"Ethan Swanson"

Sunlight broke through the curtains of Ethan's room, casting a warm glow over everything. I hummed softly, processing my surroundings. The first thing that registered was the weight around my waist. Then the warmth against my back, and the slow, even breaths against my neck. Brown, soft hair tickled my skin. I ran my fingertips over Ethan's muscular arm for a moment, savoring the feel of him.

After a few minutes, I decided it'd probably be best to get up and start the day since I didn't feel sick anymore. Gently, I started to lift his arm, trying my hardest not to wake him.

There was a bit of stirring, and Ethan nuzzled into my neck even more, pulling me into him a little tighter. He was definitely awake now but refused to let me go, at least just for a moment. I was effectively trapped.

"Don't make me get up, baby..." he muttered with a sleep-ridden voice against my neck, sending little goosebumps down my arm.
