Day 11: Sex Toys/Bondage/Top Xaden

Day 11: Sex Toys/Bondage/Top Xaden

The dim light of the room flickered off the ancient stone walls, casting shadows that danced with the flickering flames of the candles around them. Violet lay on the bed, her wrists bound above her head with silken ropes, her chest rising and falling with anticipation. Her silver and dark hair spread across the pillows like a halo, her lips parted as she gazed up at Xaden with a mixture of trust and excitement.

Xaden stood beside the bed, his eyes dark and intense as he looked down at her, his hand slowly trailing over the smooth surface of a polished wooden box. The items inside were centuries old, carefully preserved, and handed down through generations—artifacts of a time when magic and desire were intertwined in ways that most people had forgotten.

But not him.

His fingers brushed over the contents, his eyes never leaving Violet as a small, knowing smile played at the corner of his lips. "These," he murmured, his voice a low, dark rumble, "are not like anything you've felt before."

Xaden reached into the box, pulling out a long, slender rod made of polished stone—an artifact imbued with centuries of magic. The surface of the rod shimmered faintly in the candlelight, and Violet could feel the faint hum of magic radiating from it even from where she lay.

"This," Xaden said softly, his eyes gleaming with intent, "was used by powerful women to enhance their sensitivity. It's said that every touch, every stroke, would feel tenfold." He ran his fingers along the smooth surface of the stone, testing its weight in his hand before turning his attention back to her.

Violet's breath caught in her throat as Xaden moved toward the bed, the magical rod in hand. Her body was already alight with anticipation, her nerves humming with the magic that filled the air between them. She trusted him completely, but the promise of what was about to happen made her pulse race.

Xaden knelt beside her, his eyes locked onto hers as he trailed the cool stone down the center of her chest, the smooth surface brushing over her skin like ice. The magic within it reacted immediately, amplifying the sensation so that even the slightest touch sent a jolt of pleasure racing through her.

Violet let out a soft gasp, her back arching off the bed as the rod traced lower, the magic heightening every sensation. The coolness of the stone combined with the pulse of magic made her entire body tremble, her skin tingling with every movement.

"You feel that, don't you?" Xaden murmured, his voice low and commanding as he dragged the rod down her abdomen, stopping just above her hips. "How much more sensitive you are?"

Violet nodded, her breath coming in short, uneven bursts as her body reacted to the magic coursing through her. "Yes," she whispered, her voice shaky with need. "It's… intense."

Xaden smirked, clearly pleased with her response, and he leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to her lips before pulling back to continue his exploration. The rod moved lower now, the cool stone brushing over her thighs, teasing her with just enough pressure to make her body ache for more.

"Good," Xaden whispered, his fingers brushing over the surface of the rod as he guided it higher, closer to where she needed it most. "Because we're just getting started."

The tip of the rod brushed against her slick folds, the coolness of the stone sending a shiver racing through her body. Violet let out a breathless moan, her hips lifting slightly off the bed as the pleasure intensified, the magic within the rod amplifying every touch, every sensation.

Xaden watched her closely, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction as he moved the rod with slow, deliberate strokes, teasing her until she was trembling beneath him. The sensation was unlike anything she had ever felt before—every touch felt heightened, her body responding to the magic in ways that made her feel like she was on the edge of release with every movement.

But Xaden wasn't ready to let her have it yet.

He pulled the rod away just as she was teetering on the brink, leaving her gasping for breath, her body aching with the need for more. "Not yet," he murmured, his voice thick with command. "You're not going to come until I say so."

Violet whimpered, her body trembling with the effort of holding herself together as Xaden reached into the box again, pulling out a small, carved wooden egg. It was smooth, polished to perfection, and faintly humming with the same magic as the rod.

"This," Xaden said softly, holding the egg up for her to see, "was designed to be worn. It will vibrate inside you, the magic responding to your movements. Every time you so much as breathe, it will remind you of who's in control."

