Deremiah gritted his teeth as he registered the vast distance between both boats. Also, nothing he was going to do would bring the boat he was on closer to theirs.
Like other boats, it kept moving forward on its own, carried by an unseen force and locked in a path toward the unseeable distance.
He looked back at Elora's boat, and saw her still fighting against the Sea Ghosts. The other girl had finally joined in, and it seemed her Technique was something that had to do with a blue magical energy, which she used to create blasts.
Soon, those beasts would completely overrun that boat, leaving Deremiah running out of answers.
If they tried to jump into the water to reach him, they'd be dragged under in seconds by the Sea Ghosts. And even if they somehow made it to his boat, they'd bring the cursed scent from the river with them, making this one just as much of a target.