Main Cast of [The Fallen Prince] [1]

The Main Building of Ocryphia Campus stood grandly at the very heart of the academy grounds, a marvel of both beauty and ingenuity. Its structure was a perfect square, with four distinct levels stacked neatly atop one another, each floor separated by a narrow gap that allowed for their unique rotation. This wasn't just a sublime architectural choice; it served a functional purpose, designed to streamline movement across the vast campus.

Each of the four square floors rotated gently, aligning at regular intervals to connect with the extended corridors that jutted out toward other key buildings. This ingenious system meant that students on the highest floor, for instance, didn't have to descend all the way to the ground floor just to walk outside. Instead, the rotating corridors acted like arms, reaching out toward other parts of the campus—be it the library, the Feasting Hall, or the Gadgetry labs. It was a design that saved both time and energy, allowing students to move freely between locations without the hassle of constant stairs or long walks.

The ground floor was home to the Great Hall, a vast space where the entire student body would gather for important announcements and ceremonies—much like today, the day of the Entrance Ceremony for new students at Ocryphia Academy. There were also smaller spaces, like a few cozy cafeterias where students could grab a quick snack or coffee between classes. However, for proper meals like lunch and dinner, the Feasting Hall in a separate building catered to everyone's needs.

Above the ground floor, each of the next four floors was designated for a specific year of study, with the first years occupying the first floor, and the fourth years housed on the topmost level. These floors were expansive, filled with large lecture halls, study areas, and more specialized rooms for each year's curriculum.

As Ivan ascended to the first floor, he couldn't help but look at the grandeur and thoughtfulness of the building's design. 

I remember reading about this in the novel, but seeing it with my own eyes—it's even more impressive than I imagined.

The written descriptions had painted a vivid picture, but reality had a way of surpassing even the best imaginations.

However, Ivan's admiration was quickly replaced by a more pressing concern: the location of the Vault. It could be hidden anywhere on campus, but where should he begin his search? The Main Building, with its central position and imposing structure, seemed like a logical starting point. But the question remained: on which floor would such a secret lie?

Looking around, Ivan couldn't help but think that any of these massive floors, with their vast lecture halls and unique architecture, could easily conceal something as important as a Vault. 

It would be easier to torture the location out of that Director's mouth. If I take on Adam's persona, I could do it. But... I doubt what I will do once I switch to Adam.

Doctor [Adam Crane] was the [Main Antagonist] in one of Zenon's novels, but his situation was complicated. Unlike the others mostly villains, Adam seemed like truly a 'kind' person but he was a man avid of knowledge, excessive avidness that led him to become the last villain the Protagonist of that novel will face. 

Shaking his head, Ivan dismissed the thought. Torturing the Director of an Academy would cause more trouble than it was worth. Killing someone so important wouldn't just disrupt his plan, it could jeopardize his chances of ever finding the Relic. The key was to remain unnoticed, to find the Relic silently, without raising suspicion. Moreover there was no guarantee even with torture the Director would open her mouth since that Vault seemed that important.

"Where should we sit, Leon?"

Ivan was pulled from his thoughts by Aaron's whisper. 

Ivan glanced around the spacious, ascending lecture hall. Seating arrangements didn't particularly concern him. He shrugged casually, indicating his indifference. "Pick wherever you want."

Aaron's eyes lit up, delighted by the decision. Without hesitation, he chose a spot in the middle rows, a place that struck a balance between remaining inconspicuous and staying engaged. Ivan followed, sitting down beside him. Their cover as cousins made it easier to blend in, and having Aaron close by would help Ivan navigate any unfamiliar territory.

Although Ivan had been to school on Earth, the workings of an Exorcist Academy were entirely different. He'd need to rely on Aaron for support if anything confused him. It wasn't something he could afford to mess up—not in this world, where every detail could be crucial.

Suddenly, a ripple of commotion spread through the lecture hall. Heads turned as the doors swung open to reveal a striking pair: a handsome young man and an equally beautiful girl.

Aaron leaned in closer, whispering an explanation. "That guy with the mask? That's Travis Rivers. He's an orphan, adopted by a high-ranking agent of the Council. He's pretty strong and talented."

Ivan listened, but Aaron's words were unnecessary. He already knew Travis all too well. Travis Rivers aka Mordred Pendragon was the [Protagonist] of the novel. With his brown hair, ocean-blue eyes, and the signature black mask covering his mouth, Travis cut a mysterious, aloof figure. His hands rested casually in his pockets, his gaze distant, as if unaffected by the attention his entrance caused.

