Day 5: Bondage/Edging/Orgasm Control

Day 5: Bondage/Edging/Orgasm Control

Violet's wrists were already bound when she realized just how serious Xaden was about tonight. She watched him, breath coming in slow, measured breaths, as he secured the intricate knot over her wrists, the silky ropes sliding through his hands with ease. His focus was absolute—calm, methodical, the same way he approached everything in combat. Only now, he was using that precision to bind her, to take her apart in a different way.

The flickering candlelight cast long shadows across his face, highlighting the sharp angles of his jaw, the intensity in his dark eyes. His lips were set in a focused line, his entire demeanor commanding, but there was also a deep sense of care in every movement. This wasn't about control for the sake of power. It was about trust. Trust in him to push her boundaries, but to always know when to stop.

Violet's arms were pulled above her head, tied to the headboard with expert precision, the knots tight but not painful, secure but with enough give that she could feel the tension, the weight of the trust she'd placed in him. She tugged experimentally, her pulse quickening when she realized just how firmly he had her restrained.

Xaden's eyes flicked to hers, a hint of amusement playing on his lips as he caught her testing the ropes. "Comfortable?" he asked, his voice low, a quiet rumble in the stillness of the room.

Violet nodded, her breath hitching slightly as she tugged at the ropes again, feeling the subtle pull of the restraints against her wrists. There was something exhilarating about being at his mercy like this, something that sent a thrill of both excitement and anticipation coursing through her veins.

"I can make it tighter," Xaden said, his voice dropping even lower as his gaze trailed down her body, taking in the way she lay stretched out beneath him, completely vulnerable. His fingers brushed against her forearm, sending a shiver racing up her spine. "Or I can loosen them if you need."

Her heart pounded in her chest, her breath coming faster as she considered the weight of the moment. This was new—uncharted territory for both of them. But the trust between them was unshakable, and the thrill of giving herself over to him, of letting him test her limits, was more intoxicating than she'd imagined.

"Leave them," she whispered, her voice steady despite the fluttering in her stomach. She trusted him. She always had. And tonight, she was giving him more than just her body—she was giving him her complete surrender.

Xaden's eyes darkened at her words, a flicker of something primal passing over his features. His hands moved slowly, deliberately, as he reached for another length of rope, his gaze never leaving hers as he knelt beside the bed. He was in control now, and the power of that knowledge sent a jolt of anticipation through Violet's body.

"I want you to remember something," Xaden murmured as he looped the next length of rope around her ankles, binding them together with the same precision he'd used on her wrists. His hands moved with a practiced ease, his fingers deft as he tightened the knots, making sure they were secure but not painful. "You can stop this whenever you want. Just say the word."

Violet's breath hitched as she felt the ropes tighten around her ankles, the tension keeping her legs bound together, completely immobilized. The feeling of helplessness, of being at his mercy, was exhilarating. But more than that, it was the deep sense of trust between them that sent her heart racing.

"I know," she whispered, her voice soft but steady. "I trust you."

His gaze softened slightly at her words, the faintest trace of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips. He leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to the inside of her wrist, the contrast of his tenderness against the binding sensation of the ropes making her shiver.

"I'm going to push you tonight," he said softly, his breath warm against her skin. "I need you don't just trust me, but trust me to know your limits better than you do."

Violet's heart pounded in her chest, the weight of his words settling over her like a warm blanket. She had never doubted him, not for a second. If there was anyone she trusted with her body, with her pleasure, with her pain, it was Xaden.

"I do," she breathed, her voice barely above a whisper.

Xaden's eyes darkened again, his expression shifting from tender to commanding in an instant. He rose to his feet, his hands moving over the ropes one last time to check their tension before stepping back, his gaze roaming over her body with a possessive intensity that made her pulse quicken.

She was completely at his mercy now—bound, vulnerable, and utterly his.

The shift in the air between them was palpable. It was no longer about gentle touches or whispered reassurances. Xaden had taken full control, and Violet was more than willing to surrender herself to whatever he had in mind.

Without a word, he stepped closer, his fingers trailing lightly along the length of her leg, sending a shiver of anticipation racing through her. The touch was so light it was almost teasing, and Violet squirmed against the ropes, her body already aching for more.

But Xaden wasn't going to make it easy for her.

His fingers continued their slow exploration, tracing the curves of her body with maddening precision, but never quite giving her the contact she craved. He was taking his time, drawing out her anticipation, testing her patience.

