Chapter 44 – The Call to Los Angeles

The private jet was flying through the night sky, its trajectory steady towards California. Inside the aircraft, Harry Potter sat in a comfortable chair, his expression serious as he reviewed the information about his next mission. He had just left Hawaii after helping Juliet and her friends, but there was no rest for the Ghost. His superior in the SAS, together with MI6, had sent him on a new mission—this time in Los Angeles, to assist the NCIS OSP (Office of Special Projects) in a covert operation.

As he read through the classified files on his tablet, a notification interrupted him. It was a direct message from Henrietta Lange, the enigmatic and legendary head of the OSP, who specifically asked for his assistance. She had requested it personally, informing him that the operation involved a terrorist group with international connections, something Harry was already more than familiar with.

Harry nodded to himself, aware of the complexity of the upcoming mission. He knew that if Hetty had requested his presence, the situation was delicate and required the utmost precision.

Meanwhile, in Los Angeles, at OSP headquarters, Hetty was meeting with her elite team. G Callen, Sam Hanna, Marty Deeks, Kensi Blye, and technical operators Eric Beale and Nell Jones were all seated around the conference room, listening intently to their veteran chief.

"As many of you already know, we have a high-priority mission ahead of us," Hetty began, her voice low but full of authority. "There is a terrorist group on the move, planning a major attack on American soil. They have connections to international networks involving Middle Eastern extremists and European criminal organizations."

Hetty paused, looking each of the agents in front of her in turn.

"Normally, I would trust you to handle this alone," she continued. "But this time, the situation calls for something more… special. That's why I've requested outside assistance."

Deeks, who always had a comment ready, looked at Hetty curiously.

"Outside assistance? Who could possibly be so special as to help us, Hetty?"

Kensi, sitting next to him, gave him a gentle nudge on the arm.

"Deeks, let Hetty finish."

Hetty gave Deeks a slightly amused look before continuing.

"We're bringing in an elite operative, someone who has an impeccable track record in international missions, solo operations, and… let's say, "unconventional" operations. His name is Harry Potter, but he's better known as Ghost."

Callen raised an eyebrow at the name Ghost. He'd heard Harry Potter mentioned during his time at the CIA. It was impossible to be in that environment without hearing at least whispers about the man who carried out impossible missions, who operated in the shadows and neutralized enemies without leaving a trace.

Sam Hanna, who had been with DEVGRU, also couldn't help but look at him with recognition.

"Ghost?" he murmured. "This guy is a legend. During my time in the Middle East, there were rumors about him. No one knew if he really existed, but the results of his missions…" Sam paused, clearly impressed. "They say he does what an entire team of operators would do, and he does it alone."

Kensi and Deeks exchanged a surprised look. Even Eric and Nell, the team's tech experts, were intrigued.

"Hold on, Hetty," Callen said, leaning forward a little. "Are we talking about The Harry Potter? The man MI6 and the SAS send to deal with the worst situations?"

Hetty nodded slowly.

"Yes, Mr Callen. The very man. And he'll be here very soon. The mission at hand requires someone with your expertise, and I believe that with your help, we can neutralize this threat before anything serious happens."

Deeks couldn't help but smirk.

"Sure, sure. Why not bring Ghost? Apparently, he's the 'one man army.'"

"Deeks," Kensi whispered, though she was also curious about the legendary operator.

"Trust me, Deeks," Sam interjected, her voice thick with respect. "If half of what they say about Ghost is true, you'll want him on our side."

Callen nodded, his gaze serious. "This guy is like a secret weapon for the British government. He's done things that even the best CIA agents wouldn't dare attempt."

Before Deeks could say anything else, Hetty looked at them with her typical expression of someone who knows more than she's willing to reveal.

"You've all been warned," she said, looking directly at Deeks. "Harry is no ordinary person, and he has his own way of doing things. You should be prepared to work with him and, if necessary, learn a few lessons along the way."

"Hetty, I just got confirmation that Harry Potter's plane has landed in LA". Nell said, "He'll be here in about an hour."

Hetty smiled slightly.

"Excellent. Get ready. I'm sure he'll want a detailed briefing as soon as he arrives."

Callen and Sam exchanged a look of mutual understanding. They both knew that having someone like Ghost on their side was a rare opportunity, and any mission with him involved would be nothing short of intense. Kensi and Deeks, while curious, were ready to work with an elite operative like Harry.

Meanwhile, on the private jet, Harry was finishing up the details of the mission. He knew time was against them, and the terrorist group they were hunting would leave no room for error. But Harry was prepared he always was.

When the plane finally touched down in Los Angeles, he stepped off the aircraft with his usual calm and focused demeanor, already mentally preparing himself to meet Hetty and the NCIS team. He knew his reputation preceded him, but for Harry, it wasn't about what people thought of him it was about getting the job done.

With the Californian night wind blowing in his face, Harry Potter, the Ghost, was ready for another mission.

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