The Intra-Kingdom Council Meeting and the Flight
Valerian stood erect in the Intra-Royal Council chamber. The smooth, ancient stone floor echoed under his boots as he crossed the room towards the throne where the Queen of Spirits sat. Around him, representatives of the Kingdom of Descendants, the Winged Ones and the Spirits, all powerful and respected, watched him. The soft light of the ethereal lanterns danced on the concentrated faces of these figures of power.
Valerian spoke in a calm but determined voice, outlining his plan to infiltrate the Imperial court. He explained that this mission would be crucial in unearthing information about the Emperor, his secret plans, and perhaps revelations about his own past and the circumstances surrounding the fall of his kingdom. Each word was spoken with calculated gravity, his blue eyes piercing the assembly like lightning in the night.
Silence reigned for a moment. Then, like a wave breaking on a beach, murmurs and protests arose among the Council members. Some, fascinated by Valerian's audacity, quickly accepted the idea, seeing in it a chance to strike a strategic blow against the Empire. But others, less enthusiastic, voiced their misgivings, judging the idea unwise and dangerous.
Aeloria, the Queen of Spirits, frowned, her thick lashes shading her dark eyes. "Such a mission could cost you your life, Valerian," she said in a deep voice. "If the Emperor recognizes you, you'll have no chance of getting out of his court alive."
To his left, Lyren, as loyal as ever, nodded. "You're our main asset against the Empire. We can't let you throw yourself into the lion's den like that."
Valerian held their gaze unwaveringly. With a cold glint in his eyes, he replied sharply: "I'm looking for the truth. No matter the dangers, no matter the risks. I will never stop trying to find out what happened to my family. If you don't understand that, then you don't understand me."
His words left a chilling impression in the air. Those closest to him stared at him, worried and troubled by his stubbornness. They kept telling him it was a crazy idea, that he was walking into a sure trap. But Valerian remained unmoved, resolute in his quest.
Later that evening, as the moon rose high in the starry sky, Arielle, Princess of the Winged Ones, joined him in a secluded corner of the Spirit Palace. The atmosphere around them was hushed, and only the whispering of the wind broke the silence of the night. Arielle, her shimmering wings folded behind her, laid a gentle but firm hand on Valerian's shoulder.
"I'm going to help you infiltrate the Empire," she said, her fiery eyes boring into his. "Whatever happens, I'll be by your side."
Valerian, surprised by her unexpected support, thanked her with a simple nod, his heart beating a little faster. He knew this mission would be perilous, but having Arielle by his side comforted him in a way he couldn't explain.
That same night, as the Palace of the Spirits drifted into a deep sleep, Valerian and Arielle prepared their escape. Their light footsteps echoed faintly on the cold palace floor. They headed for the kingdom's main gate, hoping to leave undetected.
But no sooner were they a few steps from the exit than they were stopped by their closest friends: Lyren, Aeloria, and a few others, posted there to prevent their escape. "Don't do it, Valerian!" cried Lyren, reaching out a desperate hand towards him.
Valerian, determined, tried to get around them, but the others were quick. They blocked his path, refusing to let him go. Just as he was beginning to lose patience, Lyren slipped in beside him and, in a subtle but effective gesture, created a diversion using his powers over the wind. A light whirlwind rose up around him, blurring their friends' vision and allowing Valerian and Arielle to sneak out. They ran through the magical forest of the Spirit Realm, until they were finally out of reach.
Valerian and Arielle arrived in the capital of the Empire, their gaze instantly captured by the dazzling splendor that surrounded them. The city seemed bathed in a golden light emanating from the crystal towers, which stood proudly skyward, like silent guardians of an empire in full glory. Every cobbled street sparkled under the rays of the sun, which seemed eternally at its zenith, flooding the white marble facades with an iridescent glow.
The buildings, a veritable ode to architecture, unfurled majestic arches, adorned with delicate gold and silver motifs that glinted softly in the light. The slender towers were crowned with domes of colored glass, projecting a soft rainbow glow that danced across the cobblestones. Hanging gardens filled the air with an intoxicating fragrance, where exotic flowers bloomed in an almost supernatural harmony. Fountains, charged with magic, sang as they projected rainbows of crystalline water, adding a touch of enchantment to a city that seemed blessed by the gods.
