The Cromwell Family's Debt

"The Cromwell Mansion. I need to see Patrick Cromwell."

As soon as the words left his mouth, Aaron quickly pulled out his phone, sending a message to his father's private number.

Aaron knew Ivan didn't care much for waiting, but he wasn't about to let things unfold that way. If his father, Lord Cromwell, wasn't informed immediately, Aaron would bear the brunt of his anger later. 

A simple message was all it took: Ivan is waiting at the mansion. That would be more than enough to spur his father into action. There was no doubt Lord Cromwell would drop everything and make his way home as soon as he saw the notification.

Aurion, a vast country nestled in the western reaches of the Holy Continent, held a unique place in the world. The Holy Continent itself was legendary, said to have been crafted by the hands of the Savior, who, according to lore, had saved the people and given them purpose. The very ground they walked on was believed to be blessed, and the citizens of the continent worshiped the Savior with great devotion.

Aurion was no exception, though the people here weren't as fanatically zealous as in other regions. They focused their efforts on becoming Exorcists, dedicated to eradicating demonic entities not just in Aurion but across the entire Holy Continent. To them, the Savior's greatest mandate was the purification of their lands from evil.

Aurion itself was divided into four primary regions: Rutoshia, Escain, Rodhenia, and Adrencia. The prestigious Academy of Exorcists, Ocryphia, was situated in the southern part of Adrencia.

The Cromwell family, a line of wealthy nobles, had their estate in Ocryphia's most affluent district. 

Before long, the limousine pulled up in front of the mansion. It was a breathtaking sight—an architectural marvel, shining in shades of white and blue under the evening light. 

Jonah quickly stepped out of the car and opened the door for Yvan and Aaron. The subtle flicker of his card as he swiped it against the security gates unlocked them with ease. The guards stationed outside, who were familiar with Jonah and Aaron, gave them respectful nods and allowed them to pass without question.

Few knew the true identity of Yvan, and to the staff and guards who worked here, he was merely Leon Cromwell, a distant cousin of Aaron's. 

When they entered the mansion, they were immediately greeted by an elegant woman whose appearance. Her gown flawlessly tailored, shimmered as she moved. She was Celine Cromwell, wife to Patrick Cromwell and mother to Aaron.

With a warm welcoming smile, she addressed them. "How was your first day at Ocryphia, Aaron? And you, Leon?" 

Aaron responded with genuine honesty, "It was quite good, Mother." He knew the day had been easy because of Ivan's presence by his side. With Ivan around, things rarely went wrong. He could only enjoy and learns from Ivan.

Celine nodded, satisfied, and then turned gracefully on her heels. "My husband will be joining us shortly. Let's wait for him in his workroom." Without further delay, she ascended the grand staircase.

Aaron and Ivan followed her, moving through the grand corridors until they reached Patrick's study. 

Upon entering, Ivan made his way to a plush sofa, casually taking his seat. Aaron, however, chose the armchair a few feet away, careful not to sit too close to Ivan, despite the sofa having ample space for two other people. 

Once they were all inside, Celine closed the door behind her. As it clicked shut, a soft ripple of light shimmered along the walls—a subtle signal that the room had been soundproofed. The atmosphere changed instantly; the air of casual family conversation dropped, replaced by something far more serious.

Celine turned to Ivan placing her hand on her chest. "Your Eminence. I wanted to thank you again for the invaluable help you gave us three years ago. We will forever be in your debt."

Aaron, standing by his mother's side, bowed his head slightly in agreement. "I, too, wish to express my gratitude, My Lord."

Ivan resisted the urge to sigh. How many times had he heard this now? At least ten times in the past month alone.

Three years ago, Patrick Cromwell had found himself in an almost fatal situation. His entire life—his name, his identity, and even his existence—had been put at risk. Patrick had been a secret follower of Seraphiel, working undercover within Aurion's ranks. His cover was on the verge of being blown, which would have led to his execution. At that critical moment, Ivan had been ordered by his father to intervene. The threat to Patrick's life was deemed so severe that Ivan had been given the authority to eliminate the danger, even if it meant killing Patrick to maintain the secrecy of the information he possessed.

Ivan, only fourteen years old at the time, had handled the mission with impressive intelligence and composure. Rather than simply following his father's ruthless directive, he managed to neutralize the threat and save Patrick's life, all while reinforcing Patrick's standing within the higher circles of Aurion. In fact, Ivan's actions had not only saved Patrick but had also increased his influence in the Academy of Ocryphia.

Since that day, the Cromwell family had felt an enduring sense of indebtedness toward Ivan. They had admired him before, knowing he was young yet already accomplished in building a world where their family could find a place. But what truly moved them was Ivan's decision not to kill Patrick that day, when doing so would have been the easiest option. 

It wasn't that Ivan was driven by kindness. If it had been necessary, he wouldn't have hesitated to kill Patrick. His vision for the future—a world shaped for his people—was absolute. Sacrifices along the way meant little to him, as long as those closest to him remained unharmed.

