Chapter 37 – The British Operator

The year 2013 continued to challenge Harry with missions that demanded as much of his mind as his skills in the field. But now, he was about to face a different kind of mission, one that would take him back to the streets of New York, this time to assist in a police investigation, something that was outside his usual scope of military operations and clandestine missions. 

When the British embassy was contacted by Detective Kate Beckett and her consultant, Richard Castle, the British government knew exactly who to send: Harry, one of the SAS's top operators and someone who had already worked closely with MI6.

While Harry was en route to New York, word of his arrival spread through the precinct. Captain Roy Montgomery called his top team together for a meeting. Kate Beckett, Richard Castle, Esposito, Lanie, and Ryan were present, curious about the military consultant who was coming to help them.

"We have received confirmation from the British embassy," Montgomery began, his tone firm and serious. — They're sending an SAS operator who specializes in interrogation, close quarters combat, and intelligence. He also has experience with MI6, having carried out highly classified solo missions. His name is Harry.

Esposito, who had contacts in the military, was intrigued. After a few quick phone calls to his old Green Beret comrades, he returned to the group, his expression serious.

"Guys, let me tell you something," Esposito said, crossing his arms. "This guy… Harry… he's a legend. I'm talking about one of the best operators in the world. If he's coming here, it's because this case is much more serious than it seems."

Castle, ever the curious one, raised an eyebrow.

"So, we're talking about a real-life James Bond?" Castle joked.

"Much more than that," Esposito replied. "James Bond is fiction. Harry is real, and from what I've heard, he doesn't need gadgets or fancy cars to get the job done. He gets things done with precision and efficiency.

Kate Beckett, always focused on the case and keeping expectations in check, shook her head, trying to keep the conversation serious.

"Regardless of who he is, we need to work together and focus on the case. Let's do our best and maybe learn something new."

A few hours later, a black car with tinted windows pulled up in front of the police station. When the door opened, a tall, broad-shouldered man stepped out. Wearing a suit that was impeccably tailored to his muscular body, Harry had an impressive presence. His eyes were hidden behind dark glasses, and he walked with the confidence of someone who had faced impossible situations before. He looked like the kind of person who could control any room he entered without raising his voice.

When he walked into the police station, all eyes were on him. Kate and Lanie, who were standing next to Castle, Esposito, and Ryan, were immediately struck. They hadn't expected a special operations operator to have such a striking appearance. Harry, with his neatly trimmed beard, strong jaw, and impeccable posture, looked more like a movie star than someone who spent most of his time in war zones.

"Oh my God," Lanie whispered, slightly incredulous. "He's… he's gorgeous."

Kate, though always professional and focused, had trouble hiding her initial shock. She had a different idea of ​​what she expected an SAS operator to look like, picturing a tough, war-worn man, not someone who looked so well-groomed and composed.

Harry approached the group, removing his sunglasses to reveal eyes that seemed to see beyond appearances. He held out his hand to Kate.

"Detective Beckett, I presume. I'm Harry," he said, his voice calm but full of authority.

Kate shook his hand, still a little surprised by his presence.

"Yes, it's me. This is my team: Castle, Esposito, Ryan, and Lanie. We look forward to working with you on this case." Harry nodded, looking each of them over briefly before speaking.

"My pleasure. I received the preliminary information on the case on the way here. We will work together to resolve this quickly and as efficiently as possible."

As they walked to the conference room to review the details of the case, Castle, always the most talkative of the group, couldn't pass up the opportunity to tease.

"So, Harry… Esposito mentioned that you're a legend in the military world. Do you have any espionage stories you can share, or is this all classified?" Castle joked, trying to ease the tension.

Harry gave a small smile, but remained professional.

"Most stories, Castle, are probably best left unsaid. But perhaps one day, under different circumstances, we can discuss some of them."

Throughout the day, as they worked together on the case, Harry demonstrated his ability to read people, interrogate suspects and understand the dynamics of crimes almost instinctively. Beckett watched, impressed by the way he moved and acted. It was clear that he was used to dealing with much more dangerous situations, but he never underestimated the work of the detectives. On the contrary, he respected them, collaborating efficiently.

In the evening, after an intense day of work, the team felt that they had taken a big step forward in the case. Harry, with his characteristic calm, thanked the team for their collaboration.

"You have a good group here," he said, addressing Beckett. "It was a pleasure working with all of you."

Kate nodded, still a little shaken by the experience.

"It was our pleasure. And I hope that, if we need it, we can count on your help in the future.

Harry gave one last nod before leaving the station, his presence still resonating in the room. For Beckett's team, this was a day that would forever be etched in their memories—the day a living legend helped them solve one of the most difficult cases of their careers.