Valerian walked at a leisurely pace, but his eyes took in every detail with piercing attention. Arielle, at his side, kept her face hidden, wrapped in a cloak of mystery. Their progress through the large squares lined with gilded statues was met with curious glances from passers-by, impressed by the regal aura of this enigmatic woman and the imposing man accompanying her. Valerian, though focused on his mission, couldn't help but contemplate the heroes and "gods" immortalized in these statues, a constant reminder of the Empire's power.
The center of the capital, with its titanic palace, imposed a natural reverence. The crystal structure seemed to capture and refract the sun's rays in a hypnotic dance of light, enshrining the entire city in an almost mystical ambience. The palace walls, made of glittering stone as if alive, pulsed gently with magical energy. Waterfalls cascaded from the heights, falling gracefully onto verdant terraces before pouring into emerald-green pools, like tranquil rivers that paid tribute to the grandeur of the edifice.
Valerian and Arielle made their way through the crowded avenues, where an almost unreal peace reigned. The Empire's citizens strolled along, their sumptuous garments bearing witness to their nation's prosperity. Colorful stalls offered a shimmering spectacle of treasures from the four corners of the globe: brightly-hued spices, precious fabrics, magical objects of rare beauty. With a discreet but attentive eye, Valerian spotted several stores where he decided to spend some of the money he had accumulated during his travels.
"It all seems too perfect," Valerian murmured to Arielle, his tone tinged with concealed suspicion.
Arielle, her face still hidden, replied with a smile barely audible beneath her veil: "This perfection is their strength... and perhaps their greatest weakness."
After strolling through several stalls and spending in a calculated manner, they finally made their way to the imperial palace. Valerian's heart beat faster as they approached the entrance. Of course, they were stopped by the armored guards, gleaming with magical brilliance. These men, proud servants of the Empire, blocked their way with razor-sharp politeness.
Arielle, impassive, made a discreet sign and, in a slow, theatrical gesture, removed the veil concealing her face. The revelation was immediate: a princess of imperial blood stood before them. The guards' gaze instantly changed from suspicion to absolute respect. They bowed deeply, opening the colossal doors leading into the palace.
Valerian, still on his guard, felt a strange tension. Arielle's plan, though audacious, seemed to be unfolding perfectly. His heart, however, remained troubled by the strange serenity that reigned in this resplendent city.
The great doors of the assembly hall opened in a heavy silence, letting in Arielle, head held high, followed by Valerian, whose imposing presence seemed to absorb all attention. The hall itself, a sanctuary of polished marble and gleaming gilt, stretched before them with oppressive austerity. Massive columns rose to a ceiling painted with frescoes depicting the mythical exploits of the Empire's ancestors. The floor, made of marble as smooth as ice, echoed softly beneath the couple's hushed footsteps.
All around them, seated in a semicircle on golden thrones, other members of the imperial family watched their entrance with scrutinizing eyes. Arielle's siblings, the princes and princesses of royal blood, did not look welcoming. Each of them wore sumptuous garments adorned with the Empire's coat of arms, and their expressions, as icy as the marble statues decorating the hall, betrayed a subtle hostility.
Arielle took a few more steps forward, kneeling gracefully before her father, the Emperor, who sat enthroned in the center of the assembly, dressed in his jet-black imperial cloak embellished with gold thread. His crown glittered in the light of the hanging candlesticks, and his eyes pierced Arielle with silent intensity.
"Father," Arielle began in a soft but assured voice, breaking the silence of the room. "I have returned to the capital to bring you important news."
She bowed slightly, her impeccable bearing revealing no emotion. All around them, the eyes of the princes and princesses became more incisive, like birds of prey. The atmosphere was charged with tension.
"Speak," replied the Emperor, his deep voice echoing in the immensity of the hall. His gaze never wavered from his daughter, but briefly shifted to Valerian, who stood unperturbed behind her.
Arielle straightened up, glancing discreetly at Valerian before continuing: "I have found a husband, father, beyond our lands. A man worthy of me, and worthy of the Empire. I present to you Valerian."
A murmur ran through the assembly. The other members of the Imperial family exchanged glances, some with contempt, others with curiosity. Valerian, for his part, remained stoic, coolly observing the power game unfolding around him.