Violet's breath quickened, her body trembling beneath his touch as he leaned down, his breath warm against her neck. His lips brushed lightly against her skin, sending a jolt of heat straight through her, but he pulled back before she could react, his eyes gleaming with amusement.

"You're not used to this, are you?" he murmured, his voice low and teasing as he trailed his fingers up her sides, just barely grazing the skin. "Not used to being the one who has to wait."

Her heart pounded in her chest, her body aching with the need for more as she tugged at the ropes, testing their strength. She was completely restrained, completely at his mercy, and there was something both exhilarating and frustrating about it. Every inch of her was crying out for his touch, for the release he was so expertly denying her.

"I—" Her breath hitched as his hand brushed against the side of her breast, her body arching instinctively toward his touch, but he pulled away again, leaving her gasping. "I'm not used to you teasing."

Xaden chuckled softly, his fingers trailing down her stomach, so close to where she wanted him, but still not giving her the contact she craved. "Maybe I enjoy watching you squirm," he muttered, his voice rough with amusement.

Violet's breath came in shallow bursts, her body trembling with need as she tugged at the ropes again, her frustration mounting. But there was also a thrill in the way he was pushing her, testing her limits. He was in complete control, and the realization that she had given herself over to him entirely only heightened her anticipation.

"Xaden," she gasped, her voice breathless with need as she looked up at him, her eyes pleading. "Please…"

He raised an eyebrow, his fingers still tracing maddening patterns across her skin, deliberately avoiding the places she wanted him most. "Please what?"

She let out a frustrated moan, her body arching off the bed as she tried to find some relief, but the ropes held her firmly in place, keeping her at his mercy. "Please… touch me."

His gaze darkened at her words, the amusement fading from his expression as the possessiveness returned. He leaned down, his breath hot against her ear as he whispered, "You'll get what you want when I'm ready to give it to you. Not before."

Xaden's fingers finally trailed lower, brushing against the sensitive skin between her thighs, and Violet let out a soft gasp, her body arching toward his touch. But he was still holding back, still teasing her, his fingers just barely grazing her skin as he watched her with dark, hungry eyes.

"Do you want more?" he asked, his voice low and rough as his fingers slid higher, grazing her inner thigh but still not giving her the contact she craved.

Violet nodded frantically, her body trembling with need as she tugged at the ropes again, her breath coming in short, desperate gasps. "Yes," she moaned, her voice thick with desire. "Please, Xaden…"

His gaze darkened, a flicker of satisfaction crossing his features as he finally slid his fingers between her legs, brushing lightly against her slick folds. The touch was electric, sending a jolt of pleasure racing through her body, and Violet let out a soft cry, her head falling back against the pillows as her body trembled beneath him.

His gaze darkened, a flicker of satisfaction crossing his features as he finally slid his fingers between her legs, brushing lightly against her slick folds. The touch was electric, sending a jolt of pleasure racing through her body, and Violet let out a soft cry, her head falling back against the pillows as her body trembled beneath him. She could feel how deliberately slow he was going, how controlled every movement was, as though he was savoring her desperation.

Xaden's thumb brushed lightly over her clit, a teasing motion that made her hips buck involuntarily, her body craving more. But he didn't give her what she wanted—he never did, not at first. He always made her wait, made her feel every second of the build-up until she was teetering on the edge, just like now.

"You're so sensitive," he muttered, his breath warm against her skin as he leaned down, his lips brushing the inside of her thigh. The heat of his breath sent a shiver racing up her spine, and Violet's breath caught in her throat as she realized what he was going to do next.

"Xaden…" she breathed, her voice shaky with anticipation as his mouth hovered dangerously close to her core. Her legs strained against the ropes that held her in place, her body trembling with need.

He didn't respond, at least not with words. Instead, he lowered his head, his tongue flicking out to trace a slow, deliberate path over her clit, the sensation making her moan loudly. His tongue moved with practiced precision, teasing her in slow, languid strokes that made her hips rock against him, her body begging for more. But every time she thought she might get what she wanted, every time the pleasure began to build to an unbearable peak, he would pull back slightly, his tongue moving just enough to keep her on the edge but never letting her fall over.

"Please…" Violet whimpered, her voice breaking as she tugged at the ropes, her body trembling with frustration. She was so close, so godsdamned close, but he wasn't going to let her have it—not yet.

