Day 13: Temperature Play/Top Xaden

Day 13: Temperature Play/Top Xaden

The room was dimly lit by the soft glow of candlelight, the flickering flames casting dancing shadows across the stone walls. Violet lay on the bed, her wrists bound gently with silk above her head, her body already trembling in anticipation. The air was thick with the promise of something intense, something far beyond the usual boundaries they played with. Tonight, Xaden had promised her something different—an exploration of extremes.

Temperature play.

Violet's heart raced with a mixture of excitement and nervousness as she watched Xaden move around the room, preparing. She trusted him implicitly, but the idea of him combining the searing heat of fire and the numbing cold of ice sent shivers down her spine. She knew this would push her, and that thought alone made her core tighten with need.

Xaden returned to the bed, a small bowl of ice in one hand and a candle in the other. His eyes gleamed with dark intent, his gaze roaming over her body like a predator surveying its prey. "You look nervous," he murmured, his voice low and full of promise as he set the items down on the nightstand beside the bed. "Good."

Violet swallowed hard, her breath coming in shallow bursts as she met his gaze. "I'm not nervous," she whispered, though her trembling voice betrayed her.

Xaden smirked, clearly pleased with her attempt to stay in control. "Liar," he said softly, his fingers brushing lightly over her cheek before trailing down her neck, his touch both comforting and teasing at once. "But that's all right. I'm going to make sure you feel everything tonight."

Violet's breath hitched, her body already reacting to his words, her pulse racing with anticipation as he reached for the bowl of ice. The cold mist rising from the bowl seemed to mirror the anticipation building between them, and she could feel the weight of the moment pressing down on her.

"You're mine tonight," Xaden murmured, his voice a low growl as he reached into the bowl, plucking out a single piece of ice. He held it between his fingers, letting it melt slightly before leaning over her, his eyes locked onto hers with an intensity that made her shiver. "And I'm going to remind you of that, over and over."

Without another word, he pressed the ice against her collarbone.

Violet gasped, her body jerking in response to the sudden cold, the sensation sending a jolt of surprise through her. The ice trailed slowly down her skin, leaving a wet, freezing trail in its wake, and Violet's breath caught in her throat as her body trembled beneath the shock of the temperature.

Xaden's eyes darkened with satisfaction as he continued to drag the ice down her chest, over the curve of her breast. "You're so sensitive," he murmured, his voice thick with approval as he watched her squirm beneath his touch. "I can feel your body reacting to every drop of ice."

Violet whimpered, her body trembling as the ice circled her nipple, the cold making her skin tingle with overstimulation. Her breath hitched, her hips shifting instinctively as her body ached for more—more heat, more friction, more of everything.

But Xaden wasn't going to let her have it yet.

With a smirk, he pulled the ice away, leaving her nipple hard and aching in its absence as he reached for the candle instead. "Now, let's see how you handle the heat."

Violet's eyes widened slightly as she watched him light the candle, the flickering flame casting a warm, golden glow over his features. Her breath quickened, her heart racing as she imagined the sensation of hot wax dripping onto her already sensitive skin.

Xaden held the candle above her, his eyes gleaming with dark intent as he tilted it slightly, letting the first drop of wax fall.

It landed on her stomach, just above her navel, and Violet gasped, her body jerking in response to the sudden, searing heat. The contrast between the cold of the ice and the heat of the wax was overwhelming, her body struggling to process the extremes of sensation as she writhed beneath him.

"Easy," Xaden murmured, his voice low and soothing as he placed his free hand on her thigh, holding her still. "You're doing so well."

Another drop of wax fell, this time on her breast, right where the ice had just been, and Violet let out a soft moan, her body trembling as the heat sank into her skin, mixing with the lingering cold to create a sensation that was almost too much to bear.

Xaden's smirk deepened, clearly pleased with her reaction as he continued to drip the wax onto her skin, each drop sending a fresh wave of sensation through her. The heat burned for only a moment before cooling, leaving her skin tingling and oversensitive, her body alive with the contrast of temperatures.

"Look at you," Xaden whispered, his voice filled with satisfaction as he watched her squirm beneath him, her body trembling with the intensity of the moment. "You're already falling apart for me."

Violet whimpered as the sensation of the hot wax and the cold ice sent her mind spiraling. Her body was caught in the tension between pleasure and pain, the extremes of temperature pushing her to her limits as Xaden continued.

The next drop of wax fell directly on her nipple, and Violet cried out, her body arching off the bed as the heat seared into her skin, the sharp contrast between the cold and heat making her entire body throb with need. "Xaden, please…" she gasped, her voice trembling as her hips shifted restlessly, her body aching for release.

But Xaden wasn't done with her yet.

He reached for another piece of ice, pressing it against her other nipple, the cold biting into her already sensitive skin as he trailed it down her chest, over the path the wax had left behind. The cold soothed the heat of the wax, but the contrast between the two sensations was maddening, making Violet squirm beneath him as she struggled to process the intensity of it all.

"You want more, don't you?" Xaden growled softly, his voice thick with command as he moved the ice lower, over her abdomen, teasing the sensitive skin just above her hips. "I can see it in the way your body reacts. You're aching for it."

Violet let out a soft, breathless moan, her body trembling as the ice moved lower, teasing the inside of her thigh. "Yes," she whimpered, her voice barely more than a whisper. "Please… I need it…"

Xaden's smirk deepened, his eyes dark with satisfaction as he leaned down, his breath hot against her ear. "You'll get what you need," he murmured, his voice full of dark promise. "But only when I decide."