Ivan didn't need reminding of the CPC—the Council of Paranormal Cases, a powerful organization overseeing paranormal activities. Travis's adoptive sister held a significant position within the CPC and was also a new teacher at the Academy. She had become a mentor, even an older sister figure, to Travis, who believed his real family had abandoned him.

"Let's sit in the front rows, Travis," a girl said, tugging playfully at Travis' sleeve. 

"No," Travis replied curtly, barely sparing her a glance as he continued up the stairs toward the higher rows.

"Hey!" The girl protested, pouting for a moment before a small smile crept back onto her lips. Her radiant expression, combined with her stunning beauty, immediately drew the attention of the nearby students. Heads turned, eyes followed, her every movement mesmerizing the boys around her.

Aaron leaned in again, whispering as they watched the scene unfold. "That's Theresa Mistral. Her father's a teacher here at the Academy. She's strong too—been friends with Travis since they were kids, from what I hear. Childhood friends, I guess."

Ivan's eyes shifted to Theresa, taking in her long, silky black hair tied back neatly and her vivid green eyes, which sparkled with life. Her beauty was effortless, almost otherworldly, far surpassing the models of Earth. Yet, this didn't surprise him. Theresa was, after all, the Main Female Lead of [The Fallen Prince] and Travis' destined Main love interest. She was as captivating in real life as she had been in the pages of the novel.

"And you see that guy glaring daggers at Travis? That's her twin brother, Erion Mistral. He's ranked first among the first years."

Ivan's gaze followed to the young man Aaron referred to. Erion, with his sharp features and athletic build, was handsome in a way that mirrored his sister, though his deep frown marred his otherwise perfect appearance. His eyes burned with irritation as he watched his sister chat animatedly with Travis, whose aloof demeanor didn't change despite her efforts. Though Travis barely seemed to notice her words, it was clear he didn't mind her company either.

After a few tense moments of glaring, Erion broke his gaze and moved toward the front row, where a group of girls greeted him eagerly, their faces flushed with excitement. He acknowledged them with a polite nod, but his attention kept drifting back to his sister and Travis.

"He doesn't like Theresa hanging around Travis," Aaron whispered again, a hint of amusement in his tone. "The Mistral family is powerful, and no matter how talented Travis is, he's still seen as a commoner, even though he was adopted by a high-ranking CPC agent."

Ivan nodded thoughtfully, his eyes lingering on Erion. 

He's supposed to be one of Travis' rivals, along with Lucas… and speaking of the devil…

Another stir echoed through the hall as the doors swung open once more, and this time, a tall, muscular youth with striking blonde hair strode in confidently. His appearance immediately drew all eyes toward him, the girls gazing at him with admiration, the boys with obvious envy. His sharp deep green eyes gleamed with arrogance, and his posture radiated the unmistakable aura of nobility.

"That's Lucas Whiteford," Aaron whispered in a lower tone. "His father runs a seven-star ranked guild, the highest rank there is. You'll want to be careful around him."

However, it wasn't Lucas that held Ivan's attention for long, but the girl walking beside him. She was extraordinarily beautiful, with bright blonde hair that cascaded down her back in soft waves, held in place by a delicate white headband. Her sky-blue eyes were complementing perfectly the soft elegance of her features. The Academy's uniform clung perfectly to her figure, her dark skirt just above the knee, accentuated by white stockings that added to her poised and polished look. Her face was adorned with light makeup, skillfully applied to enhance her natural beauty—not for anyone in the room, but for one person alone.


"Cattleya Starlight. Her father runs a six-star guild, but don't let her looks fool you, Milord. She's just as arrogant as Lucas, if not worse. Rotten to the core, that one. Best to steer clear of both of them if you don't want any unnecessary attention."

Ivan glanced back at Cattleya, her gaze locked adoringly on Lucas, who seemed to look for someone else in the room. 

It was clear that Cattleya had dressed herself up for his benefit alone, trying to stay in his orbit with every gesture and glance. 

In any case, Ivan couldn't help but agree with Aaron's assessment. People like Lucas and Cattleya, with their entitlement and power, could only complicate things if he got too close.

And right now, the last thing Ivan needed was to get involved in some drama which was destined for the Protagonist in the academy.