Chapter 51 – The Encounter with the Ghost

The sun was already setting when the sound of a helicopter on the horizon caught the attention of Steve McGarrett, Lou Grover, Chin Ho Kelly, Kono Kalakaua and Catherine Rollins. They were in the safe house in Morocco, finalizing the last details of the plan to rescue Doris, Steve's mother, imprisoned in a CIA Black Site. But something else was coming – or rather, someone.

The helicopter landed smoothly in an open field near the house, and from it descended an imposing figure. Harry Potter, the man known as the Ghost, stepped out with firm steps and a calm but lethal look. He wore a black jacket, tactical pants and military boots, with a posture that exuded experience and confidence. His height and muscular physique were impressive at first glance, not to mention the discreet tattoos that appeared on his forearms, SAS symbols and a skull with a knife, signs of who he really was.

Steve, Grover, Chin, and Kono watched with curiosity and respect as Catherine walked up to him and hugged him warmly.

"Harry, good to see you again," she said, smiling.

Harry smiled back, though he maintained his reserved air.

"Cath, good to be here. I hope the mission is as interesting as it sounds."

He looked at the group that had gathered and approached, extending his hand to Steve first.

"You must be Steve McGarrett. I've heard of you." Harry's voice was deep but calm, showing respect.

Steve shook his hand firmly.

"Same for you, Harry. Or should I say Ghost?" Steve gave a small smile, breaking the ice.

"Harry will do." He smiled slightly, but soon returned to his serious tone. "Catherine updated me on the way. I'm here to help."

Harry greeted the others one by one. Lou Grover was the next to shake Harry's hand, and even though he was a big, experienced man, Grover couldn't hide his surprise at the legend's presence.

"Nice to meet you. I've heard stories about you, man, but seeing you in person is something else," Grover said with a short laugh.

Harry just nodded.

Chin Ho Kelly and Kono Kalakaua greeted him next. Kono, still remembering the photos she had seen of Harry with the British royal family, couldn't hide her astonishment.

"Were you really with Prince William and Duchess Kate?" she asked curiously.

Harry shrugged, slightly disconcerted by the unexpected question.

"Yes, I'm close to the royal family. But that doesn't matter here. Let's focus on the mission," he said, diverting the conversation from his personal life.

Catherine, noticing the tension in the air, decided to intervene and start explaining the details.

"Okay, here's the situation. Doris was captured while trying to escape with a detainee at a CIA Black Site. The location is heavily guarded, and we'll have to be quick and precise to rescue her. We can't leave any traces, and the mission is clandestine.

Harry listened intently, already mentally calculating each step of the mission. His eyes scanned the map on the table, absorbing every detail.

"I've been on this kind of operation before. Black Sites are well-guarded, but they have blind spots we can exploit," he said, pointing to an area on the map. "We can enter through here, in the maintenance area. It's probably the least guarded."

Catherine nodded, agreeing with Harry's reasoning.

"That's exactly what I thought. We'll need someone to handle internal communications and disable the security system."

Chin volunteered readily.

"I can handle that. I'll disable the cameras and make sure no one inside knows we're coming."

"Great," Harry replied, wasting no time. — I met your mother, Steve, many years ago, during an operation in the Middle East. She is smart and knows how to protect herself. If she tried to escape, it means she has already prepared an escape route. We need to find and follow her trail.

Steve looked at Harry with a mixture of respect and hope.

— Thank you for being here, Harry. I know that with you the mission has a much better chance of success.

Harry just nodded.

— We are in this together. We will bring your mother back.

With the plan drawn up and the responsibilities divided, the team was ready to act. Everyone knew that the mission would be difficult, but the presence of Harry, the Ghost, brought a sense of confidence that was not always common in operations of this type. He had accomplished the impossible before, and now they were all ready to follow in his footsteps.

As the group prepared, Catherine watched Harry silently, remembering all the missions they had carried out together. He had always been calm, efficient and lethal – exactly what they needed now. And seeing the trust that Steve and his team already had in him, he knew they had the right person by their side.

"Let's do this," Steve said, looking at his team.

Harry, standing next to them, looked like a shadow, ready to do it.

Ghost was back in action.