With that, he pressed the ice directly against her clit.

Violet cried out, her body arching off the bed as the freezing cold sent a jolt of pleasure and pain racing through her, the sensation so intense it was almost unbearable. Her hands strained against the silk bindings, her hips lifting instinctively as she chased the sensation, her body desperate for more.

Xaden's fingers replaced the ice, his thumb brushing over her clit with hard pressure as he continued to work her over.

"You're mine tonight," he growled softly, his voice low and commanding as he pressed the ice against her entrance, the cold sending another shockwave of sensation through her. "And I'm going to make sure you remember that."

Violet's body arched off the bed as the ice touched her entrance, the freezing sensation sending shockwaves through her core. Her breath caught in her throat, and she let out a desperate moan, her hips bucking as the cold bite of the ice warred with the heat still burning on her skin from the wax.

Xaden's fingers traced figure eight patterns over her clit, the roughness of his thumb pressing down just enough to make her writhe beneath him. The contrast between the sharp cold of the ice and the searing heat of his touch had her on the edge of sanity, her body barely able to process the overwhelming sensations coursing through her.

"You're so responsive," Xaden murmured, his voice low and thick with satisfaction as he leaned over her, his breath hot against her neck. "I love watching you like this—torn between pain and pleasure, between cold and heat. I can see how much you're craving it."

Violet whimpered, her body trembling with the intensity of the moment. Every nerve in her body was alive, heightened by the sharp contrasts, her skin tingling with the remnants of both fire and ice. "Xaden, please..." she gasped, her voice strained with need, her hands pulling at the silk ties above her head. "I can't take much more..."

He smirked at her, his dark eyes gleaming with a mix of power and affection as he slid the ice lower, teasing her entrance. "Oh, you can take more, Violet," Xaden growled softly, his thumb pressing harder against her clit as he worked her over with merciless precision. "You'll take everything I give you, won't you?"

Violet let out a breathless moan, her body quivering beneath him as the coldness of the ice sent pulses of sensation through her. She was so close—so close to falling apart completely—and yet Xaden was still holding her back, teasing her with every touch, every contrast between the ice and fire that was driving her to the edge of madness.

"Yes..." she gasped, her voice barely more than a whisper as she felt her control slipping. "I'll take it all. Please, Xaden... I need—"

Her words were cut off by a sharp intake of breath as Xaden pressed the ice deeper inside her, the freezing sensation sending a jolt of both pleasure and pain through her core. The contrast between the cold inside her and the heat radiating from the wax that still clung to her skin made her head spin, her body caught in a whirlwind of sensation.

"That's it," Xaden growled, his voice thick with satisfaction as his fingers continued their relentless assault on her clit, his thumb moving in rough, deliberate circles. "I want you to feel everything. The cold, the heat, the pleasure. I want you to be on the edge until you can't take it anymore."

Violet's body trembled beneath him, her breath coming in short bursts as she teetered on the brink of release. Her muscles were coiled tight, her core pulsing with need, and the sensation of the ice inside her mixed with the heat of his touch had her on the verge of losing control.

"Xaden, please..." she whimpered, her voice breaking as she struggled to hold herself together. "I'm so close..."

Xaden's smirk deepened, his dark eyes filled with amusement as he leaned down to press a soft kiss to her lips, his thumb still moving over her clit with merciless precision. "You'll come when I decide you're ready," he murmured against her lips, his voice filled with command. "Not a moment before."

Violet let out a desperate moan, her body trembling with the effort of holding herself back, her muscles straining as she fought to stay in control. The ice inside her was melting, the coldness mixing with the heat of her arousal, sending shivers of sensation through her that made her feel like she was on fire and freezing at the same time.

"Please..." she gasped, her hips lifting off the bed as she chased the sensation, her body aching for release. "I can't hold it..."

Xaden's growl deepened, his hand moving faster, rougher, as his fingers worked her clit with relentless force. "You're going to come, Violet," he growled softly, his voice thick with need. "But you're going to do it when I say. Not before."

His words were a command, and Violet's body responded to him instinctively, trembling beneath his touch as the pleasure built higher and higher, the tension coiling tighter inside her until it felt like she might shatter. The coldness of the ice was almost gone now, leaving her body throbbing with heat, the contrast between the fire and ice amplifying every sensation until it was almost too much to bear.

"Now," Xaden growled, his voice low and rough as he pressed harder against her clit, his fingers moving with brutal precision. "Come for me, Violet. I want to feel you fall apart."

That was all it took.

Violet's body tensed, her back arching off the bed as the orgasm tore through her, more intense than anything she had ever felt before. She cried out, her hands pulling at the silk ties as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her, her muscles trembling with the force of it. Her body was on fire, every nerve alight with sensation, the combination of the heat and cold pushing her over the edge into a state of pure ecstasy.

Xaden didn't stop. His fingers continued to move, drawing out every last drop of pleasure from her trembling body as he watched her fall apart beneath him, his eyes dark with satisfaction. The heat of his touch, the remnants of the cold, and the overwhelming intensity of her release left her gasping for breath, her body still trembling as the aftershocks rippled through her.

When her release finally began to subside, Xaden slowed his movements, his hand still resting between her legs as he leaned down to press a soft kiss to her lips, his voice filled with warmth and pride. "You did so well,"