Chapter 49 – The Guest of Honor

2019 began with a special invitation for Harry. Prince William and his wife, the Duchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton, had requested his presence at an event celebrating veterans and military personnel in London. The event would bring together war veterans, active military personnel, and members of the British royal family in a ceremony to honor the service and sacrifice of soldiers.

Harry, always honored to be called to such moments, readily agreed. Although his life in the special forces was often shrouded in secrecy and discretion, he knew that this was an opportunity to strengthen ties with the royal family, especially with William and Kate, with whom he had become very close over the years.

On the morning of the event, Harry prepared himself carefully, donning his military dress uniform. His numerous decorations and medals glittered on his chest, but the one that stood out most was the Victoria Cross, Britain's highest military honor, which he had received for bravery in combat. It was a medal few wore, and it was a recognition of his unparalleled courage.

When Harry arrived at the event, which was being held in a luxurious ballroom in central London, the media attention was focused on the royals. Princes, dukes, and veterans strutted the red carpet, but when Harry appeared, his presence was impossible to ignore. The tall, imposing soldier, his decorations glinting in the flashlight, drew glances of admiration and curiosity.

William and Kate welcomed him warmly. William, smiling, patted Harry on the shoulder, while Kate greeted him with a friendly hug.

"It's always good to see you, Harry. I'm glad you could come," William said, and Kate nodded.

"I couldn't turn down an invitation like that," Harry replied, smiling.

The three of them walked together to the reception area, where veterans and other guests gathered to celebrate and share stories. The atmosphere was relaxed, and Harry, who often preferred to go unnoticed, felt at ease alongside William and Kate. They talked about past stories, laughing and remembering funny and memorable moments.

"So, Harry," Kate began, with a mischievous smile. "When are you going to give us any news of any romance? It seems like you're always busy saving the world."

Harry laughed, but looked away.

"Oh, maybe one day. But for now, I'm too busy with missions," he replied, keeping his tone light.

During the event, photographers captured several moments of the three together, especially the relaxed interactions and laughter they shared. Harry was an enigmatic figure and, alongside William and Kate, his natural charisma and striking presence became the focus of many eyes. The media's curiosity about who this mysterious man was next to the royal family grew with each photo taken.

The next day, the headlines of newspapers and news websites were full of speculation. Photos of Harry laughing and chatting with William and Kate were circulating all over the media. The question echoed everywhere: "Who is the man standing next to Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge?"

It didn't take long for answers to emerge. Soon, the tabloids began to reveal the truth. Harry Potter, as he was known, was not just a friend of the royal family. He was an elite operator in the Special Air Service (SAS), a decorated hero and a living legend in the military world. Details of his closeness to the royal family also came to light: Harry had led a security mission years ago that involved protecting the royals in a high-risk situation. From that moment on, he became close to William and Kate, earning the family's trust and affection.

But what really caught the media's attention were the rumors that began to circulate. Sources close to the royal family suggested that Queen Elizabeth II had a deep admiration for Harry. Some even said that the Queen treated him like a grandson, such was the respect and affection she had for him. Harry, always discreet about his relationship with the royal family, kept quiet, letting speculation run wild.

Meanwhile, Harry continued with his life in special operations. He knew that the media exposure was just a side effect of his closeness to royalty, but that would not change his dedication to the job. The missions awaited him, and he would continue to serve, as he always had, with honor and determination.

But one thing was certain: now the world knew who Harry Potter, the "Ghost", was, and his legend only grew, both on the battlefield and in the hearts of those who knew him.