Violet's eyes widened slightly, her breath coming in shallow gasps as she looked at the egg, the weight of Xaden's words sinking in. The idea of something like that—something that would keep her on edge, keep her constantly aware of his power over her—made her body throb with need.

Without another word, Xaden leaned down, his fingers slipping between her legs as he slowly, carefully inserted the wooden egg inside her. The moment it was in place, Violet could feel the magic pulsing through it, a faint vibration that hummed with every small movement she made. Her breath hitched, her body trembling as the sensation took hold, amplifying her awareness of every tiny shift.

Xaden smirked, clearly pleased with the effect, and he leaned down to press a soft kiss to her thigh, his fingers trailing over her skin as he watched her reaction. "You feel that?" he asked, his voice low and filled with satisfaction. "How it responds to you?"

Violet nodded, her breath coming in short, desperate bursts as the vibration inside her grew stronger with every movement she made. It wasn't enough to push her over the edge, but it was enough to keep her teetering on the brink, her body aching for more.

"You're going to hold it," Xaden commanded, his hand resting on her thigh as he watched her with dark, hungry eyes. "You're going to feel it, but you're not going to come. Not until I decide."

Violet whimpered, her body trembling beneath him as she fought to hold herself together, the magic inside her amplifying every sensation to the point of madness. "Xaden, please…"

Xaden's smile widened, and he reached down to stroke the inside of her thigh, his touch teasing and deliberate. "Patience," he murmured, his voice low and commanding. "You'll get what you want when I say so."

With that, he reached into the box one last time, pulling out a small silver chain with delicate, intricate clips at each end. Violet's breath caught in her throat as she realized what it was—a magical device that would enhance her sensitivity even further.

"This," Xaden whispered, holding the chain up for her to see, "will make you feel every touch, every breath, even more than you do now. And when I decide to let you come… it will be like nothing you've ever experienced."

Violet's breath caught in her throat as she watched Xaden dangle the silver chain between his fingers. The delicate clips gleamed in the candlelight, their intricate design hinting at the magic woven into the very metal. She could already feel the subtle hum of enchantment emanating from the chain, promising to amplify every sensation, every touch.

Her body was trembling with anticipation, her core already pulsing with the vibration of the wooden egg inside her. Every tiny movement, every breath she took, sent a wave of pleasure radiating through her, keeping her right on the edge of release without ever letting her fall over. The magic was relentless, teasing her with the promise of more but never quite giving it.

Xaden's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as he knelt beside her, his fingers lightly brushing over her exposed breasts, teasing her sensitive skin as he continued to hold the chain in front of her, letting her feel the weight of his control. "You've been so good for me," he murmured, his voice low and filled with that commanding edge that always sent shivers down her spine. "But now… I'm going to push you even further."

Without waiting for a response, Xaden reached forward, his fingers gently pinching her already hardened nipples, the cool metal of the chain brushing against her skin as he attached the first clip. The moment the magical clip clamped onto her, Violet let out a soft gasp, her body arching off the bed as the sensation of pleasure intensified, her nipples tingling with heightened sensitivity.

The second clip followed swiftly, attaching to her other nipple with the same precision, and the magical chain between them pulsed with energy, amplifying the sensation even more. Violet's breath came in short, ragged bursts, her body trembling beneath him as the magic took hold, every nerve in her body buzzing with overstimulation.

"Xaden… gods…" Violet whimpered, her chest rising and falling as she tried to catch her breath, the vibration inside her intensifying with every small movement, and now, her nipples felt like they were on fire with pleasure, each tiny shift sending jolts of sensation straight to her core. "It's too much…"

Xaden smirked, his hand sliding down her abdomen as he leaned in closer, his breath hot against her ear. "It's exactly what you need," he growled softly, his fingers slipping between her legs to brush over the sensitive area where the egg rested inside her. He moved it expertly as he began to move his fingers, rotating it against her g-spot with every thrust in and out. "I want to see you fall apart. And you will."