However, in Patrick's case, there had been another option, and Ivan had taken it. Not out of mercy, but because he knew that saving Patrick would turn him into an even more valuable asset for Gevurah. Patrick was a loyal and devoted man, someone Ivan had known for some time. He understood the importance of loyalty, especially the kind that transcended simple obedience.

Patrick's indebtedness, along with the loyalty of his entire family, was precisely why Ivan had entrusted him with the delicate task of infiltrating Ocryphia. While Patrick owed his life to Ivan, what made the situation even more advantageous was that the Cromwell family's allegiance wasn't merely toward Gevurah or Ivan's father, the Greatmaster. They were more loyal to Ivan himself, a loyalty born not out of fear, but out of gratitude and respect.

When Ivan had asked them to keep his infiltration a secret—even from his father, one of the most powerful men in Gevurah—Patrick and his family hadn't hesitated for a second. They swore their silence without question.

Jonah, Aaron's bodyguard, was also trustworthy if not more than the Cromwells. He had once served in Ivan's personal cavalry, but after the incident three years ago, Ivan had arranged for Jonah to join the Cromwell family. Like Patrick and Celine, Jonah's loyalty to Ivan was unshakable. 

Only these four individuals—Patrick, Celine, Aaron, and Jonah—were aware of Ivan's presence in Ocryphia excluding his four companions who remained in Camelot. They would never betray him, even if it meant facing death.


The door swung open abruptly, revealing a man who looked like an older version of Aaron, breathing heavily as if he had rushed to be there. It was Patrick Cromwell.

"I apologize for my lateness, Your Eminence," Patrick said between breaths, hastily closing the door behind him.

"There's no need," Ivan replied calmly.

Patrick, like Celine, couldn't help but marvel at the transformation Ivan had undergone since their last meeting. Not only had his physical appearance shifted with his disguise, but even his demeanor seemed softer, more approachable. It was as though he became a different person entirely when putting on a disguise which felt strange toward them.

A month ago, when Ivan had arrived in his true form, the sight had nearly overwhelmed them. It had been three years since they'd last seen him, and in that short time, his aura, power, and very presence had become almost otherworldly. He barely resembled a human anymore.

But that was the last time they'd seen Ivan's true self. Since then, he had opted to remain in his current guise, appearing less as Ivan and more as Yvan.

It wasn't a matter of convenience—it was a necessity. Staying in his true form within Aurion would be too dangerous, especially without the stabilizing presence of Ludmilla and the others by his side. Should things go awry, only they could canalize him.

"I need access to the ancient files of Ocryphia, specifically those related to the incident fifty years ago and the founding of the Academy," Ivan stated, cutting directly to the heart of what he wanted. He wasn't one for wasting words, especially when it came to matters of this magnitude. He trusted Patrick to secure those files for him.

But Patrick's expression tightened. "Those files are most likely in the possession of the Director, Isabel Asterion. They've been passed down from one Director to the next since the Academy's creation, and they're kept in her private office. The problem is, no one can access the office without her explicit permission. There's also a powerful security spell in place, keyed specifically to her bloodline. Only someone with her blood can bypass it. All the previous Directors have been from the Asterion family."

Ivan narrowed his eyes. "Blood-bound, is it?"

Patrick nodded, his arms crossed thoughtfully. "Yes. Isabel has a daughter, estranged though she may be, and a son who lives outside of Ocryphia. However, her granddaughter is here. She's a student at the Academy."

"The granddaughter... Who is she?" Ivan asked.

"Cattleya Starlight," Patrick answered.

Aaron, standing beside them, slapped a hand against his forehead in disbelief. "Cattleya? You're telling me she's the granddaughter of the Director?" He turned to his father, baffled by the revelation. "How is that even possible?"

For Aaron, Cattleya had always been just another student—a member of a prestigious 6-Star Guild, sure, but not someone with ties to the Director herself. He had no idea of her direct connection to the Asterion family, or that she was part of the Academy's most influential bloodline.

Patrick sighed deeply, his arms still crossed. "Isabel's daughter severed all ties with her mother years ago. She took her husband's name and lives under the Starlight name now. That's why no one associates her with the Asterions anymore. She wanted nothing to do with her mother or the family's legacy."

Aaron gave a glance at Ivan, who had been silent up until now. "This complicates things, My Lord," Aaron said carefully. "Cattleya is... difficult to approach. She's always with Lucas Whiteford, and she's not exactly friendly. Arrogant and spiteful, if anything."

Ivan remained quiet. Time wasn't something he was willing to waste, and despite the complications, Cattleya Starlight represented the quickest path to his goal.

"No," Ivan finally spoke. "We will proceed with her. She's the fastest way into the office."

Aaron hesitated. "But Cattleya... she won't cooperate willingly."

Then we'll find another way to make her cooperate," he said shortly.

"Your Eminence, she's the daughter of one of the strongest Exorcists and the granddaughter of Isabel Asterion…please be careful while dealing with her," Patrick said trying to be as polite as possible.

If something happened to her, the consequences wouldn't be good at all.

Ivan looked at Patrick for a moment before standing up.

"My Lord, why don't you eat with us before leaving?" Aaron asked.

"I have to do somewhere else," Ivan said before leaving.

He had to go the Capital of Britannia.