His fingers slid inside her, slow and deliberate, curling upward to press against that sweet spot that made her entire body tense with pleasure. She gasped, her hips arching off the bed as he worked her over with maddening precision, his tongue flicking over her clit in perfect rhythm with the thrust of his fingers.

But just as she was about to fall over the edge, just as the pleasure began to crest, he pulled back again, his fingers stilling inside her, his mouth leaving her entirely.

Violet let out a strangled cry, her body trembling with the force of the denied release. Her hips bucked instinctively, seeking the friction that would push her over, but Xaden's hands were firm on her hips, holding her in place.

"You're not coming yet," he growled, his voice dark and commanding as he looked up at her, his lips glistening with her wetness. "Not until I say so."

Violet whimpered, her body trembling beneath him as the need for release became unbearable. She had never felt so frustrated, so desperate. Every nerve in her body was on fire, her muscles taut with the effort of holding herself together, but Xaden was still holding her back, still keeping her right on the edge.

"Xaden, please," she begged, her voice a breathless whine as she looked down at him, her eyes wide and pleading. "I need to—"

"I know what you need," he interrupted, his tone low and authoritative as his fingers began to move inside her again, slow and deliberate. "But you're not getting it until I decide you've earned it."

Her breath hitched as his fingers curled inside her, hitting that spot again, and she let out a soft moan, her body trembling with the effort of holding herself together. The pleasure was building again, coiling tighter and tighter in her core, but Xaden was still in complete control, his movements slow and measured, deliberately holding her back.

Violet's breath came in short, ragged bursts, her body trembling beneath him as he continued to edge her, bringing her so close to release only to pull back again, denying her the satisfaction she craved. Her hips rocked against his hand, her legs straining against the ropes as she tried to find some relief, but Xaden's grip on her hips tightened, holding her still.

"Stay still," he growled, his fingers thrusting deeper, harder, but still not fast enough to push her over the edge.

Violet whimpered, her body trembling with need as the pleasure built higher and higher, but Xaden still wouldn't let her fall. He kept her right there, teetering on the brink, his fingers moving inside her with ruthless precision, his thumb brushing over her clit in slow, maddening circles.

"Please," she whimpered again, her voice a desperate plea as she tugged at the ropes, her body trembling with frustration. "I need to come, Xaden, please—"

His eyes darkened at her words, a flicker of satisfaction passing over his features as he leaned down, his mouth hovering just above her core. "You'll come when I'm ready for you to come," he growled, his breath hot against her skin as his fingers thrust deeper, harder, his thumb pressing harder against her clit.

Violet's breath hitched, her entire body trembling as the pleasure surged through her, her muscles tightening with the effort of holding herself together. She was so close, so godsdamned close, but Xaden was still holding her back, keeping her right on the edge.

And then, just as she thought she couldn't take anymore, he pulled his fingers out of her entirely, leaving her gasping and trembling, her body aching for release.

"No," she whimpered, her voice breaking with desperation as she looked up at him, her eyes wide and pleading. "Please, Xaden—"

He didn't respond. Instead, he positioned himself between her legs, his hands gripping her thighs as he lined himself up with her entrance. Violet's breath caught in her throat as she felt the tip of him pressing against her, the anticipation of what was to come making her entire body tremble.

"Xaden…" she gasped, her voice shaky with anticipation as she looked up at him, her body trembling beneath him.

But he didn't give her time to think.

With one swift, brutal thrust, he buried himself deep inside her, his breath catching in his throat as he filled her completely. Violet cried out, her body arching off the bed as the sensation of him inside her sent a jolt of pleasure racing through her.

Xaden let out a low growl, his hands gripping her hips as he began to move, his thrusts deep and deliberate, each one hitting her hard and fast, sending waves of pleasure crashing through her. But even now, he wasn't letting her have it. His pace was controlled, just slow enough to keep her on the edge but not enough to push her over.

Violet's breath came in short, desperate gasps, her body trembling beneath him as she tried to chase the release he was still denying her. Every time she thought she might finally fall over the edge, he would pull back, slowing his movements just enough to keep her hanging in that torturous space between pleasure and frustration.

"Xaden, please," she begged, her voice breathless as she looked up at him, her eyes wide and pleading. "I can't… I can't take it anymore—please, let me come—"

His gaze darkened, his thrusts becoming harder, faster, but still controlled, still holding her back from the release she craved. "Not yet," he growled, his voice thick with desire as he gripped her hips tighter, his fingers digging into her skin. "You'll come when I say so."

