Karna Mishra [2]

Karna didn't dare meet Ivan or Aaron's eyes, fearing the worst. His mind spiraled with thoughts of impending doom, but Ivan, in truth, couldn't care less about Karna's origins—whether he was mixed or from the Golden Lands of Indra. To Ivan, those details were irrelevant for now. One day, he would deal with that distant empire, but today was not that day.

"What's your name?" Ivan asked again.

Karna felt a wave of bitter laughter rising within him, almost desperate. It was as if he stood naked before Ivan, completely exposed with no secrets left to shield him. But what did it matter? Nothing would change now. He had already been seen. The two men in front of him weren't just anyone—they were Elites. The golden emblem of Ocryphia, glowing faintly on their clothes, signified their power and influence within the Academy. They could ruin his life with a word.

Karna's thoughts spun wildly. 

'I have to run. I have to take my mother and get as far away as possible.'

Maybe even flee back to New Earth, where Arcadia's long arm maybe couldn't reach him. His dreams of crafting legendary weapons, of making a name for himself—those were over now. It was time to disappear.

"Karna Mishra..." He finally muttered, giving the name he had long kept hidden. His father's name, a legacy he had sworn to his mother he would bury in order to protect them both. But now, it didn't seem to matter anymore.

Ivan studied Karna's downcast face for a moment, then, without a word, set the bow down gently. He turned toward Aaron and gave a small nod.

Aaron, understanding the signal, smiled slightly and pulled a sleek black credit card from his pocket. "We'll take—"

"Are you with Astral Corp?"

Aaron's words were abruptly cut off by a voice behind them.

Both Aaron and Karna turned to see a young man, taller than Aaron, standing there with an imposing presence with hands tucked casually in his pockets. The black mask on his face left little room for doubt about who he was.

"Travis…" Aaron muttered, instantly recognizing the masked figure.

Travis, as always, was unconcerned with social niceties. He didn't even glance at Aaron. His eyes were fixed solely on Karna, completely ignoring the others.

"Are you Astral Corp or not?" Travis asked again a bit impatient.

Ivan, standing just behind them, had gone still. His gaze darkened as it settled on Travis.

'This is happening just like in the novel.' 

He had planned to wait longer, letting Karna's desperation grow before stepping in to offer a deal for the weapons. But it seemed he had waited too long.

Travis had arrived, right on cue, just as the story had foretold. The problem was that Travis, in his brash and unbothered way, was about to take the very moment Ivan had carefully planned to steal.

Karna blinked in surprise as more people suddenly started showing interest in his humble stand. It was as if, out of nowhere, the quiet stall had become the center of attention. 

"O-Oh, yes, I am…" He answered hesitantly, his enthusiasm dulled by the creeping suspicion that these people—Aaron, Ivan, and now Travis—had figured out who he really was. In Karna's mind, they might be plotting to sell him out to the Indra's Empire. 

Upon hearing Karna's confirmation, Travis gave a slight nod. "Erika told me about you."

Karna's eyes widened. "Erika? You mean Erika Meyer?!"


Karna's face lit up with relief and gratitude. "I—I'm so thankful that she gave me a spot in the exhibition. Please thank her again on my behalf!" His voice was filled with genuine appreciation. Erika Meyer had been the teacher who'd given him this chance, this one small step towards his dream.

But Ivan knew the truth about Erika Meyer, far beyond what Karna realized. She wasn't just a kind-hearted teacher—she was the woman who had adopted Mordred, the protagonist of [The Fallen Prince], after he was driven out from Britannia. Erika also held a prominent position at the Academy, which explained why Travis, Erika's adopted brother, had come to Karna's stall in the first place.

"I will," Travis replied flatly. "I'm here because she said you're making excellent weapons."

Before Karna could respond, Aaron, who had been watching silently, cut in. "Wait a minute, Travis," he said, narrowing his eyes. "I was here before you. Let me finish my business with him first."

Aaron was determined. He had no intention of failing one of Ivan's tasks, not now or ever. He knew what was at stake. His credibility toward Ivan.

Ivan, observing the entire exchange from the background, remained silent but his thoughts weren't good. He couldn't allow Travis to get his hands on Karna's weapons. If Travis succeeded, as in the novel, Karna would inevitably fall into Travis' orbit, monopolized by him and Aurion as whole. Ivan didn't plan to let things play out that way.

