An Unexpected Neighbour

As soon as Ivan activated the artifact, he found himself inside an opulent apartment suite, the likes of which could easily house four people in supreme comfort. The room was vast and meticulously designed, exuding luxury in every detail. A grand sofa, large enough to seat six or seven people, dominated the living area, facing an enormous plasma screen that gleamed with the latest technology. The kitchen, equally impressive, was outfitted with cutting-edge appliances and sleek cabinetry. The furniture was arranged with thoughtful precision, creating a seamless flow throughout the space.

Beyond the living room, a large balcony offered a breathtaking view of Ocryphia. From his vantage point on the seventeenth floor, Ivan could see the city sprawling beneath him, the skyline a perfect blend of modernity and grandeur. 

His bedroom was equally magnificent—an expansive space centered around a king-sized bed draped in fine linens. Another smaller plasma TV hung on the wall opposite the bed, and a door led directly into a luxurious en-suite bathroom. Every corner of the apartment radiated wealth, which was fitting given its status as a high-end suite in one of the city's most prestigious private complexes.

These apartments, reserved for the elite, were located in a secluded area with top-tier security. The residents here were undoubtedly people of influence and power, hailing from all corners of the globe. Such suites were often used as temporary homes by those visiting Ocryphia for only a short time, and Ivan, too, was making use of one during his stay. 

The complex was renowned throughout Ocryphia for its privacy and security, which is precisely why Patrick Cromwell had chosen this location when Ivan asked somewhere discreet. As expected, Patrick had arranged for the best, though Ivan himself didn't particularly care about such luxury.

Wasting no time, Ivan headed straight for the bathroom and took a quick shower. Afterward, he dressed in a fresh set of his uniform. He paused for a moment, holding a tie in his hand, then ran a hand across his face from his forehead to his chin in a familiar gesture.

With the shift in his demeanor, his numbed emotions faded. Ivan gave most control to Yvan, feeling more at ease in this role when attending the Academy. He slightly fastened the tie though even like that he felt some kind of discomfort. Then he secured his E-Watch around his wrist, took his room-key and left the apartment.

The elevator arrived with remarkable speed, as one would expect to the advanced technology of this world—far surpassing even that of New Earth, which was already light years ahead of Yvan's own Earth/

Stepping inside, Ivan tapped the sleek panel for the ground floor and waited as the doors began to close.

"Please! Hold the elevator!"

A hurried, feminine voice echoed from the corridor, accompanied by the sound of quick footsteps. Likely one of his neighbors from the 17th floor.

For a brief moment, Ivan hesitated, unsure if he should intervene. But with a sigh, he extended his hand just in time to halt the doors.

Since he'd likely be staying in this apartment for a few months, it wouldn't hurt to maintain a good rapport with the people around him.

The woman rushed in, slightly out of breath, bending over to rest her hands on her knees. "Thank you so much!"

Ivan simply nodded, offering no verbal response.

His gaze shifted to her uniform—it was nearly identical to his, save for the skirt. She was also wearing the Ocryphia Academy's attire. That small detail caught him off guard, but it was her striking orange hair that truly gave him pause. It reminded him of someone familiar.

The girl straightened up, brushing a few stray strands away from her face, and flashed a bright smile. "Thanks for waiting, I—oh?" Her eyes widened as she took in his appearance, noting that he, too, wore the Ocryphia uniform.

Ivan maintained his stoic expression, though inwardly, he felt a growing irritation. 

'What are the damn odds?'

The girl was breathtaking, easily his age, with long orange hair tied back into a ponytail by what appeared to be a ribbon. Her eyes shared the same vibrant hue. No—orange wasn't quite right. It was something richer, more vivid.

'Irisdina Vermillion.'

The name clicked into place in Ivan's mind. He had read about her countless times in the novel. Vermillion suited her perfectly—her hair wasn't just orange; it had a striking vermilion shade, with subtle hints of red. Her eyes gleamed with the same hue.

Irisdina Vermillion was part of the Main Cast. A second-year student at Ocryphia so his senior in the academy.

"What a coincidence!" She said with an easy smile. "You're a student at Ocryphia as well?"

At first glance, Irisdina seemed like the typical outgoing, cheerful type, but there was something noticeably different about her demeanor when she addressed Ivan. Her tone, though friendly, held a formal edge, and there was a distinct grace in her movements. The moment she realized Ivan attended the same academy, she adjusted her posture, quickly shedding any casual air.

Ivan wasn't surprised. After all, Irisdina belonged to House Vermillion—one of the most powerful noble families in Aurion.

"Hm," he grunted softly in acknowledgment.

If possible, he preferred to avoid entangling himself with this woman, unless he absolutely needed something from her. Still, he couldn't help but wonder how on earth she had ended up as his neighbor. 

Did Patrick Cromwell know this and arrange it on purpose?

He doubted it. While Cromwell had chosen the finest apartment complex in Ocryphia for Ivan's stay, it seemed more likely that there were limited rooms available. Irisdina probably booked her suite at the last minute as well.

But it was strange. Why would someone from a family as wealthy as the Vermillions, who could easily afford a mansion for each of their children, settle for a mere apartment?

Irisdina flashed a polite smile, one that could have disarmed any man, but quickly sensed Ivan's reluctance for conversation. Luckily, she didn't push for more, and an awkward silence fell between them as the elevator descended.

When they finally reached the ground floor, the stillness lifted as they exited into the lobby. The staff offered Irisdina a deep, respectful bow while Ivan received nothing more than a perfunctory nod. It spoke volumes about the influence of the Vermillion name.

As soon as Irisdina stepped outside, her expression brightened at the sight of two students waiting for her—a tall young man and a girl with delicate features. She waved at them, her earlier formality replaced with a casual warmth.

"You really didn't have to wait for me, Luke, Agatha," she said, sounding a bit exasperated.

"We could wait for days for Lady Vermillion," Luke teased, grinning mischievously.

"Ugh, don't start with that already," Irisdina sighed, rolling her eyes.

Meanwhile, Agatha, who had been quiet until now, glanced curiously at Ivan lingering in the background. Leaning toward Irisdina, she whispered, "Who's he? Don't tell me he's your boyfriend?"

Irisdina gave a light laugh, shaking her head. "Not at all. He's just my neighbor. Maybe a freshman?" 

Ivan overheard every word of their conversation, his sharp ears catching the whispers, but he chose to ignore them as he exited through the gates. He had more pressing things to focus on—like getting to the academy quickly. The Thunder, a high-speed hover train that circled Ocryphia City, was the most efficient way to travel.

As he walked, Ivan glanced up at the sleek, bluish train zipping above the city. Patrick Cromwell had offered him a limousine, but Ivan declined. The last thing he wanted was to draw unnecessary attention. Besides, he preferred the solitude. It wasn't that he was completely antisocial, like some antagonists within him like Adam or Isaac, for instance—but this world still felt foreign to him. And the growing realization that he might never see his family or girlfriend again back on Earth was irritating him.

"Girlfriend..." Ivan muttered under his breath, a bitter scoff escaping his lips. "Ex-girlfriend, more like."

He recalled what had happened just the day before, before his visit to Dr. Evans. The breakup had left a sour taste, but in hindsight, it was probably for the best. Considering what he had become, cutting ties with her had been the right decision, even if it stung.

His brooding thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a sharp cry.

"Watch out!"

Irisdina's voice rang out. Ivan turned to his left and saw a sleek car hurtling toward him at an alarming speed. The driver, clearly panicked, was desperately trying to stop the vehicle, which was no ordinary machine—it ran on some form of advanced essence.

The bystanders froze, convinced Ivan was about to be flung into the air with broken bones.

But for Ivan, time seemed to slow. The car, which was barreling toward him, appeared to be moving in slow motion. His enhanced senses and reflexes kicked in.

He observed for a moment on how to deal with this without getting too much attention. He could easily move out of the way but with how close the car was to him, it would be akin to teleportation for others so he scratched that. 

If it was Ivan he wouldn't have spared any glance and let the car reach him letting the car along the driver turn into ashes at the mere contact with his proximity but that would be exactly like how a Villain would behave which wouldn't be good since Irisdina Vermillion was just behind him.

Then only solution remained.

Ivan waited for the precise moment and then, in one fluid motion, pressed his hand on the car's bonnet at the perfect instant. Using the momentum, he vaulted over the vehicle with almost effortless grace, landing briefly on the car's roof before stepping off and landing lightly on the ground behind the car.

The car screeched to a halt moments later, its driver breathing a sigh of relief. But the real shock was etched on the faces of Irisdina, Luke, and Agatha. They stood frozen, wide-eyed, utterly dumbfounded by what they had just witnessed. It was as if they had just seen a scene ripped straight from an action movie.