Violet whimpered, her body trembling beneath him as he pushed her closer and closer to the edge, but still wouldn't let her fall. She was completely at his mercy, completely at the mercy of the ropes that held her in place, and the knowledge that she had no control, that it was all in his hands, made the pleasure that much more intense.

"Please," she whimpered again, her voice breaking as her body shook with need. "Please, Xaden, I need to come—"

He let out a low, guttural growl, his thrusts becoming more erratic, more desperate as he felt her body trembling beneath him. His control was slipping, his own need for release becoming too much to bear, but he still wasn't ready to give her what she wanted.

"You'll come when I say so," he growled again, his voice rough with the effort of holding himself back.

And then, finally, as her body tensed beneath him, as her muscles coiled tight with the effort of holding herself together, he leaned down, his lips brushing against her ear as he whispered, "Now."

The command was all it took.

Violet's body arched off the bed, her breath catching in her throat as the orgasm hit her like a tidal wave, her entire body shaking with the force of it. She cried out, her muscles tightening around him as the pleasure consumed her, sending shockwaves through every inch of her.

Xaden's growl deepened, his grip on her hips tightening as he thrust into her harder, faster, his own release hitting him as he buried himself deep inside her, filling her completely. His entire body tensed, his breath coming in ragged bursts as he spilled into her, the raw intensity of the moment overwhelming him. The heat of his release, the way her body trembled beneath him, sent another wave of possessive satisfaction surging through him. She was his, in every possible way.

Violet's body shook with aftershocks, her breath still coming in shallow gasps as she lay beneath him, her legs trembling from the intensity of her orgasm. The ropes held her arms above her head, her skin flushed and slick with sweat, but there was a deep, satisfied calm in her chest, her heart still pounding from the power of what they'd just shared.

Xaden hovered above her for a moment, his chest heaving as he caught his breath. He leaned down, pressing his forehead against hers, his hand moving to cradle the side of her face. His fingers were gentle now, a stark contrast to the possessive grip he'd had on her hips moments before.

"Violence," he breathed, his voice rough and thick with emotion as he brushed his lips against her forehead. "Are you okay?"

She let out a soft, shaky laugh, her eyes fluttering open as she met his gaze. Her body still hummed with the afterglow of their shared release, but there was a warmth in her chest that came from more than just the physical pleasure. It was the trust, the connection they had, the way he'd taken her to the very edge and brought her back, holding her together even as he pushed her limits.

"I'm more than okay," she whispered, her voice soft but steady as she smiled up at him. "I'm perfect."

Xaden's eyes softened at her words, the dark intensity that had consumed him during their encounter fading slightly, replaced by something deeper, more tender. He leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips, his hand stroking her cheek as he whispered, "You were perfect."

For a moment, they just lay there, their bodies still tangled together, their breaths mingling as they held each other in the aftermath. The room was quiet, the only sound the soft crackling of the candle burning on the bedside table, casting a warm, flickering light over their entwined bodies.

Slowly, Xaden reached up to untie the ropes from her wrists, his fingers gentle as he loosened the knots, careful not to pull too hard against her skin. He watched her face as he worked, his eyes searching hers for any sign of discomfort, but Violet only smiled, her body relaxed and content.

When her wrists were finally free, Xaden brought them down to rest on her chest, his hands stroking over her skin in soothing, gentle movements. He leaned down to press a kiss to each of her wrists, his lips lingering there for a moment as if he was trying to erase any lingering tension.

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" he asked, his voice soft but filled with concern as his eyes searched hers.

Violet shook her head, a soft smile tugging at her lips as she reached up to cup his cheek, her thumb brushing over his stubbled jaw. "No," she whispered, her voice full of warmth and reassurance. "You were perfect. I trust you completely."

His eyes softened even more at her words, and he leaned down to kiss her again, this time slow and tender, his lips lingering on hers as if he was savoring the moment. Violet melted into the kiss, her body still humming with the warmth of his touch, the quiet intimacy between them settling like a blanket over her.

When they finally pulled apart, Xaden shifted to lie beside her, his arm wrapping around her waist as he pulled her close, her body fitting perfectly against his. Violet sighed contentedly, her head resting on his chest as she listened to the steady beat of his heart, the rhythm soothing and grounding her.

For a long time, they stayed like that, wrapped up in each other, the warmth of their shared moment settling over them like a calm after a storm. There were no more words needed, no more games or teasing. It was just them, connected in a way that went beyond the physical, their bond stronger than ever.