a tree; however, instead of hitting the floor, she was grabbed by a thick web and pushed back to that furious king that punched her in the guts again. She couldn't feel anything in that man except sheer killing instinct; that person would not stop until he murdered her.

She stood firm again, her strings coiling to form a big spear that she- Now there were two black individuals just punching and kicking her from all angles. They had found each of the holes she used to produce her silk and sealed them with their own webs. The female one used her strong legs and tongue to restrain and just demolish her lower part, while the big male one was just punching her torso and face over and over. Each movement she managed to do was quickly countered by a barrage of kicks and fists, blunt strikes that shattered her exoskeleton and revealed the soft flesh under it.

As the creature was now unconscious on the floor and Peter went to kill it with a final blow of his fist, Venom stopped him. ("Wait! Do not kill her!") the alien exclaimed as this would be a waste. Killing these kinds of creatures would create more problems in the long run.

("Why?! She tried to kill MJ and my kids!") Peter snarled back, only seeing red as the idea of losing not only her best friend and woman but also his kids was guiding each strike.

("That is too good for her! She should suffer as a broodmare and as a slave to MJ. Make her beg and submit to you until she is physically and mentally broken, then deny her the right to choose whether to live or not,") Venom purred inside his mind with sheer malevolence and also injecting enough tranquilizers to kill a bear high in cocaine.

Peter stopped for a second, her rage still as red hot as ever but now being forged into something more subtle than just a chunk of violence. ("I . . . ") he muttered to himself and stopped his attack before getting contacted by Gwen.

("This is not only the best punishment but also . . . something strange is happening with her. Why was she sent after you? She needs to be studied to avoid future threats like her; killing her now is not only a waste but dangerous,") the smart girl added with a calm and analytic tone, helping Venom with this task.

"Wait," Peter finally said, raising his hands and stopping the two girls that were around him.

"What are you doing?" White Tiger asked, confused they weren't killing this monster.

The man's tentacles sprung out of his torso and dragged the now unconscious monster into his hammerspace, leaving nothing behind. "We are not killing her," Peter said, trying to sound cold and calm but failing.

"Then what are you going to do? Give her to the police?" The Latina woman asked again with a suspicious tone.

"I am taking her to study . . ." the man answered, not giving her a lot of attention as he was still worried sick about MJ even if Gwen managed to patch her up.

"You are playing with fire, Spiderman," the heroine warned him, knowing full well that she didn't have the power to stop him.

"I will take full responsibility for anything that happens with her," Peter answered, not being that angry with his companion. After all, she had helped them to save MJ's life when they asked her. All his rage was focused on the monster now sleeping in his guts.