The Emperor remained silent, scrutinizing Valerian with growing intensity, his fingers lightly tapping the armrest of his throne. After a long moment, he spoke, his voice soft but full of innuendo.
"Valerian... a name not unfamiliar in this hall." The Emperor paused, letting his words hang in the air before resuming. "A man from a distant kingdom, lost in the twists and turns of history, is he not?"
Valerian's gaze hardened faintly, but he remained silent, fists clenched beneath his cloak. The Emperor continued to observe him, as if testing the patience and resilience of this man standing before him.
"Isn't it curious," he continued with an enigmatic smile, "that Arielle should choose a husband from a foreign land, even though a promise of marriage had been made at her birth? A promise between two children of royal blood..."
Silence fell heavily on the room. The princes and princesses sat up, suddenly more attentive. The Emperor stretched slightly on his throne, his inquisitive gaze never leaving Valerian. Arielle, for her part, seemed about to say something, but held back, sensing that the moment had not yet come.
"It so happens," the Emperor resumed, his words slow and measured, "that according to our most ancient traditions, if two children of royal blood are born on the same day, they are destined to marry." His gaze shifted again to Arielle, then back to Valerian. "A destiny sealed before you even knew your own names."
A louder murmur rose from the ranks of princes and princesses. Faces became more interested, more concentrated. The enigma was beginning to unfold. Valerian, despite his inner anger, let nothing show. He knew that the Emperor's every word was calculated to destabilize him.
Then, like a clean break in the tense calm of the room, the Emperor uttered the words that confirmed the suspicions that had weighed on Valerian since he entered the room.
"The kingdom I speak of," continued the Emperor, "is none other than the one we destroyed so many years ago. And you, Valerian, are none other than the fallen prince of that forgotten kingdom, are you not?"
The revelation came like a bolt from the blue. The entire room froze in shocked silence. The faces of the imperial princes and princesses twisted into mingled expressions of astonishment and calculation. Valerian could feel all eyes on him, trying to decipher his thoughts and anticipate his next words.
Arielle, however, remained calm, almost detached. She knew this moment would come, but she trusted Valerian. He'd been through far tougher ordeals than this verbal confrontation.
The Emperor leaned forward slightly, his voice lowered in tone, but becoming sharper.
"A promise was made between your father and me, Valerian. A promise that you and Arielle would be joined in matrimony. Ironic, isn't it, that you're here now, before me, without even knowing the full extent of that destiny?"
The other princes and princesses of the Empire watched the scene with a mixture of interest and jealousy. Each represented a unique aspect of imperial power, but none had Valerian's aura or imposing stature. Among them, Prince Arcturus, the Emperor's eldest child, gazed at Valerian with icy eyes. His smirk left no doubt of the contempt he felt for this stranger who dared to present himself as the equal of the imperial dynasty.
Princess Livia, for her part, observed the scene with aloof grace. She was the most calculating of the group, always maneuvering in the shadows, seeking to strengthen her own influence. Her gaze, penetrating and intelligent, had been analyzing Valerian ever since he entered the room. She saw in him a threat, but also an opportunity.
As for Prince Cassius, he rose from his seat, looking nonchalant. His sword, which he always wore at his belt, gleamed in the candlelight. "So, this man would be our brother-in-law?" He burst into a mocking laugh. "What a tragedy for the Empire to marry one of its precious princesses to a fallen prince."
But Arielle straightened up, challenging her siblings with a simple glance. "Valerian is far more than you can imagine," she replied calmly. "He is the one who will restore greatness to this ancient promise."
The Emperor straightened on his throne, his piercing gaze once again fixed on Valerian. "Let us see, then, if you are worthy of this destiny."
The tension was at its height.
The heavy silence of the assembly spread like a thick mist, the Emperor's gaze pinning Valerian in place. The words still echoed in the air, each member of the imperial family gauging the situation with concealed intentions. The challenge was on.
Valerian, feeling the pressure mounting, took a step forward, his gaze meeting the Emperor's without flinching. He had waited for this moment, this face-to-face encounter with the man responsible for the downfall of his kingdom, but the anger he felt remained within him, confined to an icy silence. Every muscle in his body tense, he knew that a single miscalculated response could seal his fate, but he hadn't come to bend.
