Vincent Vermillion [2]

"Or perhaps the fault lies with her father."

Vincent's gaze locked onto Adam, scrutinizing him with an intensity that could make most crumble under its weight.

But Adam, despite his frail appearance, stood firm. There wasn't even a flicker of hesitation in his eyes as he returned Vincent's stare, a quiet resilience that piqued the older man's interest.

"And who might you be?" Vincent asked. "Another of Irisdina's ineffectual companions?"

"It hardly concerns you who I am," Adam replied. "Personal information should only be exchanged between individuals who respect and trust one another."

"Is that your justification for refusing to share even your name?" Vincent chuckled.

"No," Adam said, his tone turning cold. "The reason I won't tell you my name is simpler than that—it's my selfish choice. I don't share it with anyone who stoops so low as to strike their own daughter."