Chapter 21

[ Quote : "No man is good by chance. Virtue is something which must be learned."]

Chapter 21 : secret

The heated fear lingering in the air was softened somewhat, but Ryoung's group members were tensed more than before.

They all know their liege so much, that his one reaction can let them know that something was wrong there.

The one giving the reports stopped talking and began to wait for their liege's punishment.

While they didn't knew the reson for his squinting eyes, they probably know that something was wrong with the things happening.

Ryoung didn't bestowed the said punishment as they had expected but raised his head and said with a calm demeanor,

"Stop hiding and come out !"

His chilling voice was not cold this time, he seemed to spoke in a nuetral tone rather than his usual cold tone.

All of his members were throughly panicked about their liege's mental health, but suddenly the one infront kneeling realized something.

"Looks like some one was watching us while hiding !"

Whispered with her comrades, After some silence a dark shillouette started appearing in their field of view.

They watched with curiosity in their eyes, especially the no.1 subordinate of Ryoung was feeling a ting of complex emotions in her heart.

The reason being is the shillouette was a girl, a beautiful girl, with blue eyes and black hairs, she looked like a well crafted sculpture.

Seeing her, Ryoung was not surprised nor angry for spying on them, he was just surprised on why should she will reveal her real face.

Nevertheless she came walking slowly towards Ryoung,

"Sorry i didn't mean to do that !"

Said Mun ku with a apologetic look on her face, well Ryoung was not angry on her spying.

But her little secret of pretending to being a boy in a girl's body was revealed now, so he wondered the reason of her doing it.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here !"

Asked Ryoung in a cold demeanor but his voice was like a melody, it was another thing that he didn't noticed it till now, but all of his group members were very surprised today.

Well they were shocked with their liege's sweet voice, while they have always known him for his cold demeanor.

"Well.....i wanted to pay the price for your help ."

She said while hesitating somewhat, Ryoung began to think about her words, what can she do to help him.

Then he realized that his group members has not anwered his question about the yellow tag being lost or not.

Ryoung turned his head towards his group and said,

"What happened to the yellow tag."

Seeing the topic of yellow tag coming some of them were so scared of saying anything that they buried their head in ground.

Obviously not in real sense but they knelt with their heads on ground,

"So you have lost it ?"

Asked Ryoung, and one of them nodded. Ryoung sighed and began to converse with Mun ku.

"well what can you do to help me !"

Asked Ryoung, she seemed to be in a dazed expression but after hearing his question she instantly showed a yellow tag.

"Thanks to you, i preserved it from cheon yuchan."

Ryoung looked at the yellow tag in her hands, he nodded and gestured his team members to disperse.

"Return to your dorms today, and continue your routine from before after waking up Tomorrow !"

They bowed their heads and began to return to their dorms, all of them has a sad face, some were sad because they disappointed their liege, while one was because of the complexity of emotions bringing the turmoil in her heart.

After they all dispersed Ryoung gestured her to sit, where to sit ?

Well he jumped and sat on the branch of the oak tree, near that they were standing.

She also followed the suit and jumped up, sitting comfortably there Ryoung asked,

"I never saved you, nor i know you so who are you ?"

Listening to his question Mun ku was not surprised in least, contrary to being surprised she has expected him to ask this question.

"Well i have a long story for that, will you listen to it ?

She asked another question instead of answering him, Ryoung knew that she has a twin brother with brain problem, but he didn't knew her background so much.

The reason being is not that he was not a fan of nano machine, but he never noticed it, he was throughly enjoying the journey of cheon yeo woon to notice anything extra.

Ryoung has no reason to listen to her story, but his heart was not stable today after seeing her.

"Sure, why not. I can Listening to it !"

Replied Ryoung with a hint of curiosity in his eyes, that he didn't noticed.

Mun ku was happy after knowing that she can share her burden to someone, well misunderstandings can be sometimes fatal.

Next second she began to speak everything about her, this everything doesn't includes her routine or something like that, but it was her backstory of why she was disguised as boy.

For the next 15 or so minutes only her voice was coming from their sitting place. Ryoung was listening silently without interfering in it.

And after those 15 minutes she stopped speaking, while her head was down staring at the ground while thinking something.

'So she is also shackled with six clans, man they are throughly getting annoying.'

Thought Ryoung while thinking about her life, the things he understand were like a well crafted story from his past life's authors.

After her mom got pregnant with twins, her father has moved to the battlefield between evil forces and the Heavenly Demon Divine Cult.

He was sent there as a commander, so the heavy burden resulted in his death, unfortunately only he died at that day.

'The main thing is not only he died, he died alone among the six clans and prominent families !'

Thought Ryoung, and after the news of his death came, her mother became sad and drowned in the sea of grief.

And at the same time thier birth period came, and during the birht period her mother's situation was not okay.

She ended up dying only after giving birth to her, her grandfather has named her Mun ku.

From the connection of her grandfather, lord of the cult has sent his personal physician to do something.

After trying many things, the doctor was only able to save the child, it was a boy.

But his condition was not well, his brain got damaged in birth period.

So to cover him, she travel everywhere as him while disguised.

'It's truly tough to live here, i wonder if i can survive in this cruel world, the selfishness is not only in cult, but everywhere in murim !'

Thought Ryoung, a seed of unfamiliar yet familiar emotion's seed was planting in his entire being.

[Chapter end]

[A/N : Today was my last day in nepal, tomorrow evening I'll be in my home country, pray that i reach there safely.

Thanks for reading. If you like it then add it to your library. Bye 👋 ]