"Your Majesty," Valerian began in a deep voice, resonant yet calm, like the rumble of distant thunder. "Fate, like promises, can be diverted, ignored or manipulated. But it always catches up with us in the end. I'm here not by chance, but because this day had to come."
A murmur ran through the assembly again. Prince Arcturus straightened up, a glint of defiance in his eyes, but remained silent. Livia, the sharp-eyed princess, frowned slightly, assessing each word Valerian spoke like a piece on a complex chessboard.
The Emperor, for his part, smiled subtly, amused by his interlocutor's firmness. "Fate, you say? Isn't it the same fate that saw your kingdom fall to ruin, Valerian?" His voice, though gentle, contained an underlying venom, like a snake ready to strike.
Valerian didn't let the provocation disturb him. "It's true, my kingdom was destroyed. Mostly by your hand. But a kingdom is not just land or walls. A kingdom survives in the hearts and minds of those worthy of it. Today, I stand here, not as a fallen prince, but as a free man. And I stand by your side not out of weakness, but by choice."
Arielle, still standing beside him, kept her composure, her eyes lingering on her father, gauging his reaction. She knew the game was far from won. The Emperor was a master of power games, and he would not be easily ruffled.
The Emperor nodded slowly, as if digesting Valerian's words. He straightened on his throne, gesturing with his hand for the servants in the room to move away, signaling that the audience was becoming more private, more serious.
"Very well, Valerian," he said at last. "It seems you understand the nature of the game we're playing. But a free man, as you say, must prove himself worthy of entering the imperial family."
His gaze shifted to the other members of the family. Arcturus rose to his feet, as if he'd been waiting for this moment. His massive build and imposing presence suddenly dominated the space. "Father, let me test this man. If he is worthy to stand among us, he will prove it with force, not words."
The Emperor nodded in agreement. "So be it. If Valerian is who he claims to be, he will have to show not only his physical strength, but also his intelligence and honor."
A cruel smile played across Arcturus's lips. He moved to the center of the room, his eyes riveted on Valerian. "Come, Valerian, let's see if you can live up to the promise of your blood."
The silence in the room became stifling as Valerian slowly stepped forward. He could feel the hidden excitement of the imperial princes and princesses, each hoping to see him fail. But Valerian was not a man to be intimidated. He was waiting for this fight.
Arielle took a step backwards, her heart beating faster at the thought of what was to come, but she knew that Valerian was ready for this confrontation. She believed in him, in his strength, and in his destiny, even if the Emperor and his siblings wanted to set a trap for him.
Arcturus drew a shining sword, a blade of black metal that glinted in the candlelight. He turned the weapon in his hand, a wry smile on his lips. "A weapon forged by the masters of the Empire. No man has ever resisted its blade."
Valerian, without saying a word, gently slid his own sword from its scabbard. The blade, long and finely chiselled, emitted a faint bluish glow. It seemed alive, as if responding to the aura of its bearer. Murmurs resumed, as some members of the assembly were struck by the strange appearance of the weapon, a relic that seemed to have come from another time, another realm.
The two men faced each other, and the air in the room seemed to vibrate with palpable tension. Arcturus took a step forward, a cruel smile on his lips. "Prepare yourself, fallen prince."
Without another word, the fight began.
Arcturus swooped down on Valerian with surprising speed for a man of his size. His sword whistled through the air, seeking to slice his opponent's flesh. Valerian parried with ease, his movements as fluid as a stream. The sound of metal against metal echoed through the hall, each blow amplifying the tension.
The imperial princes and princesses watched intently, their eyes riveted on every gesture, every attack, every dodge. Livia, in particular, was watching Valerian with growing interest. His mastery of the sword far exceeded her expectations.
Arcturus, seeing that his attacks were failing to pierce Valerian's defense, stepped back, his gaze hardening. "Not bad, for a prince without a kingdom," he growled, before launching his assault again, this time with more force, more rage.
But Valerian didn't waver. On the contrary, he began to strike back, his movements precise and powerful. Valerian's every blow seemed calculated to exploit the cracks in Arcturus' guard. Their blades danced in a series of strikes and counter-strikes, the air crackling with energy.
Finally, in a series of lightning moves, Valerian disarmed Arcturus with a precise blow, sending his opponent's sword flying across the room. Arcturus fell to his knees, gasping in defeat.