He pressed down lightly, the vibration inside her growing stronger with his touch, and Violet let out a desperate moan, her hips bucking involuntarily against his hand. The pleasure was overwhelming, every touch, every vibration amplified by the magic in the toys he was using on her, pushing her closer and closer to the edge without letting her fall over.

Xaden's fingers continued to tease her, his touch light and deliberate as he kept her hovering on the brink of release, his eyes dark with satisfaction as he watched her body tremble beneath him. "You're so close, aren't you?" he murmured, his voice thick with desire as his thumb brushed over her clit, the slightest pressure sending her spiraling into a haze of pleasure.

Violet whimpered, her body shaking with the effort of holding herself together, every nerve in her body alive with sensation. "Yes… gods, yes…" she gasped, her voice strained with desperation. "Please… let me come…"

Xaden's smirk deepened, and he leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to the hollow of her throat as his fingers continued to move against her. "Not yet," he whispered, his voice filled with command as he pulled his hand away, leaving her gasping for breath, her body trembling with the need for release. "You'll come when I say so."

Violet let out a desperate moan, her hips lifting off the bed as she chased the pleasure he had denied her, her body aching with the need for more. The magic from the toys was relentless, keeping her right on the edge, her nipples tingling with the sensitivity from the chain, and the egg inside her vibrating with maddening intensity.

Xaden watched her with dark, hungry eyes, clearly pleased with the way she was falling apart beneath him. He reached out again, his hand trailing over her thigh as he moved to position himself between her legs, his gaze never leaving hers as he hovered above her.

"You're going to take everything I give you," Xaden growled softly, his voice thick with desire as his fingers brushed over her swollen clit, teasing her with just enough pressure to make her hips buck against him. "And when I finally let you come, it's going to feel like nothing you've ever experienced."

Violet whimpered, her breath coming in short, ragged bursts as her body trembled with the effort of holding herself together. She was so close—so godsdamned close—but Xaden was still holding her back, his control over her absolute.

"Please…" Violet gasped, her voice breaking with desperation as her hips lifted off the bed again, chasing the release he was denying her. "I can't… I can't hold it anymore…"

Xaden chuckled softly, his hand moving to grip her hip as he leaned down, his lips brushing lightly against her ear. "Yes, you can," he murmured, his voice a low, dangerous growl. "You'll hold it until I say otherwise."

He shifted slightly, his body pressing against hers as his fingers moved between her legs again, his touch rougher now, more demanding. The vibration inside her intensified with his movements, sending wave after wave of pleasure crashing through her, but still, he didn't let her fall over the edge.

"Xaden, please!" Violet cried out, her voice trembling with the force of her need, her body arching off the bed as her muscles coiled tight with anticipation. "I can't… I need to—"

"Now," Xaden growled, his thumb pressing hard against her clit as he thrust his fingers inside her, the magic from the egg and the chain intensifying with every movement. "Come for me, Violet."

That was all it took.

Violet's entire body tensed, her back arching off the bed as the orgasm tore through her, more intense than anything she had ever felt before. The magic amplified every sensation, every touch, sending wave after wave of pleasure crashing through her as her muscles tightened, her breath catching in her throat. The vibrations, the magical chain, Xaden's fingers—all of it hit her at once, sending her spiraling into a haze of ecstasy that left her trembling and gasping beneath him.

Xaden didn't let up. His fingers continued to move inside her, his thumb pressing against her clit as the magic kept her teetering on the edge, prolonging the orgasm until she thought she might shatter from the intensity of it all.

When her release finally began to subside, Xaden pulled back slightly, his hand still resting on her thigh as he watched her with dark, satisfied eyes. Violet lay there, her body trembling with the aftershocks of her orgasm, her breath coming in short, ragged bursts as she tried to catch her breath.

"You did so well," Xaden murmured, his voice soft but full of pride as he leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. "You took everything I gave you."