Chapter 4 – Rising in the Army

Harry's days in boot camp passed quickly, and as expected, he stood out among his peers. His dedication, discipline, and physical strength made him the center of attention of his superiors, who quickly realized that he had something special. But what surprised his commanders most was his ability to learn quickly, think strategically, and remain calm in high-pressure situations. These characteristics, coupled with his impeccable performance, earned Harry an unexpected promotion. While the other recruits advanced slowly, he was appointed Corporal shortly after completing basic training.

In the barracks, the atmosphere was one of respect when Harry entered the office of the chief sergeant who was overseeing his new assignment. The title of Corporal already brought greater responsibilities, but Harry knew he wanted more than just serving in normal combat missions. He wanted to use his intelligence and cunning for something greater. So when he was informed of his new specialization, he was silent for a moment, absorbing the magnitude of the opportunity.

"You've been assigned to Military Intelligence, Potter," the master sergeant said with a serious expression. "Your performance during training has caught the attention of some high-ranking officers. They believe you have what it takes to handle sensitive and strategic information."

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Military Intelligence? I didn't expect that."

The master sergeant smirked. "Few do. But few have your ability to adapt and reason under pressure. Now, you'll be dealing with sensitive information, classified missions and, most importantly, secrets that few people are privy to. I expect you to be up to the task."

Harry nodded, feeling the responsibility that now fell on his shoulders. He knew that this new position put him in a delicate place, where information could decide the fate of lives and entire operations. It was a completely different game than he was used to, but in a way, he felt that his experience in the wizarding world and the many times he had dealt with life-or-death decisions had prepared him for this.

Harry began his training in Military Intelligence with the same dedication he had shown on the battlefield. He studied information analysis, espionage, surveillance, counterintelligence and learned to recognize patterns that could be vital for future missions. Unlike physical activities that the body easily assimilated, mental work required total concentration, reading extensive data and a lot of patience. But this did not discourage him. On the contrary, he found himself more focused than ever.

Soon, he was dealing with highly classified documents, information that only those with high levels of security clearance could access. It was something that amazed him. Before, he had dealt with secrets of the wizarding world, but now he was immersed in the deepest secrets of the British government and its armed forces.

By his third month as a Corporal, Harry was already involved in sensitive operations. He attended meetings on missions to monitor international threats, studied the behavior of terrorist organizations and closely monitored troop movements in conflict zones. His job involved gathering and decoding intelligence, mapping out possible scenarios, and creating strategic reports that were sent directly to high-ranking officials.

It was during one of these meetings that Harry realized just how important his new position was. He was sitting in a conference room, maps and reports spread out in front of him. High-ranking officials were discussing a possible intervention in an unstable region of the Middle East, and Harry was called upon to present a report he had prepared.

"Potter, what do you have for us?" asked the colonel sitting at the head of the table, his eyes fixed on Harry.

Harry stood up, with a confident stance. He knew this was a crucial moment, not only for his career, but also for proving that he deserved to be in this room. Unfolding a map of the region in question, he began to explain the enemy's supply routes, the entry and exit points for rebel troops, and the impact that an intervention could have on the local situation.

"Based on the information we've received from satellites and field intelligence, I believe that a direct approach via the northwest route would result in significant losses for our troops," Harry said. "However, if we conduct an infiltration operation from the south, where enemy defenses are weaker, we will have a much better chance of success, with fewer casualties."

The officers listened attentively. When Harry finished, the colonel nodded slowly.

"Are you suggesting an infiltration approach, then?" he asked.

Harry kept his gaze steady. "Yes, sir. I believe this is our best chance."

The colonel exchanged glances with his colleagues before turning back to Harry. "Good work, Corporal. Your analysis will be taken into consideration."

As he left the room, Harry felt a surge of satisfaction. He knew he still had a lot to learn, but he was already making his mark. His analytical skills and intelligence were being recognized, and this was only the beginning.

As time passed, Harry immersed himself deeper and deeper into the shadows of the military world. He had received a rather high level of security clearance for someone of his age and experience, which gave him access to secrets that few would ever dream of knowing. He was dealing with matters that could change the course of entire nations, and the responsibility of this weighed heavily, but also motivated him. For the first time since he had lost his magic, he felt like he had found his place—one where he could use his intelligence and skills for good, but without relying on supernatural powers.

His missions now included undercover field operations, infiltration into enemy territory, and occasionally the interrogation of prisoners. He had learned to rely on his physical abilities as much as his mental capacity. And while firearms and Muggle tactics were his new tools, the determination and courage that had defined him as a wizard were still there, hidden in every decision he made.

Harry Potter was no longer the boy who had saved the wizarding world. Now he was a soldier, a strategist, and above all, a man seeking to make a difference in a world where magic no longer existed.

But even so, he knew that his past would never completely leave him. And no matter how hard he tried to move on, what he had once been would continue to shape who he was—whether on the battlefield or in the secrets he kept deep in his heart.