The silence that followed was almost deafening.
The Emperor, observing the scene with an impassive face, slowly straightened on his throne. "It seems Valerian is up to the task." His voice echoed through the hall, heavy with meaning.
The other princes and princesses exchanged glances, each calculating the repercussions of this defeat. Livia squinted, an enigmatic smile on her lips. Cassius, for his part, watched Valerian with a new respect, although his arrogance had not entirely dissipated.
Arielle, silent until then, took a step forward, joining Valerian. Her gaze met her father's, and she inclined her head slightly. "Father," she said calmly, "Valerian has proved his worth. He is worthy of this promise, and worthy of the Empire."
The Emperor sat back on his throne, his gaze shifting slowly from Valerian to Arielle, before returning to the fallen prince. There was a long silence before he spoke.
"Very well," he finally said. "Valerian, you've proved your strength. But know this: the Empire does not rest on physical strength alone. You'll be judged on much more than that before you can claim your place here."
At last, he rose to his feet, towering over the entire room. "For now, you remain a guest, Valerian. Show me that you are worthy not only of Arielle's hand, but of the Empire's as well."
Valerian's gaze didn't waver. He knew the ordeal was just beginning, but he was ready. He had already survived the destruction of his kingdom. The Empire, with all its shenanigans and betrayals, would be just another battle on his long road to truth.
### Epilogue
#### **In the Imperial Chamber - Night falls**
The subdued glow of candles danced on the walls of the shared room, casting soft shadows that created a hushed ambience. The room, richly decorated with crimson drapes and gold ornaments, bore all the splendor of an imperial heirloom, but despite this opulence, an intimate atmosphere reigned.
Arielle stood by the window, the silver moon illuminating her delicate features. Her face, though marked by calm serenity, betrayed a certain anxiety. Valerian, for his part, was sitting on the edge of the bed, untying the straps of his boots, his gaze thoughtful.
They hadn't exchanged a word since leaving the throne room. The weight of the audience still floated between them, like a silent shadow. Finally, Arielle broke the silence, her eyes fixed on the stars in the distance.
"I knew my father would put you to the test," she said softly. "But I didn't expect him to do it so openly, and so quickly."
She turned, her dark, worried gaze meeting Valerian's. "You've impressed him, but that's only the beginning."
Valerian nodded slowly, his face impassive. "I'd expect nothing less from him. The Emperor is a man who always tests the limits of those who stand before him."
Arielle sighed, approaching the bed and sitting down beside Valerian. Her light perfume floated in the air, bringing a touch of sweetness in the midst of so much tension. "I should have warned you more, perhaps..."
Valerian laid a soothing hand on hers. "You have nothing to reproach yourself for, Arielle. Everything that happened today was inevitable. Whether or not he knew who I really was, I knew he'd confront me one way or another."
A sad smile stretched Arielle's lips. "Maybe he will. But he's not the only one watching your every move. My brothers and sisters aren't passive spectators. They each have their own ambitions."
She leaned back slightly, settling herself more comfortably on the bed, before turning her gaze to him, more serious this time. "Valerian... my father revealed the truth about our old promise of marriage. It complicates everything. Some in the court will see this as a threat, an old tradition resurrected that could disrupt the imperial order."
She lowered her eyes, playing nervously with a flap of her dress. "Are you really ready for all this entails? To navigate this courtyard full of traps?"
Valerian remained silent for a moment, pondering. "Promises, even those forged before we were born, have a weight we must bear. This promise, Arielle, I accept. Not only because it binds me to you, but because it's part of what I must accomplish to reclaim what was taken from me."
Arielle looked at him for a long moment, her eyes searching his face, looking for a flaw. But all she found was the determination of a man who had been through too much to be diverted by the intrigues of the court. A slight smile appeared on his face.
"So we're in this battle together," she murmured, her hand slipping into his. "No matter what my brothers and sisters decide."
Valerian gently squeezed her hand in return, his blue eyes scrutinizing her with an intensity that made her heart beat faster. "Together, Arielle. Whatever happens."
A gentle silence settled between them as the tension of the day gradually eased, replaced by a shared serenity. Valerian finally slipped into bed, while Arielle nestled in beside him. Although tomorrow's trials were already on the horizon, for the moment, all that mattered was the comforting warmth of each other's presence.
