The water rippled softly as their boats drifted down the vast, mist-covered river. Elora and Deremiah, still locked in their stance, blades pressed against each other's throats, turned their attention toward the loud, uninvited voice.
"Whoo. Oh my, why don't you two kiss already?"
A girl stood at the edge of another boat, waving her arms wildly as if trying to flag down a carriage.
She had an exaggerated way of talking, her words dragging with a lazy vocal fry. Her voice was loud — too loud — especially in the eerie silence of the river.
"Like, I totally saw that moment. So much tension. Are y'all enemies? Lovers? Rivals? I'd prefer enemies! I looooooovvvvveee a good enemies to lovers story, my uncle says he met his wife that way! But I gotta say, if this were a book, I'd be totally shipping it. Oh, wait — are you guys even listening to me? Hello?"