
All he sees is darkness...

Ever expanding, ever consuming...

They say that man fears the unknown.

Thats exactly where Jake was. The unknown. Darkness was all he saw, all he felt.

He was in a sea of darkness.He could feel it moving around him like water. He splashed around it wriggling, struggling, at least that's what his human nature thought him.

But here he felt at peace. For the first time in his life he felt he didn't need a use. He could be useless and not cause any damage to anybody. It was bliss.

So why did the urge keep on hammering at him. His soul, his whole being felt it and he hated how it made him feel. Not useless, no this was a new feeling.

He felt a had a use. He felt he had a purpose, he felt he had a goal.

And that was to swim down.

He began swimming. He never learned how to swim in his life yet he was swimming life an athlete. And it felt natural to him.

What is happening? No it's better not to ask.

So he kept on swimming.

And swimming

And swimming.

That's when he saw it, a large tower, right below him, and someone, all chained up. Upon closer inspection, he was covered head to toe in darkness. And he saw Jake.

That is when the swimming stopped and the falling began.

He landed on top of the tower with a large thud but it didn't hurt. I.. I was supposed to feel that. Why can I feel it?

Because in here, pain is irrelevant.

Who are you?

I'm the black water you consumed. I, am the Shadowbaron.

S..Shadowbaron? Ah! Now I remember why that name rings a bell.. You're a Shadow being!

Oh you've heard of my people?

Heard of you? There isn't a single person who hasn't heard that word before! You're people tried to conquer our world!


Yeah! I remember, my pearents told me all it! You're people arrived at our world and started infecting people! T..turning them into your kind. Mumans and humans were fighting at the time but thanks to you they put aside their differences

Ah, I know this part. We were defeated, yes?

Yeah and the Super Society was founded and superheroes started to appear like Canman and Captain Rocket and...why do I feel like there's more to the story?

It seems our memories are merging. Yours have already fused into me, it's just a matter of time until we merge completely and I take over your body.


I'm afraid so, human.

I see.

Than Jake's knees gave in and he fell to the ground. He was about to die and he knew it. The feeling of an inescapable end flooded his mind and another urge appeared.And it made him cry.

It was the urge to live. The urge to fight back against Max and all this. It was the urge to get to fuck out of here.

The baron felt it to.

You wish to leave boy?

More than anything! I know you want to return. I know you want my body. I just can't give it to you. I want to live. I want to live so I can take down Max and many more like him who use people as pawns in their schemes! I want to live so I can actually do something with myself!

I want to live!!

Hmmm... You know I've seen someone like you before.


Yes, he was a what you call a tool. He had no use for himself so he let others use him. Eventually it brought his downfall.

He is me from long ago, before I became the Shadowbaron and now he is you. At least he was you, but I can see it, you heart. Your convinction. Something I lacked in my time. My time is over but yours has just begun. So how about we make a deal?


Yes, we fuse alright but you take control over your body and my abilities along with all the information on how to control them.

And what do you get. To die? I don't want to die but you do?

Human, if you've lived even a fraction of my life, you would've wanted death a thousand times over.

Jake wanted to think he was lying but he could feel the truth in his words. The truth in his white eyes with no pupils. The only light radiating from him.

You can feel it right? We are about to fuse! Quickly human! What do you say.

I say, I say,YES! I ACCEPT!




Immediately after uttering those words, the darkness began to consume Jake again, but it didn't hurt this time, no, rather it made him feel stronger, faster...better.

Now for the first time in his life he had his own goal.

Take Max down...