#### **Imperial princes and princesses - A secret meeting**
While Valerian and Arielle found a semblance of peace in their shared room, elsewhere in the palace, another meeting was taking place. Far from prying eyes, the imperial princes and princesses had gathered in a private room, a place only members of the royal family were allowed to enter. A large marble table sat in the center, surrounded by richly ornamented chairs. The heirs to the Imperial Empire were all present, each wearing a different expression, but all united by the same goal: to understand what Valerian's arrival meant for their own future.
Arcturus, still scarred by his defeat at the hands of Valerian, stood with folded arms, his dark eyes betraying a barely controlled anger. Livia, seated gracefully in an armchair, calmly observed the scene, while Cassius, the eldest of the princes, stood pensively, one hand resting on his chin.
"That Valerian..." growled Arcturus, breaking the silence. "He's dangerous. I saw it in his eyes. He's not a man to be underestimated."
Livia raised an eyebrow, a wry smile playing on her lips. "Ah, because he beat you, dear brother? Maybe you're just not up to the task."
Arcturus clenched his fists, his jaws tensing, but he kept his cool, knowing that reacting violently would only make him look even weaker.
Cassius, still pensive, finally spoke up. "It doesn't matter how strong Valerian is. What's worrying is the promise Father revealed. A promise of marriage between him and Arielle? That could upset the balance of power we've so carefully nurtured."
Livia nodded slowly. "Exactly. Father may have revealed this in a moment of calculation, but what does it mean for us? If Arielle marries Valerian, he'll become a powerful ally, especially if he really intends to rebuild his former kingdom."
Arcturus growled. "He has no kingdom! He's a prince without land, without an army. What could he do?"
"Don't be naive," Cassius replied with a sigh. "A man like Valerian doesn't just seek to regain what was taken from him. He seeks revenge. And if he finds the right allies, he could be far more dangerous than you think."
Silence fell over the room, each of the imperial heirs pondering these words.
Livia straightened in her chair, her mischievous eyes watching her brothers.
"So, what do we do?" she finally asked. "We can't eliminate him too obviously. Father has his eye on him."
Cassius nodded. "No. We have to play it smart. Valerian needs to be watched, yes, but we also need to make sure he doesn't get too much support in the courtyard. If we isolate him, he won't be able to claim the throne, even if he marries Arielle."
"And what if he turns out to be too dangerous?" asked Arcturus, his gaze burning with the desire for revenge.
Cassius smiled coldly. "Then we'll find a way to neutralize him, once and for all."
#### **The next morning - A tour of the palace**
The next morning's sun flooded the imperial palace with its golden light, gently awakening its occupants. Valerian, dressed in a simple tunic but still bearing his imposing aura, left the room where Arielle was still sleeping peacefully, to explore this maze of sumptuous corridors.
The imperial palace was both magnificent and oppressive, a blend of beauty and power. Everywhere Valerian looked, golden mosaics, statues of glorious ancestors and frescoes depicting imperial conquests lay before him, a constant reminder of the absolute authority of the Emperor and his lineage.
As he passed through a vast gallery, his footsteps echoing in the silence, he was interrupted by an imposing-looking man, dressed in a richly adorned uniform, his gaze stern but respectful. "Prince Valerian," he said, bowing slightly. "I am Duke Lothaire of the City of Lilacs. The Emperor has charged me with welcoming you and guiding you through the court."
Valerian watched him for a moment, recognizing in his features the gravity of men who have lived through the horrors of war. Duke Lothaire was a veteran, a man whose loyalty to the Empire could not be questioned.
"Duke Lothaire," Valerian replied, nodding. "I accept your hospitality."
The Duke smiled briefly before turning to walk beside him. "The Emperor's court is a place where the slightest misstep can be fatal," he said softly, almost as a warning. "But I'm sure you'll be able to navigate his intrigues."
Valerian remained silent, his eyes watching the surroundings with cold attention. "It's a game I'm already used to," he finally replied, his tone neutral. "And I'm ready to learn more."
Lothaire looked at him briefly, before nodding. "Then follow me. There are many influential figures you need to meet."
And so, in the bright light of a new day, Valerian plunged even deeper into the mysteries and pitfalls of the imperial court, his thoughts constantly turned to the uncertain future that lay ahead.