Travis, visibly irritated, finally turned his piercing blue gaze toward Aaron. His eyes held a trace of annoyance as he weighed the situation. But, with his usual arrogance, he quickly turned his attention back to Karna.

"Erika's my sister—the one who got you into this exhibition. You should prioritize my requests," Travis said without hesitation, his tone shamelessly entitled.

Even though he was the protagonist of [The Fallen Prince], Mordred had never been a goody-two-shoes protagonist to begin with.

Karna was completely bewildered. "Ah… huh…" He stammered, caught in the crossfire of these two powerful figures.

On one hand, he owed everything to Erika, who had given him this golden opportunity. He couldn't just reject the man she had sent on her behalf. But at the same time, Karna felt a deep pang of guilt for his first customers, Aaron and Ivan. They had arrived before Travis, and he couldn't bring himself to ignore their interest either.

'Wait, what if they're trying to sell me?'

"Hey, Travis!" 

A new voice rang as beautiful woman joined.

Theresa stormed up behind Travis slightly irritated. "You left me behind and disappeared!" 

Travis merely shrugged, unfazed.

Her gaze shifted to the stand in front of them, and she grimaced slightly at its disarray. "What are you even doing here?" 

"Erika told me this guy's got some good stuff. I'm just here to check it out," Travis replied casually.

As the woman who had taken him in and raised him like a brother, Erika had earned Travis' deep respect and trust. If she asked him to take a look on Astral Corp's stand, he wouldn't hesitate.

"Ah, Erika," Theresa muttered, her annoyance giving way to a slight pout. She crossed her arms, but her attention soon shifted to two familiar faces nearby.

She instantly recognized Aaron Cromwell—being a Cromwell, of course she knew him. They had even attended the same middle academy before joining Ocryphia. But the guy standing behind Aaron? She wasn't as sure about him. 

A moment passed before she recalled. 'Leon Cromwell, right?' 

Her eyes lingered on him, noting how unremarkable he seemed. His presence was anything but striking.

Leon didn't even glance her way, as if she wasn't worth noticing. Instead, his calm, almost eerie gaze was locked on Karna, who was clearly floundering, unsure of what to do next.

"I'll take one sword, one bow, and one spear," Travis declared suddenly, not waiting for Karna's response. He reached out to grab the weapons, but Aaron's hand shot out, gripping his arm firmly.

"Hey, Travis. You heard me? I was here first. I'm trying to strike a deal with him for my family." 

Karna's eyes widened in shock. A deal? He hadn't even dared hope for something like that.

'Idiot,' Ivan thought to himself, feeling a sudden urge to smack Aaron. He had chosen his words poorly, though Ivan couldn't entirely blame him—he was just trying to keep Travis at bay.

But the real issue was Travis' reaction.

"A deal, huh?" Travis muttered, eyes narrowing. "If the Cromwell family wants to deal with this guy, then I guess he's better than I thought."

Aaron's eyebrows furrowed, perhaps finally acknowledging his error. He could have, at worst, allowed Travis to leave with his three weapons and then monopolized Karna. But now...

Travis shrugged off Aaron's grasp on his wrist and turned to Karna.

"Deal with me," Travis offered. "Erika Meyer works for the Council. She has connections within the Council. I can even ask her to give samples of your products to her staff there. If you truly have the talent, you'll soar to new heights.

Karna was momentarily speechless.

Travis' offer nearly made him drool.

The Council, the Council for Paranormal Cases, oversaw paranormal cases across both New Earth and Arcadia, wielding immense influence. Travis wasn't lying. Erika had significant sway within the Council, and if he vouched for Karna's talent, it could be a game-changer.

"I—I..." Karna stammered.

Ivan watched Karna, a hint of apology in his gaze as he glanced at him. This was a golden opportunity, one Karna couldn't afford to miss.

Fortunately, Ivan didn't hold a grudge.

But Ivan had seen enough.

"L-Leon?" Aaron turned around, noticing Ivan's hand on his shoulder.

Ivan's gaze remained not perturbed in the slightest.

Aaron, slightly frustrated by his failure, stepped back but kept an eye on Ivan. 

He was going